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This one is for theorycrafters only for the reasons I'll explain.

I was sent the following interesting post via youtube:

Advanced method explained: I can tell you how you can fly around. Its a glitch that involves dual passenger mount, and another player. 

Player with dual passenger mount, dies from fall dmg, and after you get falling down animation,  and inevitably die. You click release and instant alt + f4.  When you come back to game, you mount your dual passenger mount and don't move. Other player jumps on your mount.  

Now, person with dual passenger mount can move around freely, but what actually happens on passenger screens, and everyone other screen is different story, its "Second world". And now, when person whose mount is, starts to move, you start flying around as a passenger, going trough walls and everything. Yes, you can get to GM island with this method.  You are welcome. Oh, and to actually physically get to the desired place, enter battleground as passenger, and you will persist in the real world on the location you were in, in the second world.

This would be an amazing exploit but for one thing: I can't actually get it to work. It is very similar to pre-existing phasing exploits so my guess it is a viable exploit with sensitive timing issues. 

I'll delete this if necessary* but I have a weird hunch someone will be able to develop this into something.

*I'm not going to make a habit of posting things I haven't verified but I thought in this very specific situation it was worth sharing.



Cannot get it to work. I turn into nightwing. Jump off building. Die. Instantly alt+f4 after a press release. I go back to corpse. Resurrect. Mount on my nightwing. Have friend hop onto me? Also tried mounting them, they jump off, I release+altf4, revive, mount as dragon with ride along, they hop on, nothing happens. Maybe I'm not understanding the exploit.

Adam Perez

I believe the glitch is die to a deathline, not fall damage