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EDIT: This has survived into the new patch. 

There have been a number of bug reports in the last few days of Paladin's One-shotting people in arena. The reports state that players were hit for over 200k by the Paladin's "Recompense",


ability at the start of the match. This seems to make no sense as Recompense is a by-product of "Blessing Of Sacrifice" 


The reports do not explain how the exploit works. However I managed to reverse engineer it from combat logs. 

The basis of the exploit is this:  when blessing of sacrifice is cast on a party or raid member and expires, the Paladin receives a buff with a 12-second countdown implying that there is limited time for a judgement to be cast with a bonus for the amount of damage sacrifice absorbed. 

In fact the countdown on the buff is meaningless. The buff disappears but the damage bonus from recompense is still active and shows up in damage logs long after the visual buff has faded. 

The damage bonus has no time limit I have discovered. Moreover, and I must stress how unusual this is and how important it is, it appears to survive a port.  

How might we use this? Here is a simple method:

1. Set up a situation where a paladin and a partner of any class in close proximity.

2. The partner receives high damage from an npc or other player. 

3. The paladin casts blessing of sacrifice (remember that Recompense must be talented) on the player receiving damage.

4. He then takes the stored damage from sacrifice and takes it somewhere where it will be useful (eg arena). 

Now there is a limit of 30% of the player's maximum health on recompense: how exactly players may be getting round this stipulation is not clear: there are many ways to raise your maximum health.

 You can just simply raise your maximum health with consumables, buffs and trinkets (my recent monk one-shot video contains some tips on this).

 It can also be done with health increasing buffs from specific instances or open world locations (Matty makes an interesting suggestion about the health buffs from Cobalt Assembly in the comments below.)

Hopefully this article will be updated when I discover that limit....however this is a very time-limited opportunity so I would do this now if you intend to.

Be aware getting one-shot for hundreds of thousands of damage really annoys players and is likely to trigger reports. 



So this is a one time use Judgement? Do the Setup outside arenas, with no time limit because the buff is bugged. you go into arena, pop all your cds and judge them for the first time for massive dmg? or does it bug making Judgement OP for the whole match?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

One-time only. That should be enough if you set it up right. It is not that uncommon for palas to one-shot people without any exploits so it should be fairly easy with the extra damage.