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This is a preview of my forthcoming raw gold guide for youtube. Normally I do not consider raw gold farming to be patreon-level content unless I come across a method with unusually high gold returns, but due to repeated requests from patreons I have decided to publish a preview here. 


By being very selective and only doing the very best world quests in the list assembled here and stacking callings we can DRAMATICALLY increase raw gold per hour returns.

In Shadowlands apart from very occasional and temporary dupes the best source of raw gold is from callings. Callings require the player to complete a number of world quests and/or kill rares and loot treasures. The callings themselves award around 2K gold with additional loot from the world quests and treasures.

The trick (and it is a trick not an exploit) is that many of the world quests have multiple layers and are individually not worth doing. My approach is to do only world quests that are not time-consuming. This list I assembled I find invaluable:

1st Tier World Quests


Valinor The Light Of Aeons

Flight School Flapping Frenzy 

Flight School Up And Away 

Air Supremacy 

Limbo 1

A Steward For Every Occasion wow 

March Of The Eternal Protector

We'll Make An Aspirant Out Of You Yet 2:30


Parasol Peril Easiest Quest In Game

Nurgash Muckformed 

Light Defense 

Aid From Above


Just Winging It 

Amateur Night 

Forged In Secret 


Spore Losers

2nd Tier World Quests


Drust Between You And Me 

Wrath Of Aliothe 

Rotbriar Trouble  

Our Heart Will Go On 

Pupa Trooper 


Allay Their Fears 

Draught Conditions 

Let's Get Ready To Humble 

Gateways Of Horror 

Soaring Over Bastion 


Retaiming The Court 

A Stolen Stone Fiend 

Banewood Wildlife 

Battered And Bruised 

Strength Of Sinfall 


The Spider On The Wall 

A Few Bumps Along The Way 

A Bombing Run 

How To Use The List

How do you use this list? Either open your in-world map or go to (EU)



or in the US


(The web option is better because it allows you to access all the world quests on a single

page without having to load different maps. )

Now scan the world quests to see if your relevant callings to see if you have any 1st or second 2nd tier callings. A generic rule is that you want ideally two 1st tier quests with at least one 2nd tier quest. Two 2nd tier quests is acceptable though.  

You can adjust these rules if there is a significant gold reward, you have excellent gear, you are playing a class with high mobility (eg demon hunter + Night Fae soulshape). Most of the 1st tier quests are vehicle quests, 2nd tier quests generally require mob kills-a player with poor gear should avoid 2nd tier if possible whereas a player with excellent gear may find some 2nd tier quests faster than some of the first tier.

Finally it is VERY desirable to stack callings with the same objectives. For example, A Call To Ardenweald and Defending Ardenweald both gain completion percentages from the same world quest. 

There is a trade-off here: the less hours you put in on world quests the higher your gold per hour. You want to eliminate any unprofitable world quests because you can almost certainly do something more valuable with your time than doing poorly designed quests.

To save even more time I would consider memorizing the list: use the "memory palace" technique ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci ) to create a vivid personal story between the world quests to make them easy to remember. 

Travel Between Zones

It is essential to take engineering. This is because this item: https://www.wowhead.com/item=172924/wormhole-generator-shadowlands

cuts down on travel time between zones, making for roughly 100% faster calling completions (yes that is how much time you waste flying between zones). The item is available from Shadowlands engineering level 1.

The item has a 15 minute cooldown. There is an exploit here: joining an arena skirmish resets the cooldown. 


Mark Robinson

1000 anima quest hands out 1600g at full renown


so thats 20k gold per day?


hey ur not answering to my dms. and btw 20k per hour is too little for my white privileges lol

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

It is more than 20k an hour with alts, using the exploits on here it could be 80-100K but there's a lot of optimization. I just got the one dm from you about the rogue one-shot thing today-not sure what you are after there, there are mainstream channels which tend to cover that sort of thing I only do that when there's an exploit. Every oneshot is essentially just a castsequence macro containing your cooldowns/special abilities-for most classes you can just google "name of class one-shot macro" and something pops up from a class specialist.