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This is a list of interesting exploits which are individually too niche to have standalone articles written on them but are definitely of interest to some players. It seems that Patreons are happiest when I publish these types of exploits in list form, as it avoids me "spamming" Patreons with too many exploits, and there is usually something of interest in the list for everyone. 

Powerful Elites To Fight For You In The Maw

A Patreon writes:

"Maw quest 'Feed Your Soul' during the Night Fae invasion seems to be bugged. Once you finish the quest and your vengeful soul is pumped up, it will keep  aggro on 600k+ rare elites in the maw and they fail to execute any casted/channeled spells or attacks. Or any attacks aside from auto attacks, really, and they only focus on the soul."

Another Patreon kindly added this similar technique:

"During the 4th Campaign mission for Chains of Dominion (I'm Night Fae, don't think it makes a difference) you have to complete several quests in Desmotaeron in the Maw. This is where some of the toughest elites hand out, including world bosses.

The thing is, if you dont complete the missions, you get to keep your party members, namley Thrall and Draka. From what i can tell, thrall will taunt any mob you attack, and draka will heal you no matter what. Now im pretty sure this is a little overpowered because, well thier both immortal.

No im not kidding you lol, you can farm stygia, those cool rings for the mount, even do some serious damage to the world boss. 

I recorded a video for you, the link is below, of it all in action.

As you can see, their DPS well outdoes mine by a large magnatude

Video Link:  youtu.be/0hKIq3Lo-hM


Archvaldor note: These quest companions make a significant difference to farming speed in the relevant area, more so than with most similar types of quest mob companions. 

World Buff Usable In Mythic+/Raids

A Patreon writes:

I may have found something that gives you a little advantage in m+ and raid at least. Venthyr Theotar tree got the mad duke's tea that gives you 3% main stat or any secondary stats. At the start of this week I found out that you can use it as nadjia as well but it seems very bugged when using it as not theotar. Sometimes the buff stays for the full duration of 4h and sometimes it vanishes after couple of seconds or minutes. This is possibly going to get fixed at some point but I have not seen anyone saying anything about it yet so might as well keep using it long as it works.

Free Teleport In Twilight Highlands

The Alliance Twilight Highlands quest:


has an unusual property when shared. It will transport the player to a ship next to the alliance keep in the Twilight Highlands . The player wlll be teleported, even through entire zones (it works as far away as Dun Morogh). Why is this useful? Primarily for gathering-increasing the gold per hour from harvesting nodes in this zone, also for increasing xp when using gathering to level. 

You frequently have scenarios when gathering when you have mined/gathered all nodes in one area of a zone and would benefit from teleporting across it to an area rich in un-gathered nodes.

You can do this with only one paid account, having a starter edition account character share this quest on a second client after forming a group with your leveling character on your main account. 

Here's another fun property of this glitch: if you share a quest with a player on a flight path taxi, they will be transported to the ship-if this player then abandons the quest they will no-clip their way to their original locations through mountains/scenery. 

PVP Glitches

Take Flag Out Of Bounds In Warsong Gulch 

I found an obscure video which shows how to take the flag out of bounds in Warsong Gulch:


This video is for demon hunters, however it is possible for other classes to get to this location, and indeed all classes can use the Necronom-i-nom toy and a goblin glider to reach this location. 

This is the first time I have seen a public out-of-bounds method for the revamped Warsong Gulch.

One-Shot Multiple Players In Ashran (Advanced Technique)

This one is quite tricky to pull off but is very spectacular when it works. In the molten quarry area of Ashran, the Goren area to the right of the Alliance base, there are numerous "power geodes". These balls of light give you a boost of 100% to damage for 20 seconds when you attack them. 

If you use the item "scroll of town portal", an item found in the dungeon of your faction base which teleports you to your faction base, and use an instant cast ability you'll find that you are transported back to your base and about 10-15 seconds later you will be hit by the geode's power ability. If your faction's base is under attack you can do enormous damage. I was able to cast chaos bolts upwards of 40K damage using this technique and stacking damage boosts-three of which could easily wipe out any number of players caught in bane of havoc.

This is only recommended for veteran exploiters as it requires a lot of things to go right and some skill: however when it works the payoff is very spectacular as you can effectively solo an entire team in seconds. 

Weekly Brawl Glitch

The current pvp brawl is "Gravity Lapse", a version of Eye Of The Storm where players are periodically hurled into the air and back down again. 

There is a simple way to get an advantage in this battleground-logging out prevents the player being thrown into the sky. This enables me to get a cap right at the start gliding down to the flag, hitting a /logout macro as I reach the flag, and then picking it up as everyone else is in the sky.  The macro is also useful for taking bases and has other situational uses.



Just wanted to mention that the Feed Your Soul exploit seems to have been reduced in efficacy as of today on NA servers (August 11). The NPC seems to be more vulnerable to damage and takes much longer to respawn when killed. May just be me, may be a fix/scaling adjustment.


Whats a good way to power level 10-30? Trying to read the old exploits but aren't sure which are still working and appropriate for that level range.