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I was experimenting with twinking through Island Expeditions in Boralus Harbour* and discovered something weird while trying to solo one: Island Expeditions have a loss condition. Moreover, this loss condition has a weird bonus: you actually get a decent amount of xp for losing. 

I tested this multiple times and discovered you can simply afk through every island expedition

The experience from a losing island expedition is not spectacular: from 23-24 I got half a level, which took half an hour. However if you use two of your other characters, for example with multi-accounting, each will gain xp. This is an excellent option for former multi-boxers.

You will need to que with two other players. You can use starter edition accounts if you do not have more than one paid account (ie what used to be called free trial accounts) - however since these cannot be levelled past 20, this diminishes the batching gains from leveling multiple characters at once. 

I tried to experiment with heroic and mythic island expeditions: these should provide better experience as you should be able to lose them faster. However, attempts to run these using various combinations of characters were unsuccessful, without any adequate explanation: it seems this aspect of the game is broken for now. 

To summarize there are two approaches when doing this:

1. Set up two starter edition accounts and level two characters to 10+ then que them with a character on your main account that you want to level. You can then just afk level them while doing something else altogether on your computer, checking every once in a while for disconnections. 

2 For multi-account holders level 3 different characters at the same time.  

To access island expeditions you only need to gain access to Boralus having leveled a character to 10, and followed the breadcrumb quest in Stormwind Keep, then accessing the island expedition table in Boralus Harbour.

Here is an anti-afk macro to stop your characters being logged out: /run local f=CreateFrame("Frame")f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_CAMPING")f:SetScript("OnEvent", function() local p=StaticPopup_Visible("CAMP")_G[p.."Button1"]:Click()end)

* This is very fast when done with multiple twinks, possibly one of the fastest ways of leveling. It is not viable solo.



possible over lvl 51?

Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Yes but the xp gets into serious diminshing returns, so I wouldn't recommend it for any one who isn't a hardcore botter. I tried a lvl 50 priest and I think he didn't even get a full bar.


Chances of getting banned using this method? I have to lvl like 40 characters on 2 accs so the abuse is gonna be real. Also how legit is the afk macro, baneable? Thx in advance.