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(This is a completely re-written article which was originally published here during bfa :https://www.patreon.com/posts/33825367 as many details and numbers changed. Note this trick is much more useful in Shadowlands due to the importance of honor for getting gear in Shadowlands)

This trick will allow you to be the strongest player in any battleground below level 60 regardless of ilvl. 

Since party sync was introduced in Battle For Azeroth it has been possible to group a high-level partner with a low-level partner and que for low-level battlegrounds. *

Since the high-level player's gear is scaled down and higher level abilities are removed, no advantage should accrue to the high-level player. In theory. In practice because the level 60's gear is scaled down to the highest level of the lower bracket, you have an enormous advantage over other players.

There are a number of ways to do this to gain an advantage. :

1. Group a level 51+ (NOT 50 the scaling messes up). player with a level 60 player. Que for battlegrounds. The level 51+ character does not have to enter the battleground. 

2. Group a level 41+ player with a level 60 

3. Group a level 11+ player with a level 60. (This option does not require a partner or second account)

4. Group a leveling 50+ character with a level 41+ player. Or any combination of players both below 60.

The first option scales all the level 60's gear down to 129, the best possible ilvl for most gear. Most players you will face have much lower average ilvl than this. So even with poor shadowlands gear you will be doing more damage/healing than any one else in the battleground. In theory this should provide the biggest advantage to the player. 

However the second option, the 40-50 bracket, is a good alternative, since the 50-59 bracket scales down the  heart of azeroth necklace from BFA and the legendary cloak for level 60 players, but can exceed 129 for leveling players. 

The third option is very good for players who don't have access to a partner or a second paid account since you can que with a starter edition level 11+ character.  Note that the 10-20 bracket will contain players who mostly do not have full gear sets. 

The fourth option is a good one for leveling players who like to do bg's. Battlegrounds may or may not be a good way to level for your bracket but doing scaled down battlegrounds is much more efficient than normal level battlegrounds. 

The reasons you might want to do this:

1. VERY fast honor. 

2. Gold-you get crates of battlefield goods, potions, marks of honor - which can be exchanged for weapons/armor you can vendor. Honor itself can be used to purchase yet more marks of honor or maximum level gear (this is a GREAT way to get geared up at 60).

3. To gain experience and level up.

4. To simple enjoy being massively over-powered in battlegrounds.

Note this method is much faster than grinding honor in maximum-level battlegrounds with the exception of the bonuses that come from the first win of the day in epic and random bg's.

* You do not have to turn on party sync.


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