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The following is the optimal strategy for skinning mobs in the Ruby Sanctum instance at the bottom of Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight, Northrend. 

The first part of the strategy is the traditional strategy recommended by gold farming youtubers. Simply gather up all the trash by running around the instance while mounted, kill and skin everything except the bosses. Leave the instance and reset, then repeat. Do this 4-5 times. 

This traditional method is time efficient but you hit instance lockout very fast. 

The second part of the strategy involves an exploit and is a little more involved. 

In the instance there are roaming packs of Charscale Assaulters and Charscale Invokers. If you kill some, but not all of the mobs, and then drop combat, the mobs you killed will re-spawn. 

Players can kill all but one of the mobs in the pack, drop combat, skin the dead mobs, then repeat. If your class does not have a method to drop combat, then you can simply run out of the instance portal. The best class to do this with is a hunter because of their feign death/play dead abilities, however all classes can do this farms, its just slightly faster with a hunter.

If you keep killing the same mobs then after 5-7 kills they will stop dropping loot. You then move on to the next pack. You keep doing this till you have exhausted all the mobs in the instance, leave the instance and reset it and repeat. 

You are doing all this mainly to receive borean leather. Traditionally this has been a profitable farm in terms of gold per hour but the leather can take a week or more to sell which made it relatively niche.

However, in Shadowlands borean leather can be used with an item called "Relics Of The Past" to craft items with a decent vendor raw gold value. Because of this the price of borean leather is increasingly significantly. This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAz9zcW50NU, which uses the old and inefficient traditional method, suggests 40,000 gold per hour is the value of this farm. (Be aware that there may be gold inflation in SL)

That's a little speculative at the moment, but given the rise on many realms for these mats, then using the optimized method I present here it doesn't seem too implausible. I would recommend checking your auction house first though, unless you simply plan to vendor shuffle the leather. 

For any one with an interest in raw gold in Shadowlands I would strongly recommend this video by Samadan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHAVzdJba_o , which explains the relic raw gold shuffle very clearly. 

Patreons should be aware that relics of the past will greatly increased the value of this patreon archive. Unless something changes radically between now and Shadowlands many of the glitch farming methods I have developed for legacy content have been transformed into very good raw gold farms. Most of this content is exclusive to this Patreon archive. 

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Blizzard have today made changes to Shadowlands Beta which have essentially eliminated vendor gold strategies involving relics of the past. This is still a good glitch farm, but you will not be able to shuffle the borean leather into vendor items and sell them for raw gold.


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