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Recently on youtube I published a video on how to farm trash in Siege Of Orgrimmar. You simply completed the raid up to underhold where you reached the orcs in the Underhold. You did this on all 3 wings of difficulty, normal, heroic and mythic. Then you can clear the trash for 750 gold on all 3 wings, leave the instance, wait half an hour, and the trash would reset. 

A gentleman called Zurvan came up with an improved suggestion , which allows you to do this farm for longer and avoid the 30 minute instance reset. Here are all the steps.

1. As before, kill all bosses and trash up to the Underhold.

2. Form a group using pre-made group finder (no one needs to be in this group but you).

3. Leave the group you just formed.

4. Kill underhold trash in the two ground level chambers, don't climb the stairs, loot.

5. Get ported out.

6. Form another group.

7 Re-enter instance, repeat 3-6 till you hit instance lockout.

Using Zurvan's method you can make around 2500 gold in as little as 10 minutes (it will generally be slightly more than this due to loading screens etc). This is more raw gold than anything else than can be done repeatedly for 10 minutes. Of course, you will need to have something to do in the interim in the open world or offline for the remainder of the hour since you hit instance lockout. 

Zurvan's method can be used to farm any part of a raid instance you may be ported to after killing specific bosses and re-entering. There will be other applications for this method yet to be discovered.


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