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A good simple way to make gold in 8.3 is to farm rares in the *old version of Vale Of Eternal Blossoms. These used to be farmed heavily but with the phasing that happened after the invasion of the black empire comparatively few players can be found here, and the rare drops can be quite lucrative.  This approach is summarized in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmppyJkNAzA 

Now there is a mysterious rare that will appear on your map if you go to these co-ordinates: 27.0, 13.6 . The rare is named Gochao The Iron Fist. Gochao is located behind a wall of rocks. These rocks were originally cleared by using explosives from a quest in earlier patches of Mists of Pandaria, but this quest was marked obsolete after the destruction of the Vale. Somehow Gochao was left in the cave, inaccessible. 

For a veteran exploiter getting to Gochao is easy. The simplest method all classes can use is to use /tar Gochao and dps him through the wall with a ranged ability (there are other class-related abilities such as blink and displacer beast, chairs/darkmoon seesaw go through...there are many other methods). You do not need to loot him-the loot will appear in your mailbox when you leave the area.

Despite the relative ease with which you can kill Gochao he is always up on every realm I check unless I personally have killed him, even when all other rares in the vale have been recently killed by other players. 

The reason you farm rare mobs in the Vale is mainly because of the Treasures Of The Vale item rare mobs drop, which can itself drop valuable mats like trillium and golden lotus.  The mats from an individual treasure can sell for up to 400-500 gold.

*The "old" version of the Vale is actually the last incarnation of the Vale from Mists Of Pandaria. The even earlier unspoilt version can still be found by explorers in old instances.


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