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I try to restrict my Patreon posts to information relating strictly to Warcraft but there are a number of issues I'd like to discuss briefly.

1. For some reason the Patreon system recently sent an automated message to all of you stating that there were 135 posts on the top tier ($10,000) of this Patreon. I'm not sure where they got the 135 figure from but there are no posts on the top tier of this Patreon. To be very clear, the top tier is a (bad) joke. There is no content anywhere on this Patreon that $10 tier subscribers do not have access too.

I share literally everything I have. The only exceptions would be knowledge which I obtained from people who did not want their discovery to be made public.

2. Welcome to the recent influx of new members. Most of you joined because I briefly hinted publicly about the existence of this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/33595884 .

 I mentioned this article because it is easy to visualize the benefits of one thing rather than lots of things, and it is a very strong play that is personally making me a lot of gold right now. 

BUT it is really important to understand that this patreon contains a huge amount of valuable gold-making info.  Gold-farming and gold-making articles can be viewed here:


and here:


The information contained therein explains dozens of tricks that are not widely known and give you a huge edge over even some of the best gold farmers.

Some of these methods exceed the gold-making power of the anchor weed class trial method-depending on what exactly your criteria is. 

3. This one is a bit sad. Sometimes I have been contacted by Patreons who forgot to cancel their subs and didn't have money for food.  So I sent them refunds and occasionally a little more because I was worried they might not have food. 

Unfortunately I just can't do that any more. It is impossible for me to know whether all cases are genuine (though I suspect most were) and we have too many members now for this to be the unofficial policy, it is just too easy to abuse. It is also unfair to patreons who might have financial difficulties and did not ask for help. So I'm afraid in future unless you have been charged in error there can be no refunds. 

4. The vast majority of feedback I receive is positive. However, the one persistent complaint is that the Patreon is not easy to search. Patreon does not have a search function.  So, for some time I posted a summary of exploits in a detailed post like this one:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/30331521 

The reason I stopped doing this for a while was that while this made it easier for Patreons to find information, it also made it easier for Blizzard. Blizzard do fix things posted here, but their fixes suggest very under-motivated and disinterested individuals have been assigned that task. 

After monitoring Blizzard's actions in responses to my articles here I am confident I can now do summary posts again without making it too easy for Blizzard employees, but also without compromising the value of information for Patreons. The main change will be that I won't always emphasize that something is amazingly game-breaking if that is the case.

5. There have been repeated calls for a discord to be set up. I acknowledge the huge value a discord brings but I haven't created one.

This is because there would be an enormous temptation for me to just sell content back to people. You would not believe how often this happens with discussion forums or discords. I always want to be creating original content for patreons.

Fortunately a Patreon by the name of Daniel has created a discord here:  https://discordapp.com/invite/4dT2jPe , which I believe has 50+ members already.  

To be clear this is an independent discord. I am not a member for the reasons stated above. 


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