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(The following method has not been published anywhere else and should not be confused with any method that is titled in a similar way on ownedcore or youtube. So far as I know I am the only individual who knows about this currently).

I have discovered that you can extend the mini-visions of N'zoth indefinitely. 

To be clear mini visions are distinct from the Horrific Visions, from wowhead: MinI Visions of N'Zoth are a small version of Horrific Visions that players can explore once a day for complimentary rewards to Visions of N'Zoth assaults. They are scenarios with mechanics similar to those of Horrific Visions, including a sanity bar and N'Zoth themed NPCs. 

The method is surprisingly simple. 

Enter the vision, complete it as normal, stay in until you run out of sanity or die, then once you are being evacuated use alt+f4.

(Some players have been trying to use the exit portal. You do not use the exit portal. My apologies for not making this clearer). 

Re-enter the vision. You will now be in a permanently "feared" pose. You can use spells and abilities normally, however if you attack an npc solo they will evade. However if another npc or player, including your pets/minions, is attacking that npc, they will not evade and will take damage from you normally. You can also heal other players. 

When I reenter the vision after dc-ing the first time I do not have any mana on my mage, and my mana does not regenerate at all. When I log-out and re-enter a second time then I usually have enough mana to create mage cookies which can then be eaten repeatedly to regenerate mana indefinitely. This is not a serious issue for a mage but other classes may have problems since the "feared" state seems to stop natural resource generation. I would take consumables with you that can regenerate resources for this reason.

Using this method you can generate infinite amounts of coalescing visions and corrupted mementos. I have heard that people say there is a one hour maximum on visions-however I have not experienced this while using the glitch. The only way to leave is to use a hearth or other port, including the vision entrance/exit portal. 

While in the vision, you are effectively invincible: nothing will attack you directly.

To maximize your returns it would be best to use team play. 


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