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The following article allows you to complete a quest every week in as little as two minutes actual play time with the right set-up, for 500 gold. It can be done once per week per character. There is some set-up required and there is a greater amount of time required which can be spent afk.

Back in Warlords of Draenor there was a mysterious system introduced which few understood and most players never actually experienced. The "endgame" of WOD, aside from raiding, involved the acquisition of "Apexis Crystals" through killing mobs and filling up bars in daily quests. Players were supposed to acquire gear this way, but in practice it was much easier to simply use the Garrison Mission Table to acquire gear, so many players never actually completed a single daily apexis quest.

It turns out that these quests have an interesting further benefit other than the gold and apexis crystals they award. It turns out that a completion of a daily apexis quest, obtainable from your garrison, would trigger a "garrison invasion". 

Garrison invasions were a much-hyped feature of WOD whereby a number of themed enemies from that expansion would attempt to destroy your garrison and you would attempt to stop them with every enemy kill awarding a certain number of points. Your overall points total compromised a score which was then ranked accordingly:

>300 Bronze

>600 Silver

>1000 Gold

>1300 Platinum

Reaching each of these totals would give you a cache with items of increasing value. 

Fast-forward to 2019 and Garrison invasions are still in the game but very easy to complete

To the extent that you don't have to do anything at all to complete the invasion due to broken scaling, and you can make some fast raw gold with very little effort on multiple alts. 

What you do is this:

1) Pick up a daily apexis quest from the central room your garrison hearthstone takes you to. 

2) Complete Quest.

3.) Return to Garrison, after you turn the quest in a garrison invasion quest should be offered from either Sergeant Crowler or Sergeant Grimjaw, depending on your faction. 

4). The guards will be at your level (i.e 120), whereas the invaders are stuck at 100. For this reason you can afk through the whole invasion and finish with platinum rewards every time.

5) Collect your reward, it will be worth 300-400 raw gold with items you can vendor for an additional 50-150 gold. There is also an item which drops which allows you to fight a raid boss and get further items worth just under 100 gold. Overall the value of the invasion is about 500 gold. In addition you have a chance to receive auction house modules-these are worth tens of thousands of gold but sell slowly. You can also get some unique mounts. 

Bear in mind you also receive 60 gold for the initial apexis quest and you receive items such as garrison resources and apexis crystals. These can actually be turned into gold relatively easily but I'll discuss that in a future article. If you are not interested in that I would simply suggest using the garrison resources to buy sumptuous fur and selling these on the ah. I would also claim your garrison cache whilst you are in your garrison.

This can all be done once a week on one character, so you can farm these on alts. I would strongly suggest acquiring a mage tower/spirit lodge so you can teleport to all of the apexis quest locations instantly. 

Done very efficiently this is one of the best possible ways to make raw gold, though it depends greatly on how you view the "afk time" in the garrison.


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