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The following method is technically the most efficient way to make gold for two minutes effort-but can't be used more than once a week and it also requires you to be also something else which does not require you to be in a group. It is a very easy way to make gold and azerite. 

I discovered this during Legion when testing various buffs and other exploits with porting into LFR raid instances. Usually when doing this I port straight out again so I can carry on testing things in-world. What I discovered was that the raid would carry on without me and no one would notice the missing extra man, and I would collect any rewards from running the dungeon automatically.

So, the process is:

1) Join LFR ques for all available raids. 

2) Do something else solo . 

3) When a raid pops enter. Try to use the "teleport out of dungeon" function the second you get in. Now here is the actual exploit-the raid will already be in combat when you arrive and you can't do this-however in a clear oversight Blizzard still allow you to hearth or teleport out any using method (heearthstone, garrison hearthstone, dalaran hearthstone, mage or other class port abilities). 

An alternate method is to prevent the port to the raid taking place in the first place by using a port suppression method. For example whilst on a transport, a ship or a zeppelin, you won't be ported to the raid at all.

4) Continue doing something else. Collect gold at the end of the run automatically without having to return to the raid at any stage. 

5) Repeat. 

Note that you are in a raid group, which means you can't complete any quests and you can't do things like battlegrounds. You can do other things like gold farming, and you can enter instances solo. You can also just go afk and provided you don't actually log-out for an extended period you will collect the gold and artifact power. The ever-useful anti-afk macro here helps with this:

 /run local f=CreateFrame("Frame")f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_CAMPING")f:SetScript("OnEvent", function() local p=StaticPopup_Visible("CAMP")_G[p.."Button1"]:Click()end 

Normally I avoid leeching/anti-social methods but having done this many, many times while testing for other things it is obvious that no one actually cares or even notices. The one exception is that the final raid of an expansion tends to be a bit harder and can cause multiple wipes on LFR, you may wish to avoid queuing for this when it arrives when using this method, but at this moment in time all LFR raids are absurdly easy and do not require 25 players. 

Technically you can keep on doing the same thing for the recurring gold award indefinitely.


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