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The Love Is In The Air festival has started and we have two weeks to make the most of what is effectively a boost to our gold farming. In this article I'll be summarizing the fastest possible method/s to acquire lovely charms. Because people have different goals, this isn't quite as straightforward a question as you might imagine, but I'll try to keep it fairly simple.

Best Location In Open World

The best possible location all things being equal in the open world is the Uninstanced Eye Of Azshara. It is quite possible some patreons have never been there-it is south of Broken Isles Dalaran and can be flown directly to.  In the center of the island are numerous "Saltsea Droplet" mobs which re-spawn very quickly.  

All things being equal 700-800 charms are possible here, more than any other open world location I tested.  But all things are not equal. When I tested this location there were five other farmers there-this before the farm has been widely publicized which it likely will be in the next few days. The location is big enough that I was still able to get a decent number of charms but I doubt that will be the case for long. 

It is also worth mentioning that the additional trash items that drop here are not especially lucrative. 

Best Dungeon For Max Level Players

I tested the Seat Of The Triumvirate dungeon in Argus. I covered the exact approach I used here recently in my youtube "best wow dungeon gold...", essentially you round up all the trash around the first boss, loot, reset, repeat. The charms you get are good here-25 per run. A run can be done in as little as 2 minutes. 

This is actually a faster charm farming rate than the uninstanced Eye Of Azshara but it can only be done 10 times before instance lockout, for an average of 250 charms. There's an additional problem with this dungeon-you need a decent ilvl to do it efficiently, you can actually die here if you aren't fully geared and pull everything. 

If you want to fill in the hour without going too far you can go to the southernmost teleport point in Mac'Aree (where the entrance to the seat is located) where numerous dranei ghosts respawn instantly. You can get roughly 5-7 charms a minute here without much effort. Also, see the section on the Krokuun farm below. 

How To Farm 100 Mobs Using Class Trials

None of the other Legion-era dungeons I tested were competitive with the Seat. To farm even more charms from dungeons we have to go back to Warlords of Draenor-era content. How do we do this?

1. Create a class trial.

2. Wait one day (this is an essential step). 

3. Port out of the introductory scenario. 

4. Click the mission board and select the Jade Forest option. Complete the introductory cinematic quest then the portal to Pandaria should be open. Take the flight path to the Timeless Isle from the Jade Forest. Port to Draenor via the underwater cave in the south of the island. 

5. Fly to dungeon.

6. When you have finished farming turn the charms into bracelets, wrap the charms, send them to an alt. Bear in mind a class trial only lasts 3 hours of play time. Play time can be checked with the chat command /played.

Best Dungeon For Class Trials

Both the Iron Docks and the Everbloom Dungeon in Gorgrond are excellent options, but the Everbloom is faster. You can run all the trash in the first area (roughly speaking all the flowers and the mobs next to them). This video by Jessie Healz has a pretty good route:


This yielded around 50 charms per run for roughly 500 charms before instant lockout taking between 30-40 minutes, making it faster or comparable to the uninstanced Eye farm without any competition issues. Note you can eleven instances before lockout if the eleventh dungeon is unique, so you can get in an extra run at the nearby Iron Docks for another 40-50 charms.

Other Farms (Including Fastest Possible Option)

I tested many other locations, dungeons and raids but most did not seem to be viable, a few points of interest:

-The quest "Full Might Of The Elves" in Suramer causes a large number of 110 mobs to spawn. These mobs drop items and likely will drop charms also.  The quest can be abandoned and restarted causing the mobs to respawn-effectively making it a huge respawn farm. Because the quest is a long way down the lengthy Suramar quest chain I did not consider it to be in Patreon's best interests to devote my time to testing this since I doubt any one would do the Suramar chain solely for this purpose. However, I suspect it is actually the best possible charm farming opportunity in the game currently, so if you are on the latter stages of the Suramar chain it is worth trying.

-The goren cave in Frostfire Ridge has now been completely nerfed. Mobs do not drop charms at all.

-The Nagrand clefthoof farm works well-this is quite a good option if you have a partner as you will need players to force continuous respawns. It is not really viable for a solo farmer.

-Most other Draenor in-world opportunities that were optimal in past years have been nerfed.

Finally, a anonymous kindly sent me the details of an excellent farm in Darkfall Ridge on Krokuun, Argus. I was going to post this yesterday but someone posted it on Ownedcore and I do not like to post any content that is contributed there first. While I found the charm to be slightly lower than the farms I mentioned here, it is worth adding that this is an excellent location for groups, multi-boxing or automation provided there isn't too much competition. 

(This guide took me a while to put together, it is not 3am and there are probably a number of mistakes I haven't caught yet. )


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