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Recently I mentioned briefly a buff in the Twilight Highlands whereby horde "Axebite" mobs outside the alliance fortress of Highbank were using what appeared to be a pre-squish battle shout which buffed attack power by 256. 

This is intellectually interesting, for example it increases the damage of my 87 Death Knight's deathstrike by almost 350%. But, or so I thought, not  the basis of a practical exploit, since it only lasts for 2 minutes. 

It turns out that this isn't the only case of battle shout giving pre-squish attack power. In fact every expansion except the current one has mobs using a similarly op battleshout. 

Not all battleshout buffs seem to be overpowered. The particular incarnation which is broken is this one:


So far as I can tell these mobs are the "only" ones affected. 

If the mob is not of your faction then some form of mind control can be used to acquire the buff.

The exact values seem to scale upward in a linear fashion with level, so for example South Barrens mobs have a battle shout gifting around 100 attack power, Wrath mobs give around 200 and Cataclysm mobs give around 250. 

Now, I thought at first this glitch would have limited utility because of the short buff duration. On reflection there are a number of strategies here:

1) Almost by definition battle shout using mobs are in highly populated areas with multiple hostile mobs. This usually means farming xp is a viable method of levelling-insane dps and large numbers of fast re-spawning mobs. Provided the player remains in the proximity of friendly mobs using the pre-squish battle shout they should have 100% uptime with the buff.

Given the severe nerf to dungeons since patch 7.3.5 and the slow pace of questing at the moment this looks like a viable alternative, especially with automation. 

2. Experimenting with my 76 horde Death Knight in Howling Ford I acquired the battle shout (ap 204) from the "Vengeance Bringer" Forsaken mobs outside Utgarde Keep. I found I could enter the instance with the buff retained and solo the trash relatively easily-this is not normally possible post-7.3.5. 

It occurred to me to use the following scheme: use a high-level monk to pull all trash to the entrance with a statue, have the low-level player leave the group and before they get auto-kicked (a 1 minute countdown begins) have them kill all the trash using the op buff.  I am working on this currently.

3. Similar to 2 but since loot now drops only at the level of the character this can make for some very lucrative gold farming strategies. Normally items will drop with lower levels when LFD groups run them and happen to get lucky-with an op buff a low-level solo player or small team can farm an instance at low-level. 

On a more general note, I find it quite extraordinary that such a widely used NPC buff has not been fixed for over a month. This would suggest that the game was more fundamentally broken by the squish than is generally being acknowledged publicly.


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