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This is the strongest pure damage exploit I've discovered since I started this Patreon,

In Netherstorm, Outland, there are "Sunfury Astromancer" mobs: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=19643/sunfury-astromancer

The mobs have a buff called "Fiery Intellect". The tooltip for this suggests that it increases intellect by 58 and fire spell damage by 111. In fact, when you spellsteal it, it actually increases damage by almost 300%. (There seem to be scaling issues everywhere in the game right now.)

Moreover there are five astromancers in relatively close proximity and each buff stacks. For example my mage's fire blast spell does 3312 damage (actually double this amount since fire blast always crits). With one fiery intellect buff that goes up to 9538. With two it goes up to 25759, with three 70,804 and so on. 

With good  gear the mage's stronger abilities can extend into millions of damage. 

To prevent this type of exploit Blizzard have a crude but effective fail-safe for spellsteal in that no buff, regardless of its original duration, persists for longer than two minutes. Normally this works well but when the damage can be stacked this high it becomes much less important. 

So far I have tested this in battlegrounds-you'd think the two minute duration would be a problem. In fact by burning down the enemy team in the first minute you virtually guarantee a win as several players generally quit at that point. This is some of the most fun I've ever had in game-for example killing 18 players in a few seconds in Isle Of Conquest.

 I tested this in LFR also where it worked well-though be careful since your aggro is off the charts.

For simplicity so far my experiments have been confined to 3 buffs but it is quite possible with a little more patience to kite all the 5 astromancers together. This should trivialize the most difficult raid encounters in the game-I am still experimenting to see if it is actually possible to solo bosses using this method-what is not in doubt is a small dedicated team should be able to kill even mythic bosses without problems quickly unless the mechanics prohibit it.

Kiting Method

To actually get all the buffs at once I use the following strategy:

1. Aggro astromancer. Move a few feet out of range to trigger the astromancer's magical attacks. 

2. If the astromancer's shield is about to expire spellsteal which will cause them to reapply it at full duration.

3. Wait for the astromancer to run out of mana. This causes them to resort to melee attacks which cause fewer leashing problems than range attacks.

4. Move a dozen or so steps towards the next astromancer, then wait for them to melee you once or twice to prevent them leashing. You'll get a feel for how fast you can do this by trial and error.

5. You may wish to kill any non-astromancer mobs you pick up to avoid any confusion.

6. Repeat with second  and all subsequent astromancers. 

7.  Spellsteal all the buffs and port to wherever you wish.

For Battlegrounds Only

Random battlegrounds can be entered for precisely one minute and thirty seconds after popping. This can be counted down with the stopwatch created by the in-game command /timer. I generally spellsteal all the buffs at about one minute and twenty seconds to avoid error. That gives you 30-40 seconds in the bg before it actually starts and a further 20-30 seconds to actually engage the enemy, usually giving you around a minute to kill everything. That's usually enough to win the game.

Sometimes you get put into a bg that's already started in which case you get almost all of the two minute buff duration. 

I would not attempt to spellsteal more than three buffs when doing bg's as it just isn't necessary (everything dies in a few hits) and it is much more time-consuming to kite four or five mobs than three. 

For Players Without Mages

You can try this out with a class trial at 110. In fact this may be a good idea to not draw attention (in pvp anyway) as you can periodically delete class trials removing any trail of evidence.


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