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This bug allows to remove all hostile NPC's and players from the world and restore them at will. This is a very powerful exploit.

For this exploit you'll need an alliance character and to complete the Twilight Highlands quest line up to the quest "Wild, wild Wildhammer wedding". It will take you around an hour to quest that far. Note that the Twighlight Highlands quests have an annoying habit of tailing off without any clear indication where the next one is coming from-if that happens go to a recent quest hub and look around closely-in every case I found an exclamation mark on a mob somewhere I missed.

Having reached the relevant quest, accept it.

1.make a /logout macro and bind a key to it.

2. Make a /run CinematicFrame:Show() macro and bind it.

3 Press the bind key for the second macro, then the first. 

4. click on option "i'll keep my eyes open grundy let the wedding commence"

5. You should now be in the cinematic, with the logout timer counting down.

6.  Wait till you logout. Log back in. 

7. Re-log.

You should now have the buff "wedding phase aura". This removes all players and the vast majority of npc's from the world. This extends to dungeons and raids (though you can't enter any dungeon manually, but can accept ports).

It is not really possible to cover all the potential uses of this method in a single article and I'm not going to try, you've fundamentally changed the world in quite a significant way with this method. 

The most obvious application is to skip through dungeons and/or herb or use other gathering professions/anything profitable without encountering other players. On a more advanced level-you can hide anything you may be doing from public scrutiny with this technique. 

You can simply click on the buff and remove it any time you wish to renter the "normal" world. 

Members are strongly encouraged not to discuss this method outside of Patreon. I have no intention of making this method public so it should remain secret indefinitely.

Shadowlands Update: This does not seem to work in Shadowlands content but is active in all other zones.


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