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As part of the thorough investigation of Outland I'm currently conducting, I ran through Black Temple. 

There are multiple interesting things about Black Temple from an exploit perspective but in this post I'll be discussing the "Reliquary Of The Lost" encounter. This boss fight produces a series of debuff auras, each relative to the "face" you are fighting at the time. Debuffs, unlike buffs, generally persist on your character through teleports, so debuffs with favorable effects are always interesting to exploiters.

The first aura, the "aura of suffering" has no practical use, unless you have some reason to limit your own health regeneration and reduce your armour.

The second aura, "aura of desire" increases healing by 100%. This zones briefly into other instances when teleported for around 5 seconds. This may be of use to healers in special situations, especially when abilities can be extended based on initial heals.

The third aura, "aura of anger", is the most interesting. The striking thing about this aura is that it is a dps buff, that appears to scale infinitely over time. There does seem to be any limit to how high it can go-it was well over 150 times my initial damage when I abandoned the experiment on my priest. There are other debuffs in the game which can produce extremely high dps but none I know of which are truly unlimited.

Now, when you zone with this aura, again it persists for 5 seconds (this is not inclusive of loading screen time), however, the multiplier effect does not zone, so you have a flat 10% damage increase. This is a marginal increase that nonetheless is still useful in similarly marginal situations, especially in shorter duration pve encounters.

There is the possibility of pet using classes who can be dismissed and re-summoned at an opportune moment with the aura allowing for impressive burst dps.

All that said, my primary interest in this is theoretical: if some way emerges to "store" damage and zone/teleport with it then it would be possible to use the aura of anger buff to do one-shot any raid boss in the game. The best example to illustrate this is the "icicles" exploit from Mists Of Pandaria-when mage icicles were first introduced they lasted for thirty seconds and could persist through zones/teleports-if a player found huge dps buff somewhere they could kill anything. Rogues used the "Soul Capacitor" weapon from Hellfire Citadel to do something similar.


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