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Hello my Cool Ghouls,

Wanted to give you an update since I’ve spent about a month of Patreon.

Thank you everyone who’s new around here, your support is greatly appreciated! I’ll be pausing payments for Dec 1, because I don’t want to charge anyone for a month where I didn’t manage to get anything out.

So why haven’t I put out a video in months? There are a couple of good reasons:

1) I’ve been working! Spent the last month in rehearsals for a play which has just now opened. Rehearsals were long days, 6 days a week and I found it tough to focus on content creation in my free time. HOWEVER! Now that the play is opened I have a ton of time off, so this shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

2) The topic I chose to research (why is Bret Weinstein like that?) is really big, and I’ve had to spend a ton of time on research and writing. I’ve JUST finished the script and this will definitely be my longest video.

3) I’m a lazy person! No, you know what? I shouldn’t be so negative about myself. I’m not a lazy person, I’ve just had a bit of trouble with time management lately (lately = my whole life). I want to make high quality videos, and while that takes a lot of time to do it’s also kind of intimidating and I have a habit of putting off large tasks.

I want to encourage myself to get more videos out to you all. In order to get back to a one-video-per-month (including mini-sodes) schedule I’ll be instituting a new policy around here where every month that I can’t get a video out, I’ll post cringe from my past. I’ve got something REAL brutal I can share with you guys in a couple days. Ugh.

Please enjoy this picture of me in my costume for the play I’m in. I’m a jester!



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