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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

Today I want to talk a little bit about the game development and some other extra stuffs that I'm planning.

First of all, I'm almost happy with all drawings that I have at the moment. The customization has changed a lot. All the code structure for char is different now. Now clothes have meaning in game. It express style, value (cost), coverage, erotism and other aspects. Finally it will influence on how you are seen by npcs. I'm doing this in a subtle way so the game doesn't get unplayable. As I was changing the way clothes work in Influencing, I took the opportunity to add something that I found interesting. I once saw a post on f95 from a guy who was trying to create custom clothes for Influencing. So I'm creating a way to add custom clothes direct in game. I'll post more details about it in the future.

I've been thinking about how some genetic traces works in game and something that bothers me a little bit is how the hair works. It was a simple list of hair models that was shared by children and and created a phenomenon of several people with the same hair model within the same family. I've changed the way of how hair genetics works. Now chars can have 4 types of hair genetics. Now it can be straight, wavy, curly or coily. Inside each kind you will be able to choose models. It will open the window for hair salon in a way that makes sense and will fix the genetic problem. In the future, on NPCs generation it will help me on settings as well.

I'm still testing better ways to add memories in game. I'm concerned about the save file size when I release Influencing with unlimited play time. I want to make memories as compact as possible but in a way that can be used for situations that we need in game.

Anyways, I've finally decided (for now) that the next update will be exclusive on Patreon. I've been thinking about it and I have some reasons. With the large amount of changes I've made to the game, the next update will be like a bet. I feel that it's a lot better now, but I want to show it first to people that I know that are really interested in Influencing and adjust it latter for public accordingly with the feedback. I know the long wait is not good for 'numbers', but I'm not really aiming for it at the moment. I'm still building the foundation of the game. And I want to make it solid.

Now, changing subject, Discord and Streams. I'll not even ask if you want a discord for Influencing... I'll create a discord and let you guys know about it soon. But I've been thinking a lot about how much time I spend alone working on Influencing. And some times I need a quick idea or just somebody to talk to about what I'm doing. Anyway, I'm thinking about streaming while I'm working on codes and/or writing scripts for actions in game. I'm not sure if it's interesting enough to keep people with me on a stream. But interact with somebody that is creating a game that you want to play sounds good to me! Beside it, it will be easier to follow up the progress of the game.

And this is where I ask for an opinion. What you guys think? Leave your opinion in the survey below, comment about what you think about it in this post or send me a private message.

Once more, Thank you for the patience and support.

This is it for now. Take care, my friends!



Uh, Uh, Uh! So many questions! :) If clothing finally has some influence on the game, how will you handle clothes with female persons, that show a cameltoe? Do you think that requires some kind of level of naivety or sluttishness? I have so many thoughts about that, that I really want to explore the next release! :) Oh, and I didn't answer to the poll, because I think I will have not enough time to watch your streams, but it could be a cool thing for other people.

Jan Haynes

Hey man fantastic work so far!!! Do you have an estimated time frame for when the next update will be released?

Golden Crow

Hey Jan! I'm planning to release the Patreon's update on the second half of August. And the next public release on first half of October. I still need to change a few things before I get to a good version for release. I know it's not the ideal scenario, but it will be worth the wait.