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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

Let's start presenting to you the results of our latest poll, after rebalance the tier of votes:

As I had explained earlier, the last poll was open to all patrons. That's why so many votes. And then I put the higher value for the higher tiers. The winners are 'Trans x Female', 'Anal Sex' and 'Trans Dom'. I'll think about something really cool to add for sure. I'll not open a new pose poll for the next update because I'm not crazy (lol). I'm already overloaded with drawings for this update.

And speaking of the new update, I'm halfway there. I'm feeling like when I started working on Influencing. But with more experience. I'm 100% at home at the moment. Soon I'll be posting pictures of how it's going in game.

Working on this customization part of the game, a lot of ideas come to mind. And you players ask for a lot of cool things as well. The next poll will give me an idea of ​​what you would like to see added to the game in terms of customization/story. I'm driving Influencing like a 'vanilla' style of game, but adult games can assume a lot of different sides. We can add things like elves, vampires, werewolves, aliens, monsters, etc. The next poll will be about it. What kind of things you want to see in the game. So I can start to plan it.

Good good?!

Thank you a lot for you support!

Take care, my friends!



I wouldn't bother about events like an alien abduction and examination or being a cosplayer, but I don't know if fantasy would give the game the right direction at its current state.


I agree, I think they'd be better of as DLCs, like a Halloween DLC for example.

Juanka Sierra

Hi mr. Crow! How you doing? We are gonna get any update this week? 👉🏻👈🏻😂

Golden Crow

lol I'll give you some news for sure. I'm adding property to clothes! Now npcs will identify if the clothe is formal/informal, erotic, masculine/feminine/neutral the style, etc. I'm really sorry for the long wait for this update, but it is being like a wasp nest. XD I'll post showing the new clothes stuff!