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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

This month my posting frequency dropped, and I want to talk a little about it, in addition to the progress of our game.

But before I start, I want to talk about our last poll! In my distraction I ended up forgetting to define the tiers that could vote, and I ended up leaving it open for everyone. So I'm going to keep this poll open to everyone and I'm going to increase the value of votes per tier just for this poll. Looks like a good solution for my distraction.

Now let's talk about the frequency os posts in this month. 

A few months ago I made an announcement that I would be leaving my job to spend more time at home, due to health issues in my family. Some of you already know what this problem is. I don't really like to talk about it, but whatever. For those who don't know, I'll tell you now. In 2018 my mom found out she had cancer. She had the treatment and everything was fine until the end of last year, when the disease returned. That's when I decided to get away from work to take care of things at home. Earlier this month she was hospitalized due to complications from the treatment. We spent twenty days in the hospital. During this period I didn't have much time to work on drawings for the game. But at least I could take my laptop with me and work a little bit on the adaptations on codes to fit new changes. It actually distracted me quite a bit from the problem. Now we are back home.

I like to send a welcome message to all patrons, but I lost the track of the new ones. So here is my official welcome!

As always, I try to be as transparent as possible with you. Hence this clarification post about the lack of posts, which I really don't like...

For now, we're back to normal programming. I believe I will be able to keep to the deadline I set for myself regarding the next update.

Once more I wanna say Thank you a lot for you support!

Take care, my friends!


Corey Khaal

Thanks for the transparency and I know that's hard from my own experiences. Just want to say love the work you do and wishing you the best!


I think family is more important than this game and even if there are people out there that take that as an excuse for not keeping in touch, I think you did the right thing and I hope you continue to do so.