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Hello my friends. I hope everything is fine with you.

I'm here today to talk about my current situation. Some time ago I made a post talking about the process I was going through, where I was facing my mother's illness. Unfortunately, cancer won. My mom just lost this fucking battle and I'm wasted. I need some time to put everything together and keep going on. In a message in the previous post I said that I was planning to release the next update in the second half of this month, But I have no condition to do it now. I'm really sorry. I have a lot to do, I have a lot to think, a lot of responsibilities that require my attention now. I will take this month to digest what happened and organize myself. I'll be back in the next month stronger, and I promisse we will build this great game we dream of. I hope you understand it and stay in this dream with me.

Once more, Thank you for the patience and support.

This is it for now. Take care, my friends!


Matt Arendt

Take care of yourself first, my condolences