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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

I wish i could write about the next update sooner, BUT...

Windows update just broke my pc. Yeah... A big waste of time trying to fix things up and in the end i used this opportunity to upgrade my PC!

Luckily i'm the crazy guy of backups and almost nothing was lost (nothing at all from influencing. Can't say the same about some personal things -.-").

So let's go back to the point. Influencing.

For the next update i'm working on the career system. I'll add at least one career to the game. 

The interactions between NPCs will be added as well. I'm thinking about add the possibility of have a real relationship with NPCs but i'm not sure yet. It might need some tests.

I'll update the clothing system to add more options. Since careers will have special clothes, this system needs to be upgraded as well!

I'll fix some minor bugs that came with feedback from players and balance some actions and effects. Other small changes in code will be done but this is not so interesting for casual players.

Some players related about the poor 'hint' system. And they're right. That is why i'm working on a tutorial in-game with better explanation about the system for players. I don't wanna make it so complex because a lot of things will be changed and upgraded. But it's necessary.

And for last but not less important, i'll add at least one new pose (and it will goes like this every update...). I'm starting to add sound effects to interactions, which brings a better result than i was expecting.

It will take me about 2 or 3 weeks of work, but we will get there.

Before i go... A preview from one of the new poses:

For now this is it my friends. Have a good week!



Is this pose available for trans characters as well? I guess the body models are not compatible enough to just swap them, the man is a lot more muscular

Golden Crow

Oh! Not yet! I'll revamp this pose. I need to add frames, etc. When i revamp it, I'll add it for trans as well!