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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

Since each of you chose to be part of this nest, i think we need to talk about the future plans for Influencing.

On the intro of this patreon page you can read how this game started. This is an old project of mine that i decided to share with all of you. The point of Influencing is being a RPG with as much possibilities as possible. I want it to be an open world for everyone to interact in a safe way. 

In the real world we have people, we have work, we have fun and everything else. With that being said i'll talk about some metrics and plans that i have to bring all of it to Influencing. 


Here we go...

Jobs and Career:
Have a real job in game will be really important. It will change the way people look at you. It will give you the power to change aspects of the city. Imagine you in a TOP position of the Industry and being able to change prices of consumables in game. 

What does it change? Well... People might become rich or poor. 'Money need' is a thing for chars and it changes the way they act.

This game have an economic system. One week is not enough to see how it works, but every single char act accordingly with what they need. They seek for what they need. They use money just like the player. They work, just like the player. Think about the possibilities... 

Organic Game:
Every single char have parameters that will make them unique. Those parameters can be seen by players as "Personality Traits". It floats as you interact with them, just like when chars interacts with chars. They have MEMORY aswell. Simple memories of simple facts. And this is what makes every single char REALLY unic. The usual interaction in Renpy games is based on click menus. I wanna try something different for Influencing. What if we could really interact with chars?

This is a BIG spoiler from the future. I'm coding this game in a way that a real chat will be possible. This is what i miss in most of the games and i'll bring it to Influencing.

I'm working on how chars interact. This will make them aware of what is around. This will generate memories and reactions (don't you think you will be able to flirt with everyone around without consequences XD).

This post is just to show where do i want to go with this game. I didn't spoke about simple things like sexual fantasies, buy cars, buy houses, clothes, piercing, tattoos, etc, because this is basic for this style of game. Right?!

Feel free to comment on this post or to send me a private message! I really like the interaction, because i'm working alone in the game and ideas are always welcome!

Have a good week my friends! :)



Those ideas sound really innovative i hope codewise you´ll be able to bring it all to life.fingers crossed.

Golden Crow

I rally want to make body variety but i can't focus on it right now. For sure its part of my plans! About this chat system. I did it already. But to put it inside the game i need to build a structure around it first. Otherwise it will not looks so cool as i want it to be!!! Hehe