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Hello my friends! I hope everything is fine with you!

Just passing to update about our next version of Influencing.

Things are going just as planned. The update on clothing system is almost ready and i really like the way it is (for now). 

I divided the char creator in categories of edition. Now you will edit separately body, face and clothers. It opens space for more options. 

In body category we have features related with the general visual, just like the older versions.

In face category we have some additions.
The first one (and one of the most requested) is the aging effect. It's now visible on face (and not just on hair). There is still room for improvement but it's looking pretty cool. It can be seen in 5 different stages of aging (only 2 stages in gif bellow).

The eyebrows are not attached with the eyes anymore. There is a new switch just for it. 

For men there is another two new switches. One for beard and one for moustache.

And finally the clothing system update. It's divided in dressing categories that will be used in different situations (and this is essential). This will influence your activities, giving you bonus or drawbacks. And now clothers can have more than one color!

With the clothing system working as i planned, we can talk about the new big addition for next update. Career!
The first career in Influencing will be teacher. You will be able to  teach four different classes in university. You will need to control discipline, grades and relationships to do a good job. Students and professors uses uniforms just like every worker around the city!

The next careers to be added in Influencing will be decided by voting here in patreon.

One last detail that has been changed is the quick menu. It's now on top right of the screen. The older one was an itch in my eyes.

After a lot of drawing and coding, there is a lot more of coding before next update, but we will get there!

For now this is it my friends. Take care and have a good week!



this looks incredible good in terms of customization options. what you created there is missing in 99% of all games. i hope you´ll be able to finish this project before some software company grabs you.