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Adam Krasnodębski

You love to see that triple Avatar upload 🔥🔥


Fun fact Don, lots of animals have multiple stomachs including cows.

Nathan Elkin

It's because the food they eat has to be digested multiple times, just think of grass

Nolli Dee

Oh man i watched these outta order and was all hella confused lmaooo i was like “dont remember this shit happening like this??” 😭😭

Maurice Brown

Water bending for one reason I can’t say yet. Y’all know what up 😏

Jackson Wilhelm

May be a tad of a teaser and hope this message only acts as encouragement to watch more but think for a second Zukos uncle is a highly accomplished bender by the fire nation and information you already know he foght a war on the front lines leading his troups for 90 days strait he breaks most fights up with his hands but wait till he bends

Jackson Wilhelm

Everyone you think is good at bending rn is either trash holding back or gets drastically better at it

Jackson Wilhelm

I’ll let you think about witch is witch


Oh Fun Fact... (I think hmmm) The guy that just jetted out of nowhere saying something about a canyon guide, his VA also voices Robin in Teen Titans