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no its cause you have to be in balance with your yin and yang sides

Tatum McCormick

you right, zuko chasing the avatar is the wrong thing to do, which is the point actually, but he was thirteen when this happened and didn't have the ability to dethrone his father at that age. Also, just my guess, but even if zuko fought he would have lost and would have been banished anyways.


Uncle Iroh blames himself for that scar Zuko got because he let Zuko come into the meeting when he spoke out of turn

Lucile Byrd

Did you notice how the other airbender kids did not have their tattoos like Aang and the adults? Those tattoos signify that someone has completely mastered airbending, and Aang is the youngest airbending master. That being said, the kids without tattoos have faulty logic for not letting Aang play with them after finding out he is the avatar. Like you said, he has not even learned any of the other bendings yet, but he has been an airbending master for a while and they were okay playing games with him then!

Vaz Pazzaz

Quadruple upload Don? Fire


The lighting move is a fire bender technique.

Ian Campbell

Wait, have you not heard about joints indicating a storm Don? The low pressure of the atmosphere (rising of hot air which causes storm clouds) causes those with joint pain and arthritis to feel pain due to the change of pressure on their body. It’s a real thing man, not just a troupe or saying

Ian Campbell

Zuko and his #DaddyIssues


But Don you also have to think about the fact that no one in the Fire Nation respects him at all. He doesn't have the maturity of thought as a 16 year old as you do. I agree with you. Personally I would try an overthrow him but that's me saying it as a big man. as a child I would want the approval of my father.


lighting for firebender is like ice stuff for waterbender

Nathan Elkin

The highest priorities for people that serve the fire kingdom is honor and loyalty. Zuko disrespected their tradition. Also, anytime this show introduces something without explaining it, 9 times out of 10 they will explain it in a later episode, like the lightning with Iroh. The more confused you seem, the more people will want to explain it to you, but there usually isn't a need to if you just keep watching the show. Something that doesn't get explained are the tattoos Aang has. You might have noticed only Aang and the older monks had them, and none of the kids did. There are a bunch of tests and rules that determine whether or not you have mastered air bending, and usually a kid wouldn't be able to get their arrows, but Aang passed the tests to become a master air bender at the age of 12, and he did that by creating a new air bending technique, the air scooter that was shown in this episode.

Hector Ceballos

Its a little more complex than ice stuff with water bending. Majority of water benders can use ice. Very few fire benders can use lightning


Late reply but I actually think it is relatively the same. The main reason very few can use lightning is because I believe its reserved for the royal family. Forbidden for others to even attempt to learn