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Hey guys, still putting the finishing touches onto the stamina update.  Currently the biggest timesink is in revamping the exp systems, but I think the game will play more smoothly and consistently with it.  

I'm also adding more items to facilitate this, like advanced fiction/non-fiction books that can be used to train intelligence higher than the regular editions.

This poll is asking what the specific focus of the update afterwards should be (for the pledge generated Oct 31)

My current plan is to focus on the top 3 items in this poll - though if one or two totally dominate the others, I'll go all-in on those instead.

You can vote for as many options as you'd like.

Please note I'm trying to keep the items in line with beefing up the existing mechanics without adding many more - going off of the previous poll for this update.

Here's what each option will offer the game if chosen:

Story Scenes: Cutscenes that trigger upon entering the Living Room if certain conditions are met.  Example - when the GF reaches certain strength levels, she will show off to the player in a cutscene.

More General Girlfriend Descriptions: Adds more interim-level descriptions for when you click on [[Girlfriend]]

Expanded Activity Descriptions: Adds more description to the activities in the game

Expanded/More Girlfriend Dialogues: Adds more possible dialogues from the girlfriend, and expands current ones.

More Contests: Adds at least 1 more contest to the contest hall

More / Expanded Jobs:  Adds at least 1 new job, and introduces further progression for the existing ones.

More Exercise Options: Adds new exercise options to the game (swimming, climbing, biking, workout machine are possibilities)

More Inventions:  Adds at least 2 more inventions to the game

Expand True Schmo Mode:  Expands upon true schmo mode

Expanded Transfer Scenario: Expands upon the transfer scenario



I really like some of these ideas.😊


Honestly can't decide. Either the option that give height difference more stuff. Be it more descriptions or interactions. Or expand on True Schmo Mode.