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The perspective was tricky and I wanted to do more, but I hit a point where I had to call it good. For example, woulda been nice to animate the water, but getting that to loop nicely on such a short loop is a tall order. I might make the ocean a slightly brighter color, I didn't really think about that till I was done.

I wanted more jiggling in there too, but ran into some frustrating obstacles with how the motion was going in this one and decided jiggling isn't necessary.

Animations like this can be tough, because it's hard to figure out the basic motion of things. Should she be pulled towards you as you thrust in, or should she be pushed forward? Fundamentally speaking, if you're pulling on her then she should move towards you, but then when you collide, what's the recoil look like?
Some of my animations don't follow that rule, and instead have the two bodies moving largely in unison, and I can't deny that that motion can work well too. Some of these rules also need to be bent in first-person, because you're relying on camera zoom to represent a motion that wouldn't necessarily match what your head is doing.

I don't really consider myself an animator, yet. But I am happy with this overall, and hope you enjoy ~💕🎶

P.S.: Eric, Stella, and Amy are playing in the ocean nearby. A rock to your right obstructs you from view, but you can hear them hitting a beach ball around.



Sieg Warheidt

Would 100 percent love to see more of these!