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It's insane that Dawson continues to force Joey into picking him, telling her that she will lose EVERYTHING if she picks Pacey! What a disgusting person he is!

At least Andie realize that what Pacey and Joey feel for each other is real!


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This episode has one of the most memorable lines in the show. When Pacey says he remembers Joeys bracelet was her Moms. And she asks how he knows and he whispers ‘I remember everything’. Just love that.

Gabriela B



dawson has been very unbearable these last 3 episodes but him telling joey that he only did the anti prom for her has to be one of his worst moments so far. doesn’t actually care about what happened to jack and wasn’t doing it for him at all. so gross. anyways “i remember everything.” one of the most romantic lines ever.


To Julie and any other fan of DC that are huge Jacey shippers, there is an amazing article that you can find with a simple google search that talks about the behind scenes creation of the Pacey & Joey storyline and how it was with the help of about 3 female writers who were hired to write more than half the episodes for S3 and how it basically saved the show ratings from plummeting further after season 2. Reading that would really put context as to why Pacey and Joey’s story touched so many people backed then and continues to do so.


“it wasn’t about jack, it was about you.” like go to hell


and i don't like how dawson made this prom thing for himself and not really caring about jack yeah dawson only cares about himself


Dawson is awful these last few episodes but it's the worst he'll ever be (at least by memory). He won't always be like this for the rest of the show, he does grow!


“i remember everything” peak romance !

Melissa Rounds

I recently made my older sister watch this show, out of all the episodes she could’ve cried during, this was the one that finally got to her. The “I remember everything” hit her so hard and it hit me so hard, one of the best scenes 🥹


god that "i remember everything" scene is crazy romantic every time. the way you can just tell pacey and joey fall into each other and are each other's person just by the way they dance is so beautiful. dawson in thesde episodes is honestly his worst like he is behaving terribly and it is so frustrating. just the blatant manipulation to joey and the way he has somehow managed to osctracize pacey and make it appear as if they are in a battle when pacey has just fallen back and isn't even doing anything, it's so annoying.


"i remember everything" is here yaaaaaass. The way Pacey and Joey's dance was so incredibly romantic with Pacey showing just how much he noticed about Joey, how much they love each other too. Phew. Dawson continues being the worst friend in the world and the villain of his own show, truly.

Nikki S

Plus the fact that Dawson shit so hard on Pacy as a human being and calling pacy trash basically, his so called best friend. Like bro you are the evil villain.