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Dawson really think he is the hero of this story when in reality he is the main villain!

"Not as much as I need you, Pacey" OMFG That line plus "I remember everything" are going down as the best Pacey and Joey lines on this show so far!!! They are so freaking in love... I CAN'T WITH MYSELF!!! I'M SO HAPPY!


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It’s even more satisfying when you realize this relationship saved the entire show and brought back viewers that had stopped watching. Jacey physically and literally responsible for the term “ship”!! Thank you so much for letting us experience these moments again. This is my favorite love story. The journey of True Love has only just begun.


All these teen shows with their grand romantic gestures … Jacey (hold my beer): 3 MONTHS ON A BOAT IN THE OCEAN

Melissa Rounds

You made it through Season 3! So happy for you, hope you get so well needed rest and that you feel better soon 💕

Melissa Rounds

You made it through Season 3! So happy for you, hope you get some well needed rest and that you feel better soon 💕


Yayyy!! I can’t wait for season 4, it’s my fav 🥰


3 and 4 are so close. I go for S3 for my fav, as the buildup behind the scenes of Pacey and Joey I just adore. But S4 with them together is a very close 2nd. Excited as well.


I think this is the Dawson cry face that has been giffed and memed so much. Even James Van Der Beek mocks it himself. Lol.


Can't wait for work to end to wach the episodes. The weirdest thing about this season is that one of the writers made a book about what his experience writing it was (he was part of the new crop of writers hired from season 3 on) and how since Kevin Williamson had left the show and Paul Stupin and Greg Berlanti took over some changes to the process were made, one of those was giving James a script earlier so he could approve the writing for Dawson. For the life of me, I have no idea what James thought when he saw the way Dawson was written in the last five episodes of the season that he saw nothing wrong with it lol. Dawson was never more wrong in his life!

Anne M.

Joey and Dawson's relationship is beyond toxic and it bothers me that the show doesn't really acknowledge that. "You're free", "go before I take it all back", fuck you!!! The power he has over her is SO unhealthy! I just feel so bad for Joey everytime she's with him.


Yes, when this show is all Done 3 seasons more down the road, I hope she’ll react to the nearly 60 reunion thing on YouTube. In that Dawson does say he loves the meme, doesn’t hate or find it annoying. Loves all the stuff people make of it. One of the actors shows Michelle Williams the meme, as she’d never seen them before, lol.


Up to end of S3 he’s the worst of the show, outside of some moments here and there, but imo, he gets better and isn’t that bad for 4-6. I may like Dawson’s arc in S4 the most of all seasons, without spoiling any of his story.

Nikki S

I love the show so much but I hated the last couple episodes until this one lol how infuriating are these writers. They loveddd their narcissist. Like most people I hate dawson lol. I’m also still upset that Jen’s entire storyline this whole season was about Henry. Jen as a character deserved better ❤️and I wished she had better storylines and was more included in the main group. She was involved towards the end but it felt like she was separate most of the season.


"i think I'm in love with you" and "not as much as I need you" Miss Josephine Potter HOW MUCH WE NEEDED THAT. I'm crazy about this finale and Joey's speech cause she said EVERYTHING that has been on our minds and that we thought she didn't realize - how Pacey pushed her to grow and how he's been there for her all this time, how she was in love with him even before the kiss (i loved that detail too). Her speech is a conclusion to all the things we noticed and were frustrated about cause we thought the writers had forgotten but they didn't. And truly , what I love about Pacey and Joey is not just that they had an amazing potential from the get go (opposites attract and all) it's the fact the writers made such a perfect and beautiful arc for them. Season 3 is so incredibly amazing as a falling in love arc and I can think of few seasons on television that compare to the amazing arc they did here. (And Man idk if the writers thought Dawson was acting like the Beast telling "you're free" to Belle or some craziness like that. They just didn't realize how villainous he sounded)


How many ships can say they sailed away in True Love?


Pacey and Joey are one of the most iconic ships of all time. They taught me what shipping means and they have such a special place in my heart. Btw. this episode is important also for another reason, the kiss between Jack and Ethan was actually the first kiss between two gay men on broadcast television.