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Dawson's behavior it's toxic!!!!! I hate that after what he told Joey he is like "I love you" let's get back together... Like Joey is suppose to be there whenever he wants?? And then everyone thinking that Joey is lucky for having two guys competing for her like she is a thing to posses?? Or everyone thinking and assuming she actually wants to be with Dawson when she clearly has feelings for Pacey but it's not acting on them bc Dawson is manipulating her?! HOW CAN NO ONE SEE THAT?!!


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Dawson’s jealous side shows again here. This is the worst his character gets in the whole show. And when Joey confronts after race, she tells Pacey she hates him for kissing her and making her have to figure things out, and hates dawson for forcing to choose between dawsons friendship and what she mighta had with Pacey. So heartbreaking seeing that.


Pacey needs to throw Dawson in the creek …let’s be real


the fact that it feels like everyone is icing Pacey out like he did something wrong always makes me mad. Everyone putting Dawson on a pedestal is laughable

Melissa Rounds

Next episode is one of my favorites, and this one in particular is always hard to watch. It just makes me angry and feeling anguish for Pacey and Joey


"I understand. There are NO ULTIMATUMS HERE" Ahhh. Opposite of Dawson. Pacey puts JOEY first rather than himself.


I remember this slightly irritating me. My boy (Pacey) is always getting hurt

Melissa Rounds

Same with in episode 19, when he says “the point is not how I feel, it is about how YOU feel”. He always pushes Joey to believe in herself and her feelings


it really breaks my heart how pacey is treated like he's done anything wrong like it baffles me when joey goes to watch a movie with dawson at the end as if he didn't basically try to kill pacey. of course i don't blame joey bc dawson is blatantly emotionally manipulating her and she's overwhelmed but it sucks. pacey must feel so extremely alone and he's having all his fears that he felt when he was falling in love with joey come true right in front of him.


I hated this episode. It reaffirmed all of Pacey's fears... he really doesn't have support and everyone thinks the worst of him. Is it any wonder he is so self-deprecating. I was hoping Joey would just tell Dawson to go to hell and pick Pacey, but I can understand why she is conflicted. Dawson represents stability and family for her. Also Joey really hasn't had much time to process her feelings for Pacey in order to truly weigh the risk. This episode was hard to watch. I actually didn't remember the details of it because I never re-watch this episode.


Dawson is legit the WORST friend in the world. He couldn't care less about losing Pacey (his supposed best friend) and even before that he was always looking down on him. Amazing truly how the two people that think they're so morally superior (Dawson & Andie) are the ones messing up badly and thinking they had the RIGHT to do so. Like I'm sorry Andie CHEATING does not equal moving on, which is what Pacey did. And i know Pacey isn't 100% fair but i also get it? Like 99% of the (insane) people going on and on about Dawson and Joey being soulmates, which is absurd (and Pacey spells that out so clearly). But this man was already afraid of not being enough, of not being loved - even before season 3. Now he's here having to be compared with THE Dawson Leery that everyone somehow thinks is the best guy ever, and Pacey just had to feel in love with Dawson's "soulmate", to make matters worse. Even tho Joey is one of the fee characters that see and appreciate Pacey as he deserves, he is still scared as heck and confused and I guess i get it.


The way Dawson and Joey firmly believe they're soulmates just because... They're friends since childhood and have been there for each other. This label they put on themselves is so toxic because it excuse their mistakes (mostly Dawson's) and don't allow them to see that NO their relationship is not that wonderful... I hate that many people around them just agree with this label as if it isn't the mist unhealthy thing ever. Leave it to Pacey to again be the most wonderful person and SEE the truth about their messed up friendship


this triangle is literally where my anger for stelena and delena came from lol. Just like everyone thinks dawson is the best guy for joey and dawson thinking he owns joey and her feelings and dawson thinking they are meant to be and pacey is just nothing. Like I hate dawson and how he acts in this and my frustration during stefan literally acting like this about elena and damon is because it stems from this original love triangle. Pacey and joey, delena > the obsessed delusional manipulating ex's. Idk how the hell anyone on the show or fandom wise can ever think dawson is better than pacey.

Nikki S

I hate dawson with a burning passion lol

Gabriela B

i feel so much for pacey in this episode :((( and to answer your question: yes, dawson's parents are BORING jldksjd


Dawson's parents are boring but apparently old people used to watch this show 20 plus years ago. I think Mitch and Gale were there for them.


I totally agree with you, Dawson's behavior is toxic but, there is a but, I think we have to remember that he is only sixteen, with a view black and white. Just like Joey, he Always had her in his life and doesn't really know how to live without her. And of course, Pacey is also sixteen and doesn't act the same way but their characters are totally different, he was raised in a totally different way. Everyone has Always put Dawson on a piédestal so he feel entitled to it. And that's hard for me to admit it because I hate his character so much!! What I hate the most is the way he treats his suppose best Friend. He doesn't care at all about him and his feelings and sadly I think he never genuielly did, Like you said, Dawson needs him to boost his ego, to feel better about himself because he trully believe that he his a better person for Joey and life in general. It pisse me off so bad but again, everyone is to blame, no one call him on his bullshit, they Always praise him like he is a saint! So of course, at such a young age, he believe that. And poor Joey being completely manipulated by him and... Everyone who believe Dawson is the best for her, her soulmate ans blablabla but no one really Wonder what she really feels... God it makes me wanna puke. Thanks you so much for your reactions 🥰 love from France