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Come on this can't be the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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i just hate how Dawson acts like he owns Joey and tells her to choose A,B, or C choice acting like it's his way or the highway is truly disgusting behavior. holding their friendship hostage is some messed up level stuff.


going to bed will watch rest of this binge when up with snacks have fun


Haha, love Juli at the end review saying if dawson and Joey get together she’s gonna sue someone, lol.

Melissa Rounds

I’m always most heartbroken for Pacey in this episode, everyone put the blame on him. Threatening that he won’t have anyone by his side. It’s like saying that all of his friendships weren’t genuine. To find out your best friend since you were 5, would be willing to drop you so quickly and doesn’t seem to want to understand you, is sad. He already doesn’t have a supportive family and to think that he would lose his friends too, just breaks my heart 💔


i’ll never understand the way pacey is treated this episode esp with them acting like he wasn’t childhood friends right along there with joey and dawson.


god this episode breaks my heart (aside from those cute ass scene of pacey and joey going at each other lol) like it just sucks how dawson has such a control on the happiness of both pacey and joey. it especially is so painful to see everyone attack pacey and tell him he'll be all alone in the end and to have to lose both his friends and joey at the end of this episode is so terrible.

Melissa Rounds

Exactly! All three of them have a history, so Dawson acting like only he and Joey have a friendship, is so frustrating 😢

Dominique Eugene

I get so many Delena parallels from Jacey. Remember how everyone told Damon, that Elena doesn’t love him or it’s always gonna be Stefan. And they won against the universe to be together. Same with Pacey and Joey. Those are the ships I root for because everyone’s against them. Also Dawson pisses me off to my core!!! This episode he acts like Joey is his property. He’s manipulative as hell making her choose between him and Pacey. Also Andie who gives a damn about her, she’s on a whole date with another dude who’s Paceys friend but has the nerve to judge. AFTER SHE CHEATED ON HIM!!! Girl the episode was beautiful at the beginning but just awful towards the end.


i actually can’t with both dawson and andie. dawson is so manipulative and straight up possessive of joey like she’s his property or something, it’s so weird and toxic. also what andie says to pacey has always pissed me off because it’s like she forgets that she literally cheated on him 😭 she got no place speaking on him or any potential relationship he gets into after what she did. anyways the take away from this ep is that dawson is the biggest loser of all time. jacey supremacy !


I really enjoy the way this episode tells the story from different characters view and how all these little things can lead up to one major event!


Dawson is truly showing his only child view! Does he love Joey sure but he only wants her so bad because he knows he might actually lose her for good (as a gf) to Pacey! The way he's so controlling over her is disgusting! This also proves how little Dawson felt for his friendship with Pacey! I swear he kept Pacey as a friend to feel better about himself! I don't love Andie but I also don't hate her. We have to remember she's a teenager and Pacey was her "first". That forms a sort of connection that is really hard to get rid of. Plus, she still has feelings for him and reacted out of jealousy. Is she wrong for how she talked to Pacey...100%! But in the end she reacted like a hurt, jealous teenager! I swear Joey and Pacey's relationship was the one thing that gave me LOVE for this show! If this never happened I don't think I would love the show the way I do! Can't wait to finish season 3 with all of you! 🥰


Just want to quickly and quietly point out that Joey had said in season 1 that most girls would choose Pacey over Dawson cause he has bigger biceps. Get a clue, Dawson.


Man with this episode .. idk how I can love and hate an episode so much. It is so freaking stressful and you wanna hit Dawson and Andie soooo hard but it's also so fulfilling drama wise 🤣 Like everything that could go wrong, did and in a way it's awesome cause it only proves the stakes were truly high. It's interesting though cause you can tell Dawson was pissed as heck but also... He saw something was happening between Pacey and Joey, he knew right away when Jen "told" him. He knows it's real but he's pretending he doesn't, or that it's a sexual thing, but the way he got mad only proves how much he knows it's not a silly thing (he didn't got even close to this mad with AJ or on s1 🤷‍♀️) Also, am I the only one that thinks Dawson sounds straight up like a villain when he confronted Pacey and Joey?? Like his condescending "are you in love is that what it is", "don't look at her" and "i feel sorry for you ". Like man writers were you writing a main character or a Disney villain 🤣🤣🤣🤣 And finally, Pacey just deserves soooooo much better. The way all these people saw how much he was there for Joey all year long and they still doubt him and them. Thank you Jen for not being one of these people.


Yeeeeess. I mean, same writers. Amazing how they can write ships that completely bore me and on the same show write like...my favorite ships for life 🤣

Nikki S

While I agree that they should be together, I went through this exact thing when i was 18. And it was beyond heartbreaking to me. I was no longer friends with either of them after that and I went into a deep depression. Years later my ex best friend apologized over Facebook messenger and I said thanks for reaching out but none of us were friends again. They dated for a couple years I think. So I was the dawson in the situation and it was really fucking hard. My ex was my first love and best friend even after we broke up and my best girl friend caught them sneaking around behind my back and hiding it when we would all 3 hang out everyday.

Nikki S

However, I knew we were broken up so I didn’t act like dawson does. I knew he was fair game, I was just heartbroken it was my best friend


just one writer kevin W and he stopped doing dawsons creek after season 2 and also he wasnt for joey and pacey just like he wasnt for delena. Another parallel to add onto what you were saying was the scene where pacey tells joey he'll tell dawson and also asked for one day just like the delena scene where they are kissing and damon asks for one day before telling stefan

Nikki S

And I hate Dawson so I’m not justifying his actions at all. He can be hurt but he’s acting like the complete narcissistic asshole he is lol