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Yay!!! Some of the best episodes of the season!!! Can't wait


yay!! the rest of this season is so amazing! malex!! alex is the person i ship most with millie- mouth can stay in LA. “alex is not peyton & julian is not lucas” thank you haley!!! i love brulian sm and i agree that they need to take some time to work on themselves, but i just wish there was a little more trust involved. naley is perfect as always & clinn is so cute! cant wait for the next episode- it’s one of my favorites :)

Rubi Moon

The malex scene is absolutely adorable. If this show was made now, they would 100% be an endgame or at least a temporary canon ship. At this point, Brooke is being a bit unfair to Julian, but we also know why she is this way as Haley pointed out she’s still hurt by Lucas and Peyton’s actions. It also didn’t help that Victoria planted the thought in her head, but I feel like even if Victoria didn’t, Brooke still would’ve had the thought anyways because if her insecurities. The Brulian scene is so powerful. Both deliver their lines phenomenally. Austin and Sophia just have so much chemistry even when they’re broken up. The way Austin says “Clothes over Bros” in the end of the first argument really hit hard. Both Julian and Brooke have valid points. Brooke is valid in her feelings and her insecurities. Julian is valid when he says that he can’t do all the fighting alone and he shouldn’t have to sacrifice friendship just for Brooke. At this point, Julian is right for keeping his friendship with Alex going. He doesn’t have to have the same friends that Brooke has. And he shouldn’t be expected to. Brooke needs to be able to trust her boyfriend/fiancé/husband, whatever they may be. No relationship can last without trust.

Rubi Moon

Also Taylor.... such a mess lol.


also, the new setup is great! i like seeing your funkos in the background & it’s oddly satisfying when you move the mic closer lol


I completely agree with Julian during the break up speech. He has done nothing to not have Brooke’s trust. Him and Alex are just friends, yeah Alex has feelings for him but he has shown that he wants nothing more than friendship with her. And because of Brooks past with Lucas she can’t get passed the “Payton like” situation. So yeah that is her issue. People are different. Julian is different. He can’t do anything but love her and be loyal to her, which he has proven to do time and time again. There’s nothing else he can do, it’s her issue and it’s something she needs to deal with, not him.


I think I finally figured out why our opinions on Mouth are so different .. I just never cared as much about the storylines around Millie, Mouth or Alex as you do. Yes, imho Millie's addiction issues was definitely her strongest storyline and I like all three of them. But I like all three of them equally. Mouth, Millie and Alex are side characters for me and I find them loveable and interesting, but I find Haley, Brooke, Nathan, etc. just more interesting. So I never invested that much thought into Mouth's and Millie's relationship and lbr I'm way too straight to see any vibes between Alex and Millie that might be romantic. But I love getting those new perspectives and those new interpretation of things, it's very interesting.


I completely agree with everything you said. To be honest, if I rewatch OTH I mostly skip the Millie and Mouth scenes. At this point in the series I also wasn't a big fan of Alex. I started liking her later on. I also agree with being to straight to see any romantic vibes between Alex and Millie, tbh I never really thought about it before.

Christopher Nicholas

It's the same actress that played Taylor in season 2. I'm guessing since its been about 8 years in show time they wanted to make her look different 🤷🏾‍♂️

Christopher Nicholas

I liked Alex but never cared much about Mouth or Millie so I never really thought about who she had more chemistry with. Watching now, I can see a little bit why ppl ship Alex and Millie

Christopher Nicholas

I just realize in the picture you put for the season 7 post, Alex is there, but Mouth, Millie and Skillz are not 🤔

Zeph 802

Skills has been pushed to the side this entire show so I'm not surprised tbh, but Mouth and Millie are also more side characters (even though Millie got a huge storyline) I just thing the writers didn't want too many people on the poster so they just chose the most important people in the storline.

Zeph 802

Mouth is definitely one of my least favourite characters, his lines make me cringe so much sometimes. I would much rather replace him with Skills. That Millie and Alex scene, shipping aside, was so amazing. Alex letting Millie know that she doesn't care how much of a bitch she's being, she's going to be there for her and love her. And then Millie saying "stop being nice to me" broke me, because it just goes to show that she was pushing everyone away and began feeling guilty after Alex's suicide attempt, explaining what was going through her head.

SuBin Kim

Victoria made a good point though...I sometimes did wonder if he liked the fact that Alex liked him. Either way I get why Julian is doing what he is doing, but he has always been the guy to go after girls who were hurt and are a bit vulnerable. At least thats how I saw it. With Peyton she was heartbroken over Lucas; with Brooke she still had scars over the whole love triangle; Alex was going through A LOT of shit. So if I were in Brooke's shoes I would understand... like would Julian spend the rest of our lives trying to personally fix every broken girl he meets?? I think maybe Brooke would have preferred it if Julian just sent Alex to a professional to help her instead of doing it himself personally.

SuBin Kim

Also I never got that vibe from Alex and Millie.... I just see two girls who are extremely close friends and are like sisters. And with this whole Millie storyline it made them closer as friends because Alex knows what its like to be where Millie is now because she was an addict herself.

SuBin Kim

And Julian himself mentioned it... he's the guy who loves saving people...


I loved the scene near the end with brulian even though it was a break up. I actually sided with Julian there. They both have their issues that they need to work on and they should be able to trust each other.