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The James sisters fighting in the pool was HILARIOUS!!!


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Yes! Love the idea of binging the last batch of episodes for season 7!!!


love this episode!! haley, quinn & taylor fighting in the pool never fails to make me laugh lmao


haley had me dying this episode. the shade lmfao


i genuinely don’t understand what is wrong with taylor like that is so messed up to do to your own sister. in s2 i always felt like haley was too hard on taylor but it makes so much sense now because she’s always been a bitch for no reason


One of my favorite episodes. Whenever its all the James girls always a great episode

Jared Scoggin

That scene on the movie set with Brooke and Julian is so adorable. I love them.

Zeph 802

Julian's punch was 100% well deserved, imagine what this guy has done to other actresses before, possibly even worse than what he's done with Alex. That end scene with his father was adorable, loved that he believed in his son. And I'm actually over Mouth right now, this whole him and Lauren thing was so freaking unnecessary AND BORING. I literally started skipping those scenes in the reaction. This episode was my favourite of the season oh myyyy!! Haley owned it with her comedic gold, funniest character for sure. And that fight at the end was classic OTH drama and I loved it. The Brooke and Julian scene at the end owned my heart. And i think here is where I started to truly ship Clinn. Excited for the last episodes, they're so good.

Zeph 802

She was ICONIC in this episode. She's had a bit of a rough start this season, character wise, but this episode reminded me of all the reasons I LOVE HER.

SuBin Kim

I was a little annoyed when Nathan said that he didn't like the way Quinn handled it... like wtf? She handled it a lot better than so many characters handle their situation on the show. Yes, Quinn lied. But she felt like she had to because David was not letting go. Like she said she would rather have David hate her than to hold on. Either way even if she did sleep with Clay, so what?! Her and David were broken up, so if she wanted to sleep with someone she had every right to. They may have still been legally married when she met Clay, but they were broken up.


Brooke walking in after Haley went cray cray "I was feeling a little lost so I thought I'd go see the most stable couple I know." I couldn't stop laughing. This trio, I swear, they'll be the death of me.


It's shame that i didn't find any Malex (Millie & Alex) fan video on YouTube.. Not even fanart.. When i was a kid i didn't see that chemistry between them.. But now, i shipping them hard😄


I kinda hope you binge this season til the end because this part of the season is kinda one of my favourite parts.I won't say anything else because I'm afraid I'll spoil it :)

codenamewitch xx

I haven’t watched it yet but would love to watch along with you to a new show on Hulu called “Everyone is Doing Great”. This show stars both the actors that play Nathan and Chase - these two actually also produced and wrote the show and they are reportedly“playing characters loosely based on their own real-life experiences since leaving the hit WB-turned-CW show”. I think this would be an awesome thing to add to your schedule!!!


I always thought it was more him trying to stay neutral throughout the whole thing and not actually getting involved. Throughout the whole thing, he clearly just wanted to stay out of it and just get through the whole situation with as little drama as possible. Idk though...


Can we talk about how Haley’s humor is unmatched?!


Maybe because they were a big family, maybe she that’s the only way she got attention??

Bitch 1

You should watch the cast interview before season 9! https://youtu.be/GrjIfxOC7-A


I know everyone is like Nate wtf with the way he's handled Clay and Quinn, and what he said to David here. But I think it's like that because we only met David and Quinn at the beginning of 7, but from Nate's POV (assuming he's a real person and not a fictional character lmao) he's known David a LONG time and has essentially been family with him for that time. Since Quinn is older than Hales, probably like 26 at this point, we can assume she and David were together for a while before now. There's not a lot of history on them so idk, but I always assumed like 6/7 years, which is a long time to call someone a brother-in-law and he might not have been David's bestfriend, but it would've been weird for Nate to see Quinn with Clay while still married to David because he holds every marriage to the Naley standard since that's all he's ever known. And he believes if he and Haley ever separate, they wouldn't move on because they're IT for each other. And from Nate's pov again, (not seeing the scenes between D&Q where she told him she was done and he refused to believe it, or Q&C where they were just friends at first) it might have looked like Quinn had left her husband, was vulnerable, and started hanging out constantly with Clay who had casually slept with every woman he came across as long as Nate had known him, without a care. Notice how Nate backed off when Clay dropped the 'falling in love' line on Quinn? Because he probably assumed Quinn was just another girl for Clay until he said that, and didn't want to be in the position between his agent and his sister-in-law when things went bad. And because of his Naley bias, he probably assumed that eventually Quinn would go back to David like Naley go back to each other and was maybe trying to protect her from making a mistake that would destroy them completely. And Haley has that same bias. Even at the beginning of the season, she said 'My sister Quinn...' and then something about a perfect marriage. Because she assumes everyone is as happy as she and Nate, even with drama. I know it's not their place to try and protect Quinn or meddle in her life, but between being Quinn's family, David's family, and treating Clay like family, it was a messy situation for Naley. One where they didn't want to see anybody hurt, including David who despite being a random ass person to us, has been in their life for who knows how long...

kirk eastment

late to the party on this reaction, but regarding Quinn giving the ring back... idk what situation is like from your perspective so would never judge on your actions, but perhaps in this case it held a special meaning for David? sometimes the ring used for engagements is actually a family heirloom, like perhaps the ring your father might have used to propose to your mother or a ring passed down through a few generations not to say they all are, but i think that's why in certain situations you absolutely should give the ring back if it holds that sort of sentimental value to the person in question - yes you might hate their guts, but if you no longer care about them at all, there's little reason to do something that callous unless out of spite for what they might have done to you


I love that Brulian scene at the movie set 😍