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[Wow, you skipped 3 ads by supporting the show on Patreon today! That's one hell of an investment. Say, do you got any Bitcoin I can borrow? It's for an experiment about if people will give me any Bitcoin.]

Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays! Hey lemme get one haha. On today's show of Your Kickstarter Sucks (The Official Your Kickstarter Sucks Podcast), it's time to have some scary dreams about protecting our friends from inappropriate and unsupervised power tool usage, figure out what to do if your yoda gets a little too hairy, and experience the visceral pain of playing board games with your kids. Plus, we've got a visit from our old friend Eric Cartman, and his big butt and the butt stinks. Hey, get back here with my Jesterpus!

Music for YKS is courtesy of Howell Dawdy, Craig Dickman, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan. Exec Producer PBostrom.



J Knol

Hey fellas, couldn’t help but to notice that the premium eps are a little bit shorter than the regular eps because you cut out the ads. Ever think about doing bonus material for the people keeping the lights on? You could cut the ads up and keep the funny parts in. Maybe some riffs or bits, a joke or two, just something, anything to make me feel good!


I think the premium episodes should be significantly shorter.

Oat Bran

What's up guys, seems like the ad free episodes are about the perfect length, keep up the good work 👌🏽


Keep the ads in, but edit out the product names and promo codes.


loved mike's "microsoft ecosystem" joke


I’d actually love if the ad-free eps were just the ads without any of the podcast parts

Alex reynolds

Hardest I've heard JF laugh in awhile! Loved it