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Look into the mirror, say "funny guest" three times, and what will appear? Writer and comedian Tim Kalpakis, of the Birthday Boys and Sloppy Boys, that's who! Tim pours us a couple of Bloody Marys and talks about some of our favorite topics: Bar Rescue, getting an MRI, and why Mike Mitchell is everybody's favorite. Plus, you know we had to get a former SNL writer (Lorne.) to help us punch up some JokeBlogger jokes! This is one hell of an ep, so pull up your barf bucket and get ready to laugh!

Check out the Sloppy Boys podcast wherever you get your shit, and support them on Patreon for even more classic Sloppy Boys content.




Tim rocks

Richard Davenport

Of all the weeks to take my barf bucket into the shop

Keith Marnoch

Fucking love DB, fucking love JF, fucking love TK!

Jacob K

I'm a doctor


Jack Allison talked about writing for Duck Dynasty this week. He said he would lift plots from 60’s sitcoms and use them for his episodes lol

Tom Friend

tim is great

Sammy Jacobs

incredible, another perfect show

Dan Z

In college I discovered my hangovers feel like day long sleep deprived food poisoning

Tom Aikman

this was an excellent programme. thanks for it!

Max K

I think he's the friend that Tim is describing. Great ep!


I used to drink Zing Zang! as a kid because I liked spicy-tomato juice.