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[Thanks for supporting YKS! You've got the ad-free version of YKS in your Patreon feed today. Hooray! *Does a weird little dance that everyone hates*]

Welllllllllllll, well it's The Big Show! That was the entrance music of a wrestling guy from a number of years ago, but today we've got an episode of a podcast that could arguably go by the same name. That's because on episode 158 of YKS, we'll be introducing some products to you that might be able to make a real difference in your lives! Haha just kidding. We're going to talk about a penis board game. But there's also smart diapers, a joke of the day calendar for the terminally ill, and a product that promises to shave up to 1.2 seconds off the amount of time it takes to chug a Simply Alcohol (TM) Mango Wango Hard Sparkling Rosé Smoothie. Finally! That's time I can now spend explaining to my kids why the COVID-19 virus deserves all As. 

Music for YKS is courtesy of The Hell Yeah Babies, Craig Dickman, Howell Dawdy, and Mark Brendle. Additional research by Zeke Golvin. YKS is edited by Producer Dan. 



cool. can't wait to listen to this.


which podcast is this?

Andy Cassidy

Is Jesse's audio very poor quality for everybody else? Mike's is fine but JF sounds like he's on the phone. Disappointing effort.


get it together jf



Tom Friend

Hey JF its the red button for record!

Patrick Olsen

JF what happened the first 16 minutes there?

Drew Garner

Hey this is a very good episode and it sounds fine

William Anderson

Perfectly normal audio on this one. Good job guys


sounds good


JF hope you get out of prison soon, the call quality from Leavenworth sucks! Just messing. Loving the episode :)


At about 16 minutes it seems JF has had his sentence commuted by Trump and has returned home to finish the podcast. Audio sounds great now!


hey what the fuck man

Joe Gemma

JF was holding me underwater until 15:54


Great audio today 👌


Just got back from the jackhammer and loud blender store and I think JF sounds great.


mike, the voynich manuscript is an acceptable reference that people know about. its not your fault that jf didnt get it.


Audio isn’t really that bad tbqh

Jo Reid

JF’s audio gettin’ taken to the cleaners in the comments

Rob Cottrell

I like the ads. It's like a lil bit of an extra treat from the boys


JF...do better. Cmon man.

Jo Reid

There is already a kids book called Ant and Bee and the Kind Dog


Just want JF to know his audio is great this week and he should keep using 1990’s radio equipment

Andy Cassidy

Everybody saying the audio is fine are listening in their cars while ordering at a drive-through.

Jimes Tooper

did JF accidentally record on his laptop onboard mic or something. the only onboard mic (say aloud) i want to heard on this podcast is mike hale!