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The YKS Gang will be the first to tell you that buying things can't fill the voids in your life or make you happy. But what if it could? That would be so sick. So we're opening up the phone lines once again (last night) to take your calls (if you happened to be awake) all about the best things you've ever bought in your lives (mostly jack off stuff).

Remember, if you want to be a part of YKS Live!, watch our Instagram (@ykspod) and Twitter (@yourkickstarter) for the sudden, cryptic announcements. Then simply dial 775-DRACULA and head to the toilet. It's that easy! 



Brendan Wheaton

Just in time for putting the youngest for a nap. Thanks!

Drew Garner

Hey guys. I did some intensive therapy today and was just crying and crying, truly sobbing, until I had no tears left and the hour was up and my psychologist "[had] to go now." Yeah ok lady. I also had some Reddit guy telling me to kill myself because I said tax evasion was bad. Anyway it's been a hard day and I'm so happy to see this. Not going to kill myself now (probably)

Drew Garner

Oops I mean "happy Friday!!!"


cool. can't wait to listen to this.

Mac Himes

DB I feel so bad about stomping on the bit you had planned, but it was so funny to me at the time to say “no”

Brendan Wheaton

Hey don't be hard on yourself it was a great last call! Sometimes destroying a bit is the best bit of all.


The most listenable Live episode yet!


“Podesta. Can you say John podesta?” Lmfao


You guys sounded really confident and kinda hot in this one

Seth Gile

RIP the Civic