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Banji was born to shred in a band. Just one problem, no band would have him. To him it was cause they were all lame. To the bands it was cause he was "an attention whore who couldn't listen to even the simplest of instructions." Really it was anyone's guess who was right, though he was hopeful someone would notice him and invite him to be their solo guitarist and lead singer. Weirdly no one seemed to care much about his guitar case, now the edgy shirts of various underground bands he wore, and the ladies didn't seem too thrilled despite his presence being god's gift to women.

Eventually he was pulling paper tabs off ‘guitarist wanted’ flyers. Not cause he was desperate or anything. No he was just scoping out the competition. And maybe just maybe he'd stay in for a few gigs just for the hell of it if they weren't too boring. Anyways, that's how he ended up in this audition for some dumb pun titled band called Kessoku Band. The three girls judging him were in obvious cosplay, a blue haired androgynous bassist, a yellow haired... uh... he couldn't see her instrument so he just assumed drummer and a red haired extroverted girl who had been seriously practicing very basic guitar progressions like an amateur when he arrived.

Obviously he'd wow them with his skills, whaling on his guitar and not letting up for ten minutes till he was drained, panting from the exertion. Not that he had gone all out mind you, but he had to show them who was boss around-

"Eh sure."

The blue haired bassist girl seemed unimpressed, but had been the first to cosign him, Banji a little ticked off at how dismissive she sounded. The red headed girl handed him a glass of water, beaming at him as he felt almost obligated to drink it, her aura too strong.

"That was amazing!"

Of course it was. He was the best after-

"But we need a few changes. Such aggressive soloing. Besides we're missing one member for this band to fit the image we want."

Banji's stomach gurgled, the room starting to sway.

"Ch-Changes? I d-hooon't do ch-ch... rrgh was something in that-"

The girls didn't seem to be concerned with his dizzy swaying, too busy talking about what they wanted.

"Yeah we have enough strong personalities in this band, so preferably someone who wouldn't argue so much. I'd like someone who isn't a total drama queen."

"Drama is what makes a band interesting so your welcome Nijika. And you're right, a pushover would be nice..."


"Y-You can always push ME over Senpai!"

"Um... Uh I..."

He was struggling to voice his own concerns, which was something he never dealt with before. It was like his mouth had become some unwieldy thing he had no ability to use, his lips trembling as the thought of  asserting himself began to feel wrong. This was impossible, h-he was a rockstar! A sex machine! A-All these girls should be slobbering over him or something. Shit why couldn't he speak even his throat felt all sore and- d-did he just swallow something?

"Wait we need to focus! It's already starting right Kita? Ugh I wish the new girl'd be someone who thinks too much instead of too little."

G-Girl? Sure Banji's hair was getting a little long. R-Really long actually. Oh god how had he let this happen? Image was everything to a rock star. B-But he was masculine right? Though the little gurgles and groans sounded more feminine and it was hard to feel like a big strong leading man when he was half cowering before the three girls in this small club. P-Perhaps he should have practiced more. It was like he wasn't there, like they were already discussing the next candidate. No he had soloed so well! B-But what else had he done? Ugh now his hair was getting in his eyes, his stupid... pink hair?

"U-Um kff kff kff I-I feel-"

He was barely able to get out more than a whisper, lost amidst the talk of the other girls as they argued over their new guitarist.

"He's a bit too cocky though. I know I'm an incredible once in a generation talent. There can't be two in the band."

"There's your absurd confidence again. We really don't need any more of that."

"Yes senpai has all the masculine appeal we need! We need more cuteness!"

Banji had to prop himself up on one of the side tables, his face buzzing, the growing pink hair awkwardly cupping his cheeks and strands caught in his mouth as he spat them out, the growth clearly unnatural. This was clearly very wrong, whatever odd mental block stopping him from fighting back being overcome through force of will. He summoned all his charisma and confidence, angrily staring at them before yelling.

"What do you think you're doing to me y-hooo~ bi-biiiitches?!"

It was hardly the rant he wanted, but he was taken aback by the strange sensation of all his gathered confidence plummeting down to his dick, his cheeks burning as he felt himself getting hard. He tried to hold back, but it was almost like the feelings were squirming inside his most tender spot, an internal jerk from something desperately trying to escape as his eyes squeezed shut. Gone was even the veneer of control, embarrassed squeaky moans leaving his lips as they felt thicker, his mind racing at what was happening down there. His dick kept twitching lewdly, his thoughts seizing as he gave a pathetic squeak of a moan.


Cum dampened his pants, Banji squirming left and right as he could feel his confidence gushing out, horrified by the amused looks of the other band members as he fell to his hands and knees in a daze. It wouldn't stop, his face contorting in ways he hadn't known were possible which might have been what those weird crunching noises were. Really it was just his face molding to cuter positions as he came out all resistance, his nose rubbed tiny and eyes widened into sapphires of confused bliss. When it stopped he was left gasping, drained of energy, of confidence, hoping it was over.

"Hmm, maybe she was made for a different kind of business. That was excellent showmanship."

"Stop teasing her Ryo! Though you really should get comfortable, this'll be intense."

The drummer girl sent her best smile forwards, Banji mewling as his clothes melted to comfier sweats, a bit tight, but the elastic was more than flexible enough to hug his body without too much discomfort. Without too much discomfort seemed to be his new mindset as well, the embarrassment of cumming in front of his future band mates horrifying.

"Still it's so impressive we had a guy tryout for this band! So cool! I thought that long and extreme requirements bit would turn them away, but you must really want to have joined our all girls band!"

R-Requirements? No he had just taken the little paper tab and not read the full sheet. And did they just say all girls-


It felt like his cock was trying to fuck him into submission, his fingers scrabbling for it as his slid down the tracksuit pants, his dick spasming as it pointed downwards, fully erect yet smaller than he remembered, its length dwindling before his eyes as he screamed. It had to cram itself in, half soapy gushes lubing the rest of it as he struggled to keep hold. It didn't help how unbearably sensitive it was, his skin turning smoother as the pleasure radiated outwards, his guitar calluses the only bit of roughness remaining as they scraped against his shaft. He had always seen himself as quite the stud, but being on the receiving end of his own cock only confirmed it for him, pleasure not meant for a man thrusting deeper, his grip slipping as more and more mass ejected from his dick.

Really he might as well enjoy its final performance. It was only slowed by how much it had to eject, a full foot gushing out followed by half his width, his frame so tiny now, only making his cock feel bigger as it thoroughly fucked him, Banji squealing as the full length of it inverted with a sopping wet pop, his fingers following.

It turned out all that guitar practice had made him quite adept at fingering, the technique not all that dissimilar, just switching his fingers to where it felt most right, not even thinking, improvising the best way to fuck her new-

"Eh hem. W-We're still here y'know..."

Banji realized what she had been doing in front of an audience, Nijika uncomfortable, Ryo amused and Kita taking notes enthusiastically.


She tried to hide herself in her tracksuit, only managing to unzip it as her bare chest heaved.

"Ha you're great uh... what was your name? Bacchi or something?"

Ugh they were turning her into a girl and they didn't even remember her name.

"You have to pay more attention senpai! It was clearly um... Bocchi right?"

Banji went to say no but a paralyzing fear struck her. Did her old name even matter at this point? She was clearly a girl. Besides they wanted someone less fussy and she couldn't imagine how much had gone into turning her into a girl. And it was really her fault for not reading the full- No what was she thinking?! Sh-She had to stand up for herself now! A-Any second now...

"Also you seemed to be fighting it Bocchi chan! You did read the full flyer right? Cause we only have a little time till we can undo it, though it'd be a real pain..."

Ugh now she was giving Banji this glum look that made him feel bad before returning to her usual cheeriness.

"You wanted to be a girl right Bocchi chan?"

Too bright, her entire aura it was too gleaming to even look at, Banji struggling to say no. Shit he had to clear this up or it might be permanent. B-But he needed a band and they needed a guitarist so maybe this wasn't too bad? C-Cause if she turned back they'd have to watch her unfuck herself into a guy again and the thought of doing that in f-front of an audience-

"See Kita! She wanted this. Now let's get to the important stuff. Marketing. Our band needs more firepower."

Firepo-?! Oh no. Oh no no no no no-

She lurched forwards, a similar feel to her dick fucking her from before only this time it was her chest, Banji squealing as something soft and pliable pushed against her nipples. In one push, her flat brown nips had tripled in size, puffy and tender as the flat rise of her chest gained two small, but noticeable dips upward. Something invisible seemed to grope them, leading to more screeching as another thrust doubled their size, Banji feeling the heat all over as her thighs rubbed together, a perky pair of breasts cutely rising from her pecs.


"Eh? Ah b-b-buhh- UUHHHHN~!"

Now they were starting to jiggle, Banji seeing stars as she came from the forceful growth, moaning deliriously as Ryo kept increasing them. They were larger than her hands as she tried to cover them up, tweaking her enlarged nipples as they surged more. Eventually she gave up, squirming on the floor as they grew larger than her head, her thighs thoroughly soaked as she gave a weak grunt.

"E-Enouuuuugh p-please! I-I won't be able to walk i-if they get any bigger!"

Kita nodded, Banji hoping there'd be some end to this embarrassing pleasurable tortu-

"Yeah senpai. We must corner the full market on Insta! Lots of people love thighs too! Besides I'd feel bad if she wasn't balanced. She sounded like she loved that anyways."

Well it did feel really good, b-but it wasn't like he wanted this to happen d-did he? Maybe she should just accept it and realize she wasn't going to undo this. It felt so hard to vocalize even the tiniest of disagreements and the changes were easy. She just had to sit there and let it happen to her and it'd feel- No why was she giving up so soon! Why was she letting this happen?! Wh-Why was her ass feeling so-



"Hmm that was a high E#. She might have more of a range than you Kita. Maybe she should be the lead singer."

"Eh?! S-Senpai please don't joke about that! I'm the only one who can-"

Bocchi wasn't sure if she was going to laugh or cry at how matter of factly her body was being toyed with, fat jostling between the muscle of her ass and thighs, the feeling of it shifting about as her hips widened leaving her cumming before she even knew what was going on. Her ass wasn't nearly as big as her breasts, but it hardly made any of what followed less intense as her hips jerked about, her ass swelling with a mix of horny and confused squeaks while her thighs gradually swelled till their thickness teased the lips of her leaking pussy, less of a thigh gap than a solid wall of plump flesh as the last of her body was fully feminized. Ryo had money on the brain, Kita was drooling slightly and Nijika was the only one who seemed to be feeling any pity for the embarrassed guitarist who had only come in to show off. Well she was definitely showing off her full talents like this.

"You should cover up a bit. We're not that kind of band."

Bocchi blushed as the silk bra and panties formed over her, unsure how to respond after all that.

"Th-Thank you... I-I guess..."

"Alright ready everyone?"

"er... excuse me but-"

"Yep. My babies are fully tuned and ready to be shown off on stream."

"ah b-but please if we could-"

"Ooh our chat's exploding already! Ten thousand and counting! Don't worry Bocchi I'll do all the talking so you just have to play kay?"

"b-but why am i the only one i-in a s-swimsuit?"

She should be used to this by now, the band's popularity having exploded after a few of her solo videos went viral, e-especially that one gig where she got dizzy from the crowd and got her tracksuit caught on the mic a-and the whole crowd saw her... No she couldn't think about that! B-But it really helped, and she hadn't even made a fifth of the amount of money she could in a month streaming that she now cleared on a good day. It did feel nice to have so many fans even if a lot of them had less than pure reasons for watching her. Though she was hardly a pure girl herself, all the attention getting her worked up, and she still liked girls so sometimes when she rewatched her streams... Ah impure thoughts! No horny!

All of her bandmates were in their usual outfits, but Bocchi was in a very tight, very revealing swimsuit, her outfit a last second switch after Ryo's duct tape dress idea would have broken ToS on the site. At least she had a bright future ahead of her even with all the demeaning stuff, Bocchi just repeating in her head that soon she could quit school and wouldn't need a job outside of this. I-It was permanent at this point anyways so she might as well enjoy it. Besides she always wanted all the attention and mmm~ m-maybe if Kita was feeling frisky after the stream they could-

"Psst Bocchi calm down. Your nipples."


Bocchi repeated sutras in her head as the stream went live, hoping she wasn't revealing too much as the first donations of the day pinged out. It seemed whether she wanted it or not, Bocchi had finally found the band for her.


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