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"Fuck. Off."

She seemed repulsed by your presence, bristling at even being looked at by you. But you wouldn't, not this time. For years now she had hated you for seemingly no reason, picking on you, constantly sending snide remarks, doing everything to make you uncomfortable to get you away. Worse life kept throwing you both together, middle school and high school making sense, but even in college you both had the same major and seemed to have a constant two degrees of separation in friends. Classes, she was there. Parties, she was there. Dorm rooms, she was across the hall and even set up PVC piping to blow her weed smoke out in your direction.

You had to down some liquid courage to confront her though, her vibe constantly feeling like she was ready to knife you. It was like she had a detector aimed towards you, every glance met with a disgusted grimace from her. Though not too much. You still felt horrified about that one party where you got too drunk and ended up trying to-

"Gonna try shoving your unwashed cow tongue down my throat again fucker? I can see you're still looking at my tits perv."

You weren't, but her short cut black top somehow perfectly hid them and showed almost everything at the same time, your eyes dipping lower. Shit no had to focus, couldn't back down now.

"Wh-Why do you have to be such a bitch all the time? Why do you hate me?!"

There you said it, a few people murmuring as she stared at you, her lips curling into a snarl.

"I'm the bitch? You're the one who kept staring at me everywhere, your filthy perverted thoughts obvious. You're like a fucking curse that keeps following me around no matter where the fuck I go. I know what you want you fucking..."

She trailed off, almost like a lightbulb went off in her head. You didn't like that.

"H-Hey you don't know me at all! It's not like I- MMGH?!"

She suddenly kissed you, shoving her tongue down your throat, the kiss almost arousing till the bite of metal split into your tongue.

The pain lasted for a few seconds, then numbness, your words coming out slurred and confused, partially from the alcohol, but mostly from the metal bulb now firmly stabbed through your tongue, the metallic chill of it spreading as your teeth began to chatter, the taste spreading into your spit as your lips felt awkward, two disgusting worms. Before you knew it you were sneering at the thought of yourself, your chilled lips turning to earthworms before the bitter taste of grapefruit erased the metallic flavor. You smacked them, sucking the oddly addictive bitterness, though the thought of this fucking nerd enjoying it made you feel so gross. Like ugh what the fuck was wrong with... yourself?

It was there in your head, this growing disgust, not even general discomfort just a revulsion at your own body, even your confusion letting a small corner of your brain feel sick.

"What d-did you just do to me? Why do I have a-"

She jabbed a finger against your throat, making you choke as pain bloomed, something dislodging as her finger kept stabbing against the bobbing shape of your Adam's Apple.

"I'm giving you a personality shit stain. Since you're like a fucking mold stain I can't get rid of, I'm stopping with the half measures and bleaching you to shit so I can dye you my colors."

Your coughing was rising in pitch, a familiar husky growl leaving your plump lips, panic rising as she gripped your chin and squeezed till something broke.

"Why do I hate you? Cause you're a spineless goody two shoes fuck who's incapable of not sucking every authority figure you can find off till they blow. You're so fucking weak I just know you can only stand there and take it bitch."

You screamed, the word spineless making your back crumble like it was turning to dust, your cries husky and pained as it warped inwards with a series of searingly painful crunches. You had to get out of here, you had to leave b-but your feet didn't budge, even as your shoes molded to Converses.

Your throat felt dry, the constant pokes shifting something, your mouth curled up in an image of sucking someone off as her words continued to rebound in your head. Worse the pain was starting to turn you on in some sick twisted way, just like the pervert I always knew you- N-No you weren't a pervert you weren't a-

"Heh knew you'd love this. I don't understand how you could stand being so fucking boring before this."

She flicked your dick, your cheeks red, the excuses stammering out into coughs as something splattered to the floor, your jaw still sore from whatever she had done as it clicked awkwardly against your face.

"Shut it perv. I've seen where you were looking fuck face. Ooh Mr. Boring with the shitty hair trying to look like a saint but ogling me all over. Why would my imaginary fuck toy feel disgusted? You need to get your ears cleared cause I told you to FUCK OFF!"

More pain, your feet struggling inside the converses, your cock painfully erect as it poked against your jeans. Everything felt weird, the room spinning as her nails tugged on your ears, whimpers eking out as black plastic broke through cartilage,  your lobes pinched as thicker bands stabbed into the flesh, rimming the top of your ear and even the inside next to your cheek as you cried.

"Aww is bitch boy crying at how much cooler he's becoming? Oh no you're gonna ruin my mascara. Stop whining shitstick. I can see how much you're loving this. Maybe you've just been jealous. Mommy and daddy wouldn't let you wear makeup? Wouldn't let you do your nails? Or maybe you just didn't have the balls for it."

Your tears were stinging your eyes, something mixing it into sludge as it slowly slid around your eyes, an intense discomfort wracking the middle of your face as the bones shifted and slithered like disgusting insects, the crunch like your sneakers stomping them into- You had to focus, that throbbing in your brain getting stronger, especially once the first thrust hit your balls.


Thrust wasn't the right word, more like two sharp kicks to your balls, the pain immense as it felt like they were gonna burst, your hands gripping between your thighs on instinct before your fingers spasmed like magnets of the same polarity. You weren't going to touch this fucking loser's cock if it was the last one in the world. You'd just find a dildo and- You were starting to realize you weren't turned on by the pain as much as that voice was getting off on inflicting pain onto you in particular, your fingers twitching as black polish painted your thinner fingers, the voice giggling as you writhed in place, unable to do anything but take it as the kicks from before didn't let up so much as start grinding down.

You could feel it through your fucking boxers, phantom shoes stomping on them, the rubber treads scraping against them as they were squished like the ugly little cockroaches they were. You needed to do something so badly, your toes clenched, your feet finally breaking under the stress of your converses as you trembled with need, grunting as a hot gush of cum spilled down your thighs.

Revulsion. Horror. Arousal. Your brain couldn't settle on what it wanted to feel so you kept on grunting, your balls half submerged now, the angled grinding stretching your ballsack past the point of bursting as your pained grunts twisted into moans as it forcefully fucked your innards apart. Your own hands gripped your forehead as your head rocketed back in the throes of maddening ecstasy, your cock spilling out cum more watered down then the shit you'd sneak at dive bars where they don't check the ID's much, your fingers gripping your temples as they started to pinch and crack your temples. Drool flung from your mouth, the hell of your palms crushing your nose to shape, your hips bucking as you came out every last drop of male sludge in your system as a wet aching need throbbed between your thighs. Fuck you were getting better.

"P-Please dhooon't d-hoo this t-to-"

Your own hands slapped you across the face, disgusted at making my voice stammer like some submissive little fuck. Your toes were crumbling, the hug of your shoes shredding out socks as they snapped and shrank, rooting you firmly in place as your balls continued their agonizing dive. The malformed lips of your pussy were bloated, each ball snared in the surrounding labia, bliss and pain twisting them in, bit by bit as your unstoppably erect dick weakly leaked. You tried to beg again but your hands continued to slap your face to shape, your eyes painfully angling downwards, your lashes pulled longer.

It wasn't enough that your balls were being swallowed, it was like your body was gagging at the thought, your teeth grit as they pulled in only to be half spat out, your swollen lips shrinking as the wet ache carved deeper.

"P-Pleeeathh P-P-Please juhhhst-"

Your hands tore at your scalp, your hair ripping out, your brain feeling partially juiced as it slammed against the top of your skull. It was like your entire being had just been turned down, your mouth moving against your will, your cock spewing out clear fluids as the stained legs of your pants began to dissolve. Black hair was draping over your vision, your twin smirking as she pulled up  her selfie camera to let you watch your irises bleed black, a matching curl of black spiraling over your matching shoulder length bangs as the pressure between your thighs didn't so much resolve as burst. It was there in your pathetically moaning features, your desperate slutty dry humping as if that'd do anything you stupid fucking shit. God you're like a fucking animal and it's all in my voice you pathetic, worthless-


Your lips snarled it out, groaning as a copy of her face stared from the camera, grimacing at you.

"Do you ever get tired of being so boring?"

"Feeling better?"

"Fuck no he's still in here."

Your hands smacked your head in disgust, rattling your thoughts as you felt the throbbing hatred spreading like an infection cause that's what you were you disgusting fucking-

"Mmm~ ooh I think I just corrupted his name. I don't know cause I never remembered that shit. Nngh why the fuck are you turned on fuck? Ugh just hurry up and vanish so I can forget you even existed."

You felt it cramp against your thoughts, your thighs rubbing together as your cock grew needier by the second. With your balls fully sucked all this warmth was flooding into your body, the arousal spreading along your skin, your nipples puckering pink, feeling so tender, s-so-

"He's about to burst over our tits. Perverted fuck can't stop th-eenking about them."

Your nails were tearing at your shirt, clawing away fabric to reveal a paling stomach, the fat and muscle there pulsating under the skin like the worm you were. No no you d-didn't want her tits? Then why do you keep thinking about them? Here why don't I-

"-Give you a taste. Fuck why don't I shove a mouthful down your fucking throat!"

She gripped your nipples, your brain spasming as the flicked them, teasing with her nails before viciously pinching this fucking loser's brain. Oh fuuuuck he's cumming over my nngh n-no you were... ooh wh-what was your name agaiAHHHN FUCK FUCK HOLY SHIT! Why are you still resisting you f-uhhhcking-


Both of you came, groaning as your swaying forced your stomach to slim, all that revealed midriff gyrating sexily in the camera recording your own changes, the flashes of horror turning you on the more her thoughts, your real thoughts spilled in. Your brain was clenching like your deepening pussy, both spewing out needless bullshit as you squeezed your tits, so little of yourself left. Fuck you wish the rest would just die, would just give in would just, "Stop breathing next to me."

I could feel that perverted weirdo struggling inside my head, getting quieter with every squish of my tits. It was so disgusting to have to finish this shit off but at least his dick felt good. Years of hatred and the best he'd ever measure up to was something a hunk of plastic could do just as well the pathetic little- Nngh n-nooo I-I don't want to l-hooose my virginity to this creep. Good thing I had that threesome freshman year with the lead guitarist and drummer for... Whatever they were. They were big like two years ago then- please ahhn I-I can't- shut up I'm reminiscing.

I squeezed my thighs together, eyes clenched shut as that stubborn migraine faded, rolling this weird hunk of meat as I squatted down. Fuck it felt good, stretching the muscles as the fibers snapped, hearing that annoying echo slowly fade to just background static. Mmm~ it was like my ass was groping itself, swelling as something cracked that sounded super metal, but not half as metal as when I pierced my-

"Uhhhn f-finally."

A piercing through the tip sealed it shut, the whole thing trembling. I kept calling this loser a worm, only right that the last thing to go would embody it. Even now it was getting pink and ridges as it burrowed in, feeling fucking amazing as my thighs gave it a squeeze. Fuuuuck why didn't I do this sooner? This was so fucking easy. It was even weaker than the fuck it had been on! Gaaaawd my thighs felt so plush against it, and it was really scraping deep, inches sliding and sliding and nngh ooh fuck oh fuuuuuck shit I'm gonna I'm I-


I came his brains out, dowsing my denim cut offs as the last of that loser became a distant memory, one I'd never return to. My sister passed me a cigarette, lighting it as I took a drag, feeling the smoke burn out any last traces of... whatever I was thinking about. God I need a good fuck. But not these losers. This party was lame and everyone was staring at me like a circus attraction.

I had been... annoyed at something before right? Right the booze was cheap, the people were boring and everyone was ogling me like a virgin at a stripper club. Well I'd finish this cig and bail. My sister seemed ready to go, but I was really getting annoyed by all these fake worried calls. Waah waaah are you okay? What just happened to you dude? That's the other thing. They kept calling me a fucking guy. Do these tits look like a guys dumbfucks? Did I need to cum over the carpet again to give them a basic anatomy lesson? Yeah we were done here. Thank god my fucking sis came here or there'd be no one cool to talk to.

I pushed away the concerned busybodies and blew smoke in their faces, making sure they knew exactly how unwelcome they were before I left.

"Keep staring and I'll gouge your eyes out. Understand? Cause if you don't I'll fucking make you."

That got them to back away. Ha pussies. This was kind of fun. Wonder why I had this weird sense of accomplishment. Well my sister has a shit eating grin so I'm sure she has something fun in mind. Fuuuuck I'm feeling desperate tonight. Ugh major blue balls. Well if we can't find anything I can just masturbate or something. I'm feeling weirdly narcissistic tonight. Even just staring at my twin's making me- Nngh?! Well shit I guess I really was pent up, but can I blame myself?

I'm fucking perfect.


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