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"Yass~! Tonight? Ohh I'm gonna ask in a sec. Tooootally~! Ohmygawd Derek'll be there?"

Drake had his head buried in a pillow, trying to shut out the cutesy talk, not wanting to stare at the half naked blonde making kissy faces in their bizarre looking dorm room. He was still annoyed that the magic whatever bullshit had painted half the standard white walls pink, mostly cause some of his posters had been turned into Vogue posters, though he supposed it could be worse. Actually no, it couldn't. Jackson had been kind of an ass, but they had gotten on well enough, generally sticking to their halves of the room, Drake being the one to usually remind him to do his share of cleaning and to not blast his heavy metal music all the time. Jackson though was an asshole, a fact Drake could only ignore in their shared dorm while outside of it he was reminded of it constantly.

Basically he had something nasty coming and Drake could only just pray he wouldn't get involved with one of his edgy roommate's rants about women or music or any of a million things that made him generally unbearable outside of living together. But of all the things that could have happened, the last thing he had expected was to watch reality rewrite inside their room, Drake having the most confusing night ever when all of Jackson's messily tossed aside black shirts and silver studded apparel suddenly turned pink and cute, bras and panties replacing soiled underwear while a vanity and makeup overtook his desk. And then came in Jackie an hour or so later, there to make him even more confused as the sullen asshole had become a giggly gyaru.

It had been hard to piece together the specifics through the bubbly speech and slang, but it seemed "Jackie" had pissed off the wrong group of gyarus, though from how excited she was babbling on about them domming her and making her feel "like, OMG I couldn't! A-And then like, nngh fuck so good!" It seemed like she had no ill will towards being changed.

Most people would have doubted something so out there. But then most people don't witness half a dorm room rewrite itself before their eyes. Maybe if he hadn't been reeling from the realization that apparently magic was real he might have tried to take advantage of the situation. The new Jackie was really his type, Drake a sociable, excited kind of guy who liked similarly outgoing people. It just made the near instant friend zoning so much worse, and any solace he might have taken in such a radical change in his roommate was almost instantly dashed as he realized just what kind of hell he had gotten into.

See, despite having had in her words, "Every icky inch of my body jam packed with estrogen and fashion," Jackie was for the most part a lot like Jackson. She still loved Heavy Metal and had even gotten some of the girls who had changed her into it in the weeks that followed. Worse, she still acted as casual around him as she had as a guy, frequently moving about the room topless, tossing her used panties and bras on the floor making Drake feel like a pervert whenever he cleaned up after her. She was messy, flirty and a constant distraction. Sure she was much nicer, but that just made it worse cause he was constantly forcing himself to not be so obviously turned on. Jackie had no such problem though, Drake trying to pretend like he didn't hear her when she fingered herself, but apparently the gyarus had made her a squealer judging from the barely muffled noises that kept him up at night.

He had tried to complain, but the school board insisted this was normal and that he had agreed to it. In fact everyone else thought that Jackie had always been Jackie. He had been spared reality rewriting due to "being in the safe spot" whatever that meant. This many weeks in his brains were basically frazzled, Drake liable to just agree to anything his excitable roommate asked of him, and ask she would as he felt a tap on his back, her phone call ended as he turned around.

"Hey so uh... that was Amber on the other line and someone couldn't make it to this cute little get together we had planned. See it's like, one of those double date things and well, I don't want Derek to feel lonely so um, I kept forgetting cause I was told this a few days ago, but I'm so ditzy y'know? So uh, you think you could be my plus one here Drake?"

He thought back, trying to remember which girl was Amber, though he dug pretty much everyone in her friend group at least looks wise. Plus she was using the puppy dog eyes on him and he was always weak to those.

"Sure. Though shouldn't I get dressed up? It's soon right?"

That made her smirk, Jackie pulling out a small pouch as she fiddled with the top.

"Oh don't worry, you won't have to change at all! This'll do it for you. Thanks a bunch Drake!"

Before he could ask what she was doing the top had been opened, her cheery expression not changing in the slightest as she threw a sparkly purple powder all over him.

"Kff kff what the fuck was thahht?!"

He had breathed in like half of it, his throat burning as he coughed relentlessly, even more confused as the stuff on his skin and clothes seemed to phase through into him, a weird itchy feeling that gradually faded into what could best be described as a relentless teasing of his body, like some invisible force was scrunching his skin in waves that gradually dug deeper. It didn't hurt, but it sure felt weird, Drake running to their shared mini fridge for some water as his coughs continued to fluctuate in pitch and intensity. He grabbed the nearest plastic and downed half of it, only pausing when he felt the plastic shift in his mouth, a metallic taste greeting his tongue as he spat half of his next swallow out. In his hand the plastic was hardening to a black shell, the words Goth Juice on the front forming as he tried to wrap his head around it.

"Oh yeah it's really confusing at first right? It was so weird when it started with me."

Drake still wasn't connecting two and two, staring back at the fridge as one of his other bottles turned into a purple colored variant of the refillable, the other bottles fading to nothingness. It was only his stuff changing in the fridge, half eaten sandwiches compressing to artisanal flatbreads, some teas appearing on top of the fridge. His head was pounding, the force focused on it as the press of something fondled his temples, discomfort building until there was a noticeable crunching sound, Drake giving a slight coo at how good it felt for the tension to be relieved.

"KFF KFF What do y-"

The discomfort was mostly gone from his throat, and so was the bass in it as well, his free hand feeling it up as the tingling chills were intense, each breath in bobbing his Adam's Apple as he felt the bump lessen under his grip. More pressure at the top of his scalp, this time more like nails lightly digging into it in an almost digging motion, a dark curtain gradually lowering over his field of vision. He pulled at it, feeling a shiver at the force as the scrunching feeling pulsed quicker, the stuff spilling out as he realized he was holding a growing lock of hair. He was mesmerized for a moment, watching the color dye an inky black, feeling slick and cared for in his grip as more draped over his arm and hands, his eyes watering as the squeeze hit his brow.

"This, this isn't... right."

It was an obvious statement, yet he had to say something, his mind spinning in circles as he stumbled towards his half of their dorm, plopping down onto his bed only to find an array of pillows under his ass. It was a familiar, impossible sight, Drake's heart beating in his ears as he watched his bedspread turn black and purple, his desk gaining a mirror as his eyes began to throb.

"Jackie, you said someone couldn't make it. Who am I replacing?"

"Amber duh. Oh wait did I not say that?"



It was already a bad sign that he had to force his voice to go lower, his eyes tearing up from the weird sensations squeezing them, shaping his skull, a strong sense of vertigo hitting him as he fell back to the gothic bedspread. Fuck it felt weird, like a million tiny fingers prodding and stroking him, smothering him with weird comfort as the discomfort once again resolved with pleasant pops, his eyes feeling noticeably larger in his skull, his nose feeling pinched as his rising voice sounded nasally. The thing was, it wasn't like Drake had any idea how to fight this, nor was he really capable of moving much with his nose and ears shifting making his balance out of whack. At least it wasn't painful even if it was weird, his nose sinking into his skull, lips feeling blubbery as he tried to calm down the best he could.

"'Ow lnng will this latht?"

He wasn't even trying to hide his falsetto, his throat almost fully flat as he rolled over to face her. The changes were rolling down his hands and arms, slight spasms rolling through his shrinking fingers, his lack of resistance making it feel better as he felt a blush warm his cheeks. It was only when he noticed the confusion on Jackie's face that he started to sweat.

"Whe' do I tur- HIC bahh?!"

His teeth were knocking about, the hinges of his jaw popping as his shoulders started to slant like a permanent deep tissue massage, though the niceness of it did little to stem his panic as Jackie's face turned guilty, then overly cutesy as she stuck out her tongue with a face that was begging for forgiveness.

"Right turning back. Um, I don't think there is a way. You know this magic stuff is just really casual so I forgot how like um, permanent it is? Cause once you change auras, Kaylee said it was like burning a piece of paper and you can't take the ashes- Er, what I mean to say is whoops? But hey, it feels good right?"

"Ihhh feels WEIRD!"

Sure there was some pleasure to be found in the muscular pops and tingles running up his arms, his fingers so much smaller as they clenched, his shoulders giving this really nice feeling creak as they pulled down, but it was far from the blissful experience Jackie had been swooning over for the last few weeks. At least his face was done so the worst of the vertigo was done and his mouth could actually form words. Oh wow his lips were really plush weren't they?

"Oh it feels that way at first, but I bet you'll love... BOOP!"

She poked his nipples, Drake staring at her annoyed as his upper arms locked back into place.


He didn't like just how sexy his voice was, like some kind of dommy goth girl was shouting, which given his decor was probably what he was turning into. Jackie seemed more confused than scared though.

"That's weird, c'mon this should feel like really good!"

She poked them again, and again, not much sensation besides a bothersome scrape as his shirt was shifting about to leather, her boops aggravating his flesh as the tingles dived below his collarbone.

"I TOLD YOU T-ooh?!"

The more she pressed them the more that scraping turned more tingly, like his nipples were pushing back, Drake squirming as he began to feel weirdly warm.

"Hehe I told you it'd feel good. I just started it a teensy too soon uh... well Drake won't work, how about Dawn?"

"Sh-Shut uhhhhp~!"

Fuck they were getting sensitive, Drake panting as his cock grew stiff. There was this sensation of stuff almost hardening behind the nipples the more aroused he grew, each beat of his heart another surge in sensation, his nips tingling as they pushed against every press, that warmth digging deeper as he could feel it worming into the muscle, bloating, swelling, the new pleasure building and building until he couldn't take any more, his chest and cock both bursting as he gave a sultry scream.

"Ooh you're sounding super sexy babe. And looking it too. Damn are these like, bigger than mine?"

Jackie was still groping his breasts, Drake blushing hard as he couldn't stop himself from cumming again. His whole body was feeling really amped up, every grope making the changes spread faster, her fingers on his breasts teasing the skin in a way he never felt before. It wasn't like he had a way to even resist it, the pleasure really starting to amp up as his cock refused to soften.


Just when he got control of his mouth his words were coming out warped again, sounding more like an invitation to continue the way he was starting to thrust against her hands, his body in general almost magnetized to her teasing the more she gave his new assets a squeeze.

"I mean it's not like I can stop it now! Look I'm just trying to let you have fun kay? I mean trust me I was so scared when it started, but like those girls knew what they were doing. Don't worry let it all out. No shame here babe."

Her thumbs rolled across his nipples, her fingers digging into the plump, plush flesh sending shockwaves through Drake's body with every grope. His cheeks were blushing so hard it felt like they were on fire, his dick following Jackie's invitation as he felt another gush spill down his thighs. He was paralyzed with alien pleasure, his eyes focused only on Jackie as she hovered over him like some kind of perverted angel, even the dorm light haloing her head as one hand slid lower down his body.

"You know it's really hawt seeing this happen to someone else. Mmm~ like I know you were thin, but you're getting really toned now y'know?"

The sides of his shirt were being overtaken by more of that rough leathery latex blend, the purple inside sucking against his waist, squeezing it as the tightening pressure built and built. Before he knew it, he was leaning into it, thrusting his waist up as his spine gave a brutal sounding crunch, all his weight draining to his ass.


He didn't even know what he was trying to say, just needing to scream as his waist crinkled curvy, Jackie giggling all throughout as she pinched his thinning sides and marveled at the firmed up stomach he now rocked. Something tore, probably his pants, though the tears were filling back in with more of that black and purple fabric, hugging his bloating ass as he felt the strangest twistings inside his guts, a kind of shifting, stabbing sensation that should have made him feel nauseous but somehow only accented how hard he felt. His roomie must have known from the way he was gripping at his stomach, a knowing smirk on her face.

"Oh that part. See, unlike all our boy parts, a whole bunch of the girly stuff is far in there. You don't think it'd feel good right?"

She kept tracing the squirming, Drake drooling as she slid her fingers underneath the forming jumpsuit to rub at the softened skin below his belly button, tapping spots that were hollowing out, getting ready for something to fill them as Drake felt his balls pull tight to his body.

"But this is where all the really intense stuff is happening. I mean with a figure that good, obviously you're going to have some rearranging. Though let me..."



It was a bit hard to maneuver inside the skintight leather, a half unraveled zippered pulling down the more she shoved her arms in, gripping his perky ass as she palmed a cheek and squeezed.

"Heh you might have bigger boobs but I'm still winning in the ass side of things. Bet it feels good though. Not so bad right?"

Maybe it was her groping, maybe it was just time for that to change, but Drake could barely think as his hips spread apart. It was like the flood gates had opened, that hollow feeling squirming in his guts finally having a path in as his scrotum imploded. It was a lot to take in for his first time getting fucked, Drake barely thinking as he rolled over, knocking Jackie to the ground.

"H-Hey wait a sec Dawn. I-I know I've been getting frisky but I'm- I'm-"

She was tangled up in Drake's outfit, the skintight leather meaning she was basically sealed gripping his ass, her breasts pressing against his as her face turned as red as Drake's. It didn't matter how much of the suit unzipped, his thighs keeping the bottom half glued on as they swelled, Drake's lust boiling over as his lips found Jackie's stuttering mouth, his cock gushing like a broken faucet as the need took over.

That's really all it could be called; a need. Familiar urges to penetrate and stroke mixing with the stranger ones of being penetrated and teased, his thrashing thighs rolling Jackie's skirt down before his dick thrust against her panties.


Jackie wasn't ready to feel his dick that deep, clad in her panties as she was glued to his ass, his rock hard nipples digging into hers as she came. Her cutesy moans only hastened Drake's thrusts, his balls slipping to either side of his hips, a hot flood of bliss spilling into his body as his thighs only grew plusher, his leather clad calves and toes shrinking under the squeeze of magic as his releases turned clear.

It felt unimaginably good, his thrusts forcing his cock to penetrate his own hungry emptiness, fucking and being fucked blurring together as the need continued to radiate. It was all encompassing, feeling the arousal in his breasts, his ass, his skin, Jackie's tongue coiling around his as he felt her slit dampen. She came, her hips thrusting up as the force made his cock slide three inches in, Drake's tenuous hold onto masculinity slipping as his tip widened, only a two inch nub left to batter inside as Jackie's hips thrust up in need. She was so good at it, using his shrunken tip like a double sided dildo as something rumbled, Dawn screaming in ecstasy as her tip spread open into a throbbing pussy, the freshly minted girl left gasping over her equally flushed roommate.

"Mmm~ want to do more Jackie?"

A few hours later and Dawn was fidgeting nervously, trying to ignore the glances from the crowd as she looked down.

"Why're you being so gloomy Dawn? C'mon you're hawt~!"

Great now she was blushing.

"I-It's my first time out with this b-body okay? Even if I feel comfortable in it, I-I'm not ready for all this attention. I was never the most assertive-"

"I don't know, you were pretty assertive in the bedroom when you-"


Dawn knew from the shit eating grin that Jackie was doing this on purpose, enjoying her squirming as she glanced around praying no one heard Jackie's little comment. The gyaru leaned forwards, whispering into her ear, "*Come on Dawn, you made me squeal for an hour, only fair I get you to squeak a bit too. You were so ravenous before, such a lady killer. Who cares about a couple of guys?*"

"C-Cause they're guys!"

Ugh that came out too loud, now she was definitely getting stares. She grabbed Jackie by the server and started herding her through the crowd all while furiously blushing.

"Aww worried some hunk's gonna steal your new girlfriend away?"

Dawn really needed Jackie to be quiet, still blushing at what they'd been doing for the last hour or so.

"I-It's a mixer! That's what h-happens at these things! And we're late! Why are we even going to this thing if you like me?"

Jackie paused, giving Dawn a hug as she squeezed their cheeks together.

"I thought that was obvious. Cause I wanted to tease you. Don't worry I'm sure you can take out any ol' anger you have at helpless lil me when we get back Dawn. I saw what some of your toys turned into and I totally can't wait to try out-"


Dawn was a whimpering mess, hoping all their public outings wouldn't turn into teasing like this. Really she was just surprised at how little had changed with the magic, her tastes the same, her major the same, and it seemed like her semi dysfunctional roommate relationship would remain.

"Now c'mon Dawn! I wanna show you off to some guys."

Well... at least it was sexier now, Dawn thinking up just how she'd pay Jackie back once they returned from the mall. She did always want to snag a hot babe in college, she just never thought it'd be her roommate.


Aaron Machado

None of the pictures are loading for me for some reason


I tried a few things, I think it might be a site wide issue for today? I'll try to replace them tomorrow. Worst comes to worst I'll just include links for the pics and stuff if nothing works.