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"Er, hello? I don't really know how this works but the new donation options are open."

Jack had never really understood streaming despite being an avid watcher. He had all the right setups, redecorated his room for a solid background and regularly ripped off the biggest streamer, but after five months of this his audience was still in the double digits, if even that on the bad days. He had been fiddling around through some of the settings on Twitch hoping to find something of use there, intrigued by the "special donation service" which was still in Beta.

He couldn't find anything on google so he must have lucked out and been one of those people the service picked to test out new features, though an email would have been nice. Apparently it was only being offered to a select few people in only two territories, the U.S. and South Korea, which he guessed made sense with all their esports stuff. It said it guaranteed a boost in viewership and allowed for "your fans to truly interact with you like never before," which Jack figured meant like, extra emotes or something. Maybe more alerts? Either way he had nothing to lose so figured he'd give it a shot. It was late anyways and he was itching to get some time on one of the newer FPS's with a really addicting gameplay loop. Even if he kind of sucked.

"Hey guys it's Red here to paint the town my color if I can manage to snipe properly. I'm doing something new today called 'Enhanced Donations' which only a select few have gotten to beta test this feature. Yes I know, I truly am the most Beta of males lol. Very impressive. Anyways- Oh?"

One of his usual viewers had sent five dollars with a basic "Git Gud Nerd" on it. His fingers felt a little twitchy at the surprise noise, a kind of jingling of bells like a store shop might use only more melodic. It was a nice start, especially once he got into playing, finding his mouse handling much better, the game feeling easier as he played out his mind even if the stream was dead.

It wasn't exactly a bad stream, just pretty typical. Not many extra people jumped on to watch him play for the first hour even with him playing out of his mind. And then something weird happened.

"테스트. ."

It was a donation in Korean, Jack staring at it confused, unable to copy it over on screen as it passed by quickly. He wasn't really sure what to make of it so he just thanked them for the donation since it was five dollars and finished playing the round. He took a pause between rounds to look at chat, seeing another message posted after.

"또 다른 백인 소년. 라인 그룹에 알리는 것이 좋습니다. 이것은 재미있을 것입니다."

Weird, but okay. He couldn't waste time really translating these, but he just hoped they weren't saying anything weird. He couldn't moderate Korean and... hold up.

Jack stared at his channel name, confused since he had somehow scored Red early on and always felt proud of that even if he never used it. But it looked different, a period after the d that made no sense. Had that always been there? He swore it was just “Red” not “Red.” but maybe he hadn't been paying attention? Wei-

"Sensitivity up."

Another five dollar dono, someone else whose name was in Korean. What were they even saying? Did they want him to change his settings in game? They really must have wanted it, him and the first donator spamming five gifted subs all with the same message.

"Uh thanks I guess I can turn my game's sensitivity uhhp~! Uh sorry about that. Guess I'm a bit wired after all those games."

It felt hot all of a sudden, Jack wondering if his lights were too strong, feeling incredibly warm under them as his shirt scratched against his skin. He had never felt so aware of his body before, the creases of his shorts rubbing against his thighs, his dick awkwardly pushing against his boxers as he shifted his position. Ready for another round. His view count was starting to increase, climbing past 50, making his heart flutter as more donations came in, Jack upping the game volume to hide his coos.

It was weird to get this worked up over donations right? But it was so nice feeling, that little chiming noise like a perfect ASMR bit, making his hairs stand on end as a relaxing shiver spread over him, only getting more pleasant with each repetition. It really was a lovely sound, zeroing in his focus on the game and chat, Jack barely aware he was pitching a tent below as a new chime sounded, this one like a chord of bells being struck at once.

"피부를 좀 보자. 우리처럼 부드럽습니다."

It was a 20 dollar donation, Jack stunned by the sudden generosity.

"W-Wow thank you so much person whose name I can't read. I hOHpe you're enjOYing the strEEam!"

Like before the donation felt good, but there were these odd little pinches running over his skin, swiftly followed by a soothing softness. He didn't want to make it obvious he felt weird, worried about how his new viewers might take it but he snuck a few peaks down as a few more donations for 더 부드럽다 and 아시아 사람 repeated.

Jacka kept kicking his legs, feeling the pinching roll over them, that soft silky prickle that followed feeling heavenly as he groaned. What was happening? Why did it feel so good? He looked down at his bare thighs, wondering why he felt so warm there. Something was different though, something missing from the creamy expanse of flesh as he rubbed them together, nearly moaning as the soft skin tickled his tender cock. Before he could resolve that something else bothered him, his complexion a little off, almost like swirls of a warmer hue were spreading, though that couldn't be, the light was playing tricks or maybe he was just dizzy. Yeah dizzy that was it, his legs swiping together as the worry felt hazy, the last prickles running through his ankles and feet as he gave a satisfied purr. Now there was only a slight tweak at the corners of his eyes, a gentle folding happening, confused chat messages of... what was that English word for eolgul again? Oh right face!

"Hmm my face? What's wrong with my face?"

Jacka patted it down, unsure what was wrong, his cheeks smooth, his thighs continuing to rub together as the nice warmth continued to soothe his body.

Your eyes. Something's weird with your eyes.

He rubbed them, noticing something was a bit off, maybe they were a bit uh... what'd the word be? So hard to focus with the warmth, his focus broken again by a cavalcade of bells as Jacka stared at his chat, shocked to see a raid of 200 people joining in from...

아시아 소녀가 되십시오, whatever that meant. He had to thank them, but his face, something wasn't right with his-

"귀여운 얼굴."

Another five dollar donation, Jacka's face throbbing, something popping as he let out a pleased coo. No he couldn't act weird on stream he was-

"귀여운 얼굴."

The same message, but a different donator, Jacka squeezing his lips shut to stifle the pleased groan trying to leave his lips. But his lips felt so strangely good to press and pucker, a few ekes of bliss slipping out as he started making kissy faces to chat, sighing at how good it felt as the same donation message ranged out, almost like he could feel his generous viewers squeezing his cheeks, rubbing his nose, massaging his temples, his face twitching as he just hoped his expression was cute. Wait cute? Ooh why did thinking that word feel so good? It made his lashes wriggle, his slimmer chin opened in a smile as he giggled at the thought of all these new people finding him cute and adorable and and-

“10,000 Bits Redeem: Face Paint

It was a different noise, some random kdrama popping up as a bits redeem as he stared at it confused. When had he added that? He couldn't remember making it, but he must have. Looking down he saw red face paint neatly opened on his desk, Jacka unsure what to do with-

"긴 머리."


Whatever doubts he had spilled down his scalp, a lovely tugging making him moan as the gentle yet forceful pull on his hair remained, the sprouts of follicles teasing out his confusion, his fingers dipping into the paint as if he had done this before. Had he done this before? Yes he must have because it felt so right to etch the red triangles on his cherubic cheeks. It looked cute. Yes so cute, Jacna giggling to himself as the warm blanket of dispelled doubt tickled his shoulders, giving a flip of his conditioned chestnut mane as he smiled towards the camera.

"That good? Er I mean is that good sicheongja?"

Certain bits of syntax felt shaky in Jacna's mind in a way it wasn't before, but that didn't matter too much to him. Chat was loving it, so much Korean flying by, the donation spams combing through his hair as he spotted the bits of mostly legible English in chat. Something about how he looked like a girl now which was funny cause all he had to do was stare down to see a massive erection tenting his shorts.

"Are you trying to say I play like a girl or something? Though if you're calling me cute I don't mind that chat. How's it feel knowing this cute boy's kicking your ass?"

He cleared his throat, another few donations coming in for "귀여운 목소리" which tickled the back of his mind, the shapes of the letters more familiar even if the meaning wasn't there. Jacna's voice though felt a bit strange, having to purr a bit and do some warm ups to get it to come out smooth and perky. It was strange how high he could get it to go, the chirpy, girly noises cracking out sounding almost melodic and teasing in a way that got him more worked up. It wasn't natural but it felt right, another coo sounding cute and adorable as he rubbed his flat throat, absolutely loving the noises he was making.

It was around this point he started noticing one donation starting to repeat, every minute another person spamming it like it was some kind of meme as he tried to focus on the current match.


It felt oddly familiar, like one of those tip of your tongue moments as every minute like clockwork another donation for 바디수트 would chirp out, his horny thigh rubbing getting more into it as his shirt squeezed against his smooth skin, almost like it was trying to tease him on purpose. It was a cycle, some cool play rewarded with that same message, Jacna groaning as his shirt now felt like it was fully hugging his waist, rubbing every crease of muscle, the feeling slithering down his arms like a warm cocoon devouring him in its embrace.

The swelling warmth spreading over him he kept writing off as the joy from his bank account rising, more money coming in today than he made all of last year. Thinking was hard anyways past being cute and kicking ass for his viewers. The chimes kept rolling in with his kills, the word making his lips pucker, a bah sound rolling off the more it repeated. Chat loved him, and he could feel their love all over, tucked beneath his armpits, dipping into his navel, squeezing against his ass. For once he couldn't even hide the pleasure as he lewdly moaned on camera, the feeling of something pliable yet firm fully encasing his cock and groping it, stroking with that incredible warmth. It was all around him, stroking his body, that tight squeeze wrapping around his thighs and calves, leaving him a twitching mess as chat's support felt like a-



It was almost there the word so close, his body fully encased below the neck, every inch of his hairless skin basking in the pleasure of streaming. It took one of the increasingly rare English chats to make it finally click, someone asking if he was using CGI to make his-

"Badi suteu!"

Bodysuit of course that was the word! And oh god just saying the word felt heavenly, Jacna gasping as his brain felt encased in it, looking down only to be greeted with a shocking sight. It was there, his 바디수트, er, h-his body suit, like something out of a secret fantasy of his as he looked at his form. It wasn't exactly the most fitting uniform for his body, but there was something addictive in the way it rewarded his every move, so tight that even just moving his arm sent the latex squeezing in ways he couldn't expect, moaning as it just the simple change in posture shifted his cock about expertly as if it was being fondled by a professional. B-But this wasn't right. Something was off and he had to end the-

“500,000 Bits Redeem: 먹방 스트림”

-round cause he had a Mukbang Stream bit reward to fulfill.

There was so much wrong with that though. Why had he been able to read that? Korean was still his second language since he had started studying it in college so... well okay maybe he knew more than he thought. But he hadn't put that reward in, but when he clicked his ed.v profile it was there, all million bits paid for by someone even if it made no sense. He could barely eat and his body already felt so twiggy inside the tight bodysuit. But his viewers wanted it. His fans had paid to see him eat and that made him feel strange. It was like a warmth inside his stomach, the suit squeezing him as people began donating to random parts of his body. There were pangs of hollowness rumbling in his stomach, the bodysuit squeezing to the beat of donations.

"B-But I didn't order any eumsig! A-And ahh~!"

It wasn't that the bodysuit was tight so much as small areas with noticeably less slack. But that was all starting to ease as he rolled back, the flood of Korean getting more legible as he felt more playful, Jacna giggling as the donations kept coming in. At this point he knew something was strange, even through the haze of pleasure clouding his mind. Yet that was the thing, it felt so good. His viewers kept rising, the donations kept increasing and the more he gave into the needs of his audience the more he got to feel that lovely chime ring through his being, barely caring about the tiny crunchy noises he was vaguely aware of.

"Oh you want to see more of my chalimsae?"

Playing up the teasing cutesiness of his persona felt incredible, Jana moaning as the suit clung tighter, his audience numbers increasing the pressure as his skeleton began to warp.

"I know what you byeontae really want t-ooh t-to bodaaaah~!"

Jana could barely hold back, shocked he hadn't cum yet from how turned on he was, the suit rubbing his cock incessantly as his fingers twitched smaller, his shoulders crunching in. He was feeling so cute and small and just all around deo na-eun!

The bits of Korean just slid naturally into his head like his body slid into the shrinking contours of the bodysuit, his flesh wriggling as if joyous for the slow compression, his cock certainly enjoying it as it throbbed greedily. That hollow hunger stabbed further in his stomach, Jana's body gyrating in showy, sensual ways that made the chat go wild, the feeling natural as his waist withered away. It wasn't quite the anorexic flatness it could have turned into, but a much more inviting set of curves, Jana collapsing onto his bed with a pleased groan, running his slender fingers up his softening navel, squeezing the softer contours as his sides finished sucking in under the loving grip of the suit.

The skinsuit was so tight it basically felt like he was naked, the dimples in his flesh easy to trace, his back arching with a ten bomb of donations as his ass and chest thrust out invitingly even without much to flaunt.

"Mmm~ nan neomu baegopaaa~! Er hungry. Me hUHHNgry!"

His shoulders had finished rounding, hips thrusting as the hollow need stabbed directly behind his dick, like his desire was winching his innards apart as lanky knees knocked together. Despite how difficult it was to hide, there was a need in Jana's mind to hide his clear erection, folding it between his thighs as he winked towards the camera. He had one of his more phallic looking spare boom mics gripped gingerly, smacking his lips right against it for the full ASMR experience. He never understood the appeal of eating in front of an audience till now, nearly cumming at the wet smacks his lips produced, his every hitched coo and excited titter echoing to thousands of perverts waiting to see him eat. He was feeling starved anyways. Of attention, of donations, an endless craving urging him on at the behest of chat, plates of Jjajangmyeon Tteokbokki appearing before her as she began to greedily chow down.

It was more than just Korean cuisine gracing his tongue, English fading from it with every slurp and bite, Jana knowing just how much his audience loved seeing a petite... person like them go to town on large plates of food, knowing they all wondered where it went. Their legs kicked happily, each gulp having the strangest kind of pulsing as the food dissolved instantly, Jana moaning between bites as fat slid into their calves, the extra pressure squeezing his feet tiny as his forming curves pushed against the bodysuit.

There took a certain skill to both slurp noodles and half deep throat a mic, skills Jana could feel themself mastering by the second, encouraged by the buzz of chat and their thighs. It was hard not to get swept up in it, each slurp thickening their twiggy legs into plush, plump perfection, forcing the bodysuit to squeeze against his cock, both thighs and latex rubbing it as the throbbing member desperately begged for a release that the audience wouldn't give. And still they kept eating, Jana openly moaning as their ass surged beautifully, their cock trapped between the double seal of suit and thighs as they groped their firm ass.

Another notification popped up, the person who first donated at the start of the stream sending it in robot text, Jana only able to make out about half the words, something about changing, girl, beg, don't stream. Was this an anti? Jana finished their meat dish before responding, their stomach gurgling as they stuck out their tongue.

"저는 영어를 못합니다. Stupid waekuk-sarAHH AHH AHHHM~!"

As she banned them, Jana couldn't help but scream, her nipples popping against her bodysuit, feeling them pinched and pulled by the layers of blue latex, her arousal skyrocketing as the gurgling noise from her stomach turned into a more meaty shifting. It didn't take long for her to feel wetness grace her thighs, the dam about to burst as her breasts heaved out to thick, attention grabbing globes, her stream now private and marked nsfw.

Chat was really racing, not a single English viewer left, Jana feeling the strangest urge welling up inside the more it flew by, knowing they didn't want her to return to the game, but for her to, t-to...

"옷을 벗으십시오."

"우리에게 보여줘."

Before she knew what she was doing, Jana was peeling off her bodysuit, whimpering as the chat's demands continued, unable to even build up the want to defy them, the pleasure so instant, so addictive, her brain throbbing in tandem with her cock as she slid further out of the suit. A new title for the stream was out, buzzing over her profile of eD.Va, a clear invitation for chat to go wild.

나는 당신의 노예입니다. 날 싸게 만들어.

(I'm your slave. Make me cum.)

B-But she wanted to have agency didn't she? So why was she still stripping? Mmm~ revealing her perky breasts to all her high tier viewers, her members only stream getting to see her massive member as she unzipped down to her thighs, a moaning mess as chat seemed energized by the massive dick on display.


“밀어 넣으십시오.”

“소녀가 되십시오.”

“밀어 넣으십시오.”

“석방을 구걸하십시오.”

Any nerves she might have had vanished once she gripped her shaft, loud, lewd moans filling the stream as more orders to stroke and push came in, her hands moving before she could even resist. She was their plaything, and she realized she loved it, begging in fluent Korean for them to make her cum, to make her get rid of this awkward thing. After all, one joystick was enough for her.

"못쓰게 만들다! 예! 커밍아웃~!"

Her forced squeezes were bearing fruit, Jana feeling her balls shrink with every squeeze, her tongue lolling as her hips bucked forwards. It was bliss, not having to think or act, just doing what she was ordered to and paid by the audience. With a triumphant shriek, thick spurts of cum shot out violently, spilling over her desk even from across the room, Hana knowing it would be the climax of her stream as she came out a lifetime's worth of cum.

"나는 소녀가되고있다! 나는 한국 여자가 될거야!"

She couldn't stop, her brains emptying out in an orgasmic splatter, her hands pushing onto her cock as she slid out of her bodysuit fully, thrusting against the bed to put more weight onto it, to hasten its demise as the audience ordered her to spear herself on her own cock. Donations were rolling in, each chime sending that same conditioned bliss through her, only now she could feel her cock shrinking with every notification, her screams rising to wails as the inch- No only stupid Americans used that system. Centimeters of cock were pushing in and Hana couldn't be happier.

She did as ordered, pushing even as her innards felt like they would burst, stroking even as her cock turned too small and sensitive to handle. Her viewers demanded it and giving them what they wanted filled her with more bliss than any temporary discomfort could compete with. She didn't know when she had become such an attention whore, but Hana couldn't deny how much she loved it, her nipples rock hard, her cock sinking in as she pinched her leaking tip shut. Fuck she was going to explode the bits were pounding into her, the donations fucking her to pieces. She was so close to a hype train just one more donation, one more shove, o-one more-


"안녕 하나."

"예! 예! 예!예!예!"

Hana didn't just cum she exploded, her cherry popping on camera as she flailed naked on top her bed, crying from how good it felt, her pussy quaking as she shoved two fingers inside. She was so fucking horny, fingering like it was her first nsfw stream, cumming over and over till she was satisfied.

"그게 다야?"

But even if Hana was satisfied, her audience wasn't, D.Va's channel filled with horny viewers desperate for more. She knew there was no turning back that first time she played with herself on camera, and with her nipples already hard again, she knew she loved it too much to ever stop.

"좋아, 얘들아. 누가 재미를 원하십니까?"


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