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Jake snuck into the apartment, almost feeling guilty as he tiptoed around. This was stupid. Why the hell was he even acting like a criminal when he wasn't stealing, just getting back his hoodie. It was his favorite and the most comfy thing he had ever bought. Unfortunately his girlfriend thought so too, and she had been monopolizing it for the last few months. Jane kept swearing she'd bring it back only to forget, or be so caught up in wearing it that she'd leave with it still on. But after two months away from his trusty sweater, he just couldn't let this stand.

He knew she was going to be out for the day, or at least she should've been. Jane could be a bit flighty and spur of the moment with her plans, though he hoped she wasn't like that with work. Jake usually had construction around this time, but they had inclement weather and ended early, the perfect time for him to pop on in and spirit away his best hoodie. Knowing his girlfriend she probably would think it was spirits too till she eventually saw him in it, she was into wiccan stuff and spells. It had surprised him at first cause she was pretty normal all things considered and just mentioned it casually like no big deal, but hey he'll take it over astrology girls any day.

He had to step over some ritual candles, a few spell circle mats and a half empty bag of veggie sticks, but he found it draped over her living room sofa, the periwinkle fabric as easy to see as blue as it was purple. Giving it a sniff, he almost instantly regretted it, incense and smoke and all sorts of scents making him dizzy, a contact high almost of perfume and whatever else Jane used in her rituals. A chill ran through him as he picked it up, Jake looking around the apartment, suddenly feeling a draft. No wonder she crashed at his place so often, the heating here sucked. He just felt so cold, shivering as the hoodie felt so warm, Jake sliding it over his head before he knew it as he collapsed to her couch.

It wasn't so much a painful collapse as much of a "I just got off a long day at work and don't want to do shit" kind of fall, the hoodie feeling even warmer than he remembered, the warmth almost paralyzing with its comfort, that feeling of not wanting to even move growing the longer he dazed on the couch. That was the right word for it, dazed, not quite fully out of it, but aware enough where he recognized he should be doing stuff but just... not.

There was a stain on it when he looked down, right around the hem, a familiar smell mixed in with all the weird witchy ones. He was trying to place it, sighing as the hem seemed to just naturally sway back and forth, teasing his jean covered dick. It felt nice, real nice, Jake undoing his fly and pulling the zipper down, letting the stained bit get closer as it swip swip swipped past his dick. He still felt cold though. Itchy too. His fingers kept scratching at his short beard, his lips feeling icy as that awful chill in the back of your throat feeling got him tossing and turning uncomfortably on the couch. He felt dumb when he remembered why it was called a hoodie and not just a sweater, Jake blushing as he pulled the hood over his shivering head.


Now this was a feeling he missed, the fabric heated like it had just come out of a dryer, the textured inner fuzzies sliding against his cheeks as it nuzzled his half grown stubble, the hood's stitched together crease scratching against his scalp as the rest of it gently stroked up and down, almost like it was petting him, like a good girl. Whatever it was doing felt good as he lied back, sinking into the cushions, giggling as something tickled his ears. It probably helped that the hood was drenched in all the scents and smells of... mugwort? Cedar? Definitely some frankincense and eucalyptus too but there was that sweet final scent he kept trying to place, growing as the tickle spilled past his cheeks. Oh now he remembered. That smell was Jane.

He knew it from some of his sheets on laundry day after they had a 'busy' few nights, that mixed with when he woke up cuddling with his face in her hair, buried in her smell. He was already horny, but it was like her scent was caressing his brain through his nose, the hood continuing to give him pats as his smooth cheeks were caressed, Jake so happy to just lie back and bask in the warm coziness of the hoodie. There was still that cold spot in the back of his throat though, bothering his mood, interrupting the warmth nuzzling against his face. Well there was an easy fix for that, Jake grabbing both strings and pulling them tight, the hood squeezing around his features, the drawn up, scrunched together folds of fabric all wrapped around that chill, something melting as the coziness flooded into every inch of his head.


So much better, his brain so warm it almost felt like it was melting, the room lightly spinning as he slunk back against the couch cushions. He was still rubbing his face, tweaking some of the soft pudge between his fingers, his cherubic cheeks smooth and satiny as his lips puckered unconsciously into a kiss. This hoodie really was the best, the folds of fabric hugging him, all that textured fuzzy stuff tickling his skin as it softly slid against his body like the hem against his erect groin. Somehow it only felt better the more he lazed into it, the stress of work fading, his strength fading as muscles unknit themselves from their bunched up forms. It was like he was melting into himself, giggles and coos leaving him as he fidgeted about, his unzipped jeans slipping down his legs the more he turned about.

The cutest blush filled his cheeks,, the horniness almost embarrassing for how hard his dick was compared to how soft he was feeling almost everywhere else. He nervously fidgeted with his hair, a veritable carpet of it spilling out from the tied up hood as he fumbled about with it, only stopping once the chill hit his fingers.

They were already feeling awkward, trying to tease and adjust his hair but feeling too bulky, though the tough, cracked skin on the pads was fun to run against his lips, his stiffy giving an encouraging throb at being caressed like that. Still, they were getting cold, maybe cause his usually hairy knuckles were bare, or just cause of the general chill in his... girlfriend's apartment. Jake certainly wasn't complaining when the lips of his sleeves rubbed against his palms, the sleeves rolling against his... muscle? Looking down, the creases in the fabric were only deepening, as if room was being made, the warmth making him only want to laze further as lifting his arms felt like a struggle.

He let gravity droop the sleeve down, his large bulky hand tapered off about halfway down the palm, the upper arm revealed to be smooth and hairless. Jake gave it a poke, sighing at the cute plushness of the arm, not an ounce of strength from his construction job, his job full of buff, burly men... Another small titter left his lips, the hand gripping his arm half swallowed by the sleeve as the edges nibbled further up his palm, the smooth fabricy strokes easing away the chill as his fingers slid further into it, gobbled up by the warmth one joint at a time as he lowered his arms, moaning as the sleeve drooped back down.

The warmth coiled around his fingers, freeing them from discomfort, the slightly rougher inner lip lining all the roughness he needed as he rolled onto his back, cooing as he rolled his shoulders as the comfy hug of the hoodie gripped him tighter. Stroke stroke squeeze was the pattern, Jake's hand swinging loose, leaving the draped sleeve slender with clear, glossy nails, his remaining hand gradually slipping under the sleeve as his shoulders were nuzzled down slimmer, the last of his callused tips swiped smooth and his dirty fingernails manicured as they slipped inside the now poofy sleeves. God his boyfriend's hoodie really was the best.

No, something wasn't quite right about that, but what? It was so hard to think, his hood feeling a bit too tight, his chest really, really warm as the gently caressing hoodie continued its full body hug. The drawstrings gradually loosened, Jake giving a relieved sigh when it poofed down, freeing his long, silky hair, not quite realizing how hot his head was till a blast of cool air greeted his brow. Now what was he so worried about?

He was still very fidgety today, playing with his hair as he tried to think about what was bothering him, slowly braiding it like he always did when he needed to keep his hands busy. Maybe it was his denim, his skin really sensitive today as the rough prickling of it felt almost like sandpaper against it. With a few kicks he was freed, though his legs were starting to shiver, Jake continuing to pull and tease his hair into style as the thinning hairs of his legs gradually vanished, lost amidst the gooseflesh and shaking of his legs.

Then there was his dick. He couldn't really explain it, but it was feeling a bit different, like the way each swipe of the hem was traveling further than just it. He felt it in his arms, his cheeks, his skin tingling from the continued caresses, amplified by the fuzzy folds stroking his body as he found his fingers nestled against his chest, the knuckles running back and forth against his nipples. His nipples felt strange, though he had been out in the rain in just an undershirt. No wonder they felt so sore and tender and fun to tease, his knuckles 'accidentally' tweaking them as he finished his braids. He was really feeling needy today wasn't he? His nips scraping against his undershirt, his sweat only making that wet soreness more noticeable as heat spilled into them, a light blush filling his cheeks.

It wasn't ever uncomfortable, but Jake caught himself panting, feeling it more now that he was focused on it. Swip swip swip he felt on his dick from the hem, the inner fuzzies doing their own teasing as he moaned. He really didn't want to move from this spot, his back resting on the armrest, his braids dangling as his hips occasionally trembled up, mini thrusts against the grip of the hoodie as he stared down into the chest gap. His nips looked so weird, all red and perky, puffed up around the edges as they poked out against his under...


There was a bit more of a gap, his chest so tender as it tented against the tight white, well it could hardly be called an undershirt could it. More like a wife beater with how thin it seemed, the hungry pink of his nipples bleeding through the white, the sleeves he swore he put on barely even shoulder straps. Though maybe he was just remembering wrong. And even if it was different, was it really so bad? It just let more of the hoodie caress his skin. Hug him even tighter.

swp swp swp swp

Jake swore the hem was rubbing faster, his... silk(?) boxers tented so hard they were starting to slip, the fading elastic on the brim easing it off gently. He fanned his sweaty chest, moaning louder as the currents teased the tiny mounds parting the periwinkle fabric, giving him a full view of his sweat soaked abs. But wasn't his under, his wife beater covering that? Maybe, maybe not. So hard to really focus, to care as the sweat stuck to the sinking folds of the hoodie, more aroused giggles as the fuzzy bits clung and teased his slightly toned belly, the hug of it so strong as his waist just eased itself into curves. The tighter the hug, the greater the warmth in his perky breasts, Jake sweating a storm as he squirmed with need. God this hoodie was gripping his love handles like it was Jake, his wife b- tank top so thin it was almost translucent as his bulging cleavage shivered with bliss.

Once more his arms dropped, letting the front of the hoodie slip against his chest, happy moans greeting the touch as the wriggling fabric swirled over his nipples, gently squeezing his breasts lovingly. They were soft like pillows, the softness spilling down the still deepening folds that ran down his sides, his stomach tingling as it was hugged tighter, cuter, his squeals slightly breathless as he rolled his back against the armrest. He felt so wound up, almost seeing things through the loving warmth draped over him, his fingers curled inside droopy sleeves, a knot right in the small of his back trembling as his panties slipped below his shaft.

This was so dirty, Jake giving a cutesy yelp as the hem now had direct access to his cock. It was too much, the slightly rougher feel of it making the soft scraping all the more arousing, his nipples nearly flush with the inner hoodie as the fuzzies ate at the barely visible fabric left stuck to his chest. It might as well be spindles of sugar or spider web with how thin it was, the hastening swip swip swip building and building as the cozy feeling spilled over into his dick. He just had to do nothing, the good feelings surging the less he did, just hasty, high pitched breaths hastening one by one. Fuck it felt so good, it felt soooo wonderfully warm, the coziness warming his shaft, the arousal resonating deep behind it like it was trying to enter him. He couldn't hold back any more. Oh god he wanted this cuddling warmth inside him so bad, to plunge inside and warm every last cell till he was comfy and cozy and cute and and-



"Ah ahhh~! Yesss~!"

Jake's head was spinning, all those scents and weird incenses meaning something to him now, not that they really mattered. He was more wondering what that noise had been, that rubbery sounding pop as his cock felt so strange so... warm...

The hem was thoroughly stained, adding to the rings left by his girlfriend, Jake forcing himself up as another surge leaked out, the energy draining under the warmth as the hem continued its now lubricated back and forth. He whimpered as he pulled the overhanging fabric out, a thick bridge of cum leading from the hem to his... dick? Well the shaft was still there, same with his balls but the tip was gone. He looked again, not really wanting to strain his freshly arched back, realizing that gone wasn't quite right. That cozy heat was clearly because his tip had just sunken inside, his sunken urethra throbbing atop the flat edge of the cylinder, the warmth gradually crimping and shaping the edges of his former tip as he shivered.

Damn drafts again, the chill feeling even colder with the wet cum on his cock, his shaft trembling as the chill made it retreat into the warmth, Jake gasping as he came once more. Now he was really feeling it, his whole body alight as his stubby shaft sank a little, thick white cum making a stain on his girlfriend's couch, though above that was a clear bead of clear fluids surging, running down the bridge to the hem of his boyfriend's hoodie. His tiny nose crinkled, that smell part of why he kept stealing his hoodie, the scent of her boyfriend almost smothering him even after all these weeks. It was like he was draped all around her, the cum flowing weakly as he shivered from the cold.

Warmth. He needed the cuddly heat, Jake spasming back onto the cushions as he let the hem fall back onto his stiffy before it could chill further, basking in Jake's scent as the hem continued its gentle stroking. The way the hoodie kept cuddling and nuzzling him just reminded him of how comfy her boyfriend was in bed, Jake imagining how Jake would pick her up and grab her by the- Now that his panties were dangling loose, the rest of the hem was sawing around clockwise and counter, gripping his ass and cupping his hips as his legs shivered.

Maybe gripping wasn't the right word for it, nor grabbing. Those all sounded too forceful to him. Cupped was better, or caressing, that kind of gentle pressure letting him know her boyfriend was there, like his ass was being teased with the possibility of being squeezed, that anticipatory thrill arousing him more than he expected. Then again, she always loved foreplay didn't she? The warm hem kept spilling heat inside his rear as the soft cushions of the couch felt even comfier than usual. It was like he had them reupholstered or something, Jake moaning as his seat's plushness let him sink into that bliss further. His ass was so warm like this, so firm, his hands running over the smooth flesh, sighs eking out as he gave the firm muscle an exploratory pinch. That just left the problem of his legs, the last cold things about him, especially his feet.

He wiggled his toes, big callused things, one nail cloudy from a tool drop years back that was fuzzy to remember. They were so cold, and his ass was so warm, so he might as well... There was a bit of grumbling as he shifted, not wanting to move much cause of the coziness, but the cold was such a party pooper, his feet freezing as he folded them under himself, awkwardly fumbling about the cushions till he was on his knees, plopping his ass down with a smack.


His feet really were freezing, the shock of cold chilling his balls as his heels gave them a poke, another warm release making a mess of her couch as the hoodie worked its magic. Or maybe it was just his ass. Was he gaining weight? It felt so plush as he wiggled his toes, almost pillowy.

That word pillowy only added to the comfort, Jake squirming as he dug his toes into the plumpening flesh, loving the callused touch of his soles, the leathery scrape reminding her of Jake, ohhh Jake~! The more his ass bloated the more the front of the hoodie's hem pressed against his tented groin, not really applying pressure, just easing it inwards as it continued to melt, his cock sliding smoothly in tiny slivers, the swipe of fabric sinking more and more inside. So warm, so cozy, that heat swelling in her belly, her ass tingling as her buns swelled till the plush flesh dimpled nicely around her feet.

If her feet were blocks of ice, then it was only natural to start to soften under the heat. He wriggled them, enjoying the feel as his toes seemed to snuggle together, the jagged uneven scrape of toenails turning to adorable pokes as the flexible pads of his toes tap tap tapped against his ass cheeks. The giggles leaked from his lips as the more his ass grew the more it hugged his pads and heels. Soon she could only fantasize about Jake's touch, her feet cozy and cute as they enjoyed resting in her pillowy cheeks, Jake loving the way his pedicured toes wriggled and teased his plump ass. His satisfied coo was only interrupted by a more heated gasp as his shrunken dick slipped downwards, no longer big enough to be gripped by the hem as he was left panting and shivering.

Ugh his legs, his stupid legs. Why couldn't Jake have bought some matching sweatpants? Then she could be swaddled by her boyfriend aaaaall~ over! Sure her feetsies were warm, but if only there was a way to cover them all in... hold on. Since it wasn't stroking his nub any more, he could take advantage of how flexible the bottom was. It was already so large on her and she always thought it was almost like a blanket, so why not use it like one? Sure enough, she easily slipped it over her sandwiched knees, the warmth flooding in as Jane eased back and let the comfort finish her off.

Jane? Jake? She was too horny to really care which was which. Their names were so similar anyways, did an n or k really matter all that much when she was this cozy? It was as small a difference as her dick and balls from a pussy as they trickled sticky fluids out, both such massive things that she just couldn't be bothered about. Not when she was THIS cozy.

It was so easy to just enjoy it, her whole body wrapped tightly in her favorite hoodie, her chest lovingly teased as her cold legs rubbed together, getting comfy as her calves curved against one another, her thighs overflowing with heat as they thickened nicely. God she was such a pervert! She was so close to gushing just cause of a hoodie, so lovey dovey for her bf~! But it was so comfy! Ooh~ she just couldn't help herself, she just loved wearing it sooo~ much. Napping in it, sleeping in it, doing spells in it, masturbating in it. She really needed to stop doing the last one, cause she was seriously overloading it with so much Venus energy. Or at least wash it. But if she washed it she'd lose that Jake smell and as comfy as it was, it was that hint of her boyfriend that always got her in the mood.

Besides what was the point in worrying about that right now? She was the only one wearing it now. And speaking of...



Jane felt herself drowsing, having bunched up the hood and smothered it to her face, burying her head inside the hoodie as she breathed in deep her man's smell amidst all the other scents and stains she had subjected it to. Her thighs squeezed together, more pillowy comfort that gradually pressed against her leaking cock. She couldn't ever remember feeling so good, her thighs sticky and warm as they squeezed, her head cozy in the dark shell of the hoodie.

Doing nothing felt the best so that's what she did, nothing. Nothing had to be done anyways, the hoodie doing the work as her nipples were tweaked, her ass teased, every inch of her naked form caressed and teased as the pleasure built. It didn't matter how much she had cum before, her sunken cock never fully satiated before, but now it was being ushered inside like her body wanted to tuck it to bed. Her thighs were the pillows, their crossed together wriggling gradually working it in, their heft pushing against what the hem had dropped.

It was like her body refused to let things get cramped or uncomfortable, a bit of dazed drool leaking down her cleavage as her balls dimpled against her thighs before her thighs dimpled against her balls. There wasn't a pop or anything, just swells of comfort, of warm fuzzies inside her body now as she felt her itty bitty nub gush. It thinned between her thighs, like they were giving it a kiss good night, Jane squeaking as something hot dug inside her most tender of spots. Her dick was like the rest of her, wanting to nuzzle, desperate to be cloaked in warmth, and her pussy was so warm and inviting, that little bit of shaft and overgrown clit couldn't help but just want to dive inside as Jane gave one final, happy squeal, satisfaction filling her with bliss as she slid her soaked legs out from the hem, her head popping out the neck hole as she gave a satisfied coo.

But then she was confused.

"Wasn't I uh, supposed to be doing something?"

Jane for the life of her couldn't remember much of the past few minutes besides how good she felt, like her brain had been scrubbed clean, her head still spinning from the thick scent of incense and cum. Well she supposed it couldn't be that important if she was lazing around her couch in her favorite hoodie. Then again it was just so comfy, so cozy, Jane happy to just lie back on the cushions and just exist as she still buzzed from the aftershocks of her orgasm.

She was probably never gonna return this hoodie, was she? Well that was fine too. Sure she was a witch and had spells and rituals and covens. But this comfort? This warmth? This bliss? That was truly magical.


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