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There were few things as bittersweet as unrequited love, though Sumire supposed she should be grateful to have someone she loved enough to even want to give chocolates to. Joker was sitting coolly across from her, smiling though with just a hint of anxiety as he looked at her gifted chocolates.

"You're sure it's a no? I won't force it, but..."

"I'm sure. Besides you've only just been able to define yourself. It wouldn't feel right."

She sighed, knowing he was right, but still upset.

"Well I won't let it get me down too badly. It'd be hypocritical of me to rely on you after all of my previous criticisms of the Thieves. At least let me know if the chocolates were any good. Tempering them was such a pain."

Her cooking had definitely improved itself since her mental situation had been resolved, and she had really put her all into making them, all her desire, her longings. She had been trying a few things to make them as perfect as possible, even taking them into the metaverse a few times while trying out different fillings. As long as he was happy with the taste, that's all that mattered to her.

For his part, Ren was just relieved that this hadn't turned into a mess. There had been some... misunderstandings earlier with the other girls and he really needed to reflect on how he talked to everyone. In fact he should probably change all his passwords in case Futaba had any ideas after his rejection, but he was more than happy to give Kasumi's chocolates a try. She was one of the best cooks in the group, and he was rewarded with a surge of delicious flavors, Ren giving a pleased moan as the flavors burst in his mouth and down into his stomach.

"Mmm~! MM Mmm~!"

Well at least he liked it, Joker popping another one in, then another, his eyes shut as he trembled in his chair. Sumire blushed a little. She knew she was a good cook, but this kind of reaction was kind of extreme, his face blushing red, his face crinkled tightly as he bit another.

"MMM~! AHHN AHH ohh~?"

Okay so he REALLY liked them she guessed, though now she was starting to feel awkward. Just the way Joker was rolling back and forth, the sounds leaving his lips as they grew louder. It all sounded a bit... lewd?

"You know you d-don't have to tease me like this!"

That seemed to jog him out of it, though his eyes were lidded, the usually composed leader confused to see her, like it had slipped his mind that someone was in the room with him.

"T-T-heeeasing? KFFNngh."

Sumire kept staring, wondering if he was trying to tease her or if something was actually wrong. He was breathing so heavily, and could you even fake a blush like that? His face was so red it looked like it was spreading. Or wait his eyes, his... hair? Ren was busy coughing, clearing his throat as the strangest feeling assaulted his throat, the dryness needing something, another chocolate popped in, one more in hand as he noticed Sumire staring at him intently.

"I-Is there s-uhhmething wrong Sumi?"

Sumire's eyes peaked, Joker's voice noticeably softer, breathier, and that nickname. He wasn't exactly the type to always use honorifics, but there was always a certain collectedness to him, the more playful tone feeling wrong but familiar, the shortening of her name like he was trying to be cutesy. That alone wasn't enough to make her panic, but it was all compounded by the spreading red on his face. It wasn't just a blush, Sumire rendered speechless as streaks of it dyed his black tufts, his dark pupils veined with growing streaks of it. Ren waited till he noticed the chocolate was starting to melt, popping it in with another moan as his eyes doubled in size.

Sumire couldn't stop staring, watching his eyes grow, his lashes doubling in length as they pressed against his glasses. His face was shifting, almost giving her a headache in the way it was gradually softening, feminizing. His usually swirly hair was straightening as the red took over, bangs swinging down, the sides and back gradually spilling down as he continued to moan in a voice that cracked and shifted up with every pleased cry. It was becoming familiar, the moans, his face, Ren glancing at the chocolate smeared fingers of his right hand as he began sucking on them sensually, each suck thinning his fingers as his lips turned juicy.

"Well you don't have to keep sta-ayyyring like that sis. C'mAHHn tell me what's wrong?"

He leaned back more casually, or maybe it was just the way his shoulders were sloping, his slender hands teasing playfully with his growing hair as it trickled past his chin. The lump in his turtleneck flattened, the black stitching on the side migrating right above his collarbone to form a little bow as more moans left him, Joker not even trying to hide how visibly aroused he was as his arms thinned, his glasses barely hanging on atop his slender little nose.

Sumire went to tell him what was going on, but that last thing he said, calling her sis. She knew firsthand how the metaverse could mess with identity, but this was a step further, Sumire debating the pros and cons as she heard his pleased coos as his height began to shrink, knobs of spine creaking audibly as a near perfect replica of her face moaned in blissful agony, resolving to giggles as they nearly stared eye to eye. Except it wasn't exactly her face, her heart beating loudly, excitement filling her as she remembered just why that cutesy nickname had sounded so familiar. The man she admired was becoming the woman she admired. Joker was becoming, "Sis?"

"Yeah Sumi? What's wrong ya look like you just saw a gh- OHHHST~!"

For a second he looked confused, gripping his temples as if something wasn't right. Sumire stared, watching as he groaned, seeing the lock he had been twirling start to unravel, recede, his back straightening and lengthening. At this point Sumire made a decision, putting on her best smile as she calmly asked, "Oh it's just that I've been having some trouble in gymnastics. The teacher said I wasn't quite as flexible as you. Did you have any secrets you could pass on?"

"D-Did you just say Gymn-na-"



The word sent ripples through his body, Sumire watching as his back snapped into place, launching him forwards to the table as his hair continued to slide to his shoulders, his glasses shaking violently as the frames began to shrink. Reni felt something was off about him, but it was hard to focus, thoughts of leotards and flexibility warm ups overwriting all other hobbies, the time drain spilling into his core as Sumire watched his lanky midriff collapse into curves.

There was such a burst of warmth in Remi's body, such pleasure. Was it pride? Or just the joy of having his sister believe in him so? Ah wh-what should he do? He had nervous butterflies in his stomach. He had to be a role model h-had to be a-


Sumire winced a little as his sides curved, the painful sounds not bothering Joker in the slightest, that aroused flush only deepening its red as sweat dribbled down his panting features.

"Yeah sis. I mean you're who I've always strived to be. You look so good out there in a leotard. Do you ever get embarrassed though when people stare at your toned core?"


His innards were drawing closer, squirming pleasurably as his general muscle softened, gaining a soft flexibility to the strength, inches sliding down as he squeaked happily. H-He didn't know how to answer, needing a second to think, something to clear his mind, Reumi grabbing a handful of chocolate and nervous eating by habit.

"W-Well most people there aren't there for thahht s-so I just focus on myself and I-"

"Oh so it gets you excited then sis?"

Now he was really blushing, stammering half from the teasing and half from the warm shocks running through his erect nipples, those bites of chocolate all pooling in one place. Sumire was eagerly watching as her teasing seemed to rush things, his cute moans getting more heated as she watched him fidget with the lowered collar of his uniform, the turtleneck and blazer not enough to hide how he wasn't wearing a bra.

"Well I understand. It's not easy having such a good figure. I almost wish we were flatter for the balance right sis? How do you manage so well? You're bigger than me right? You like showing off?"

Hot flashes were rolling through Reumi, his chest unbearably sensitive as his sister continued to taunt him. He squealed, something hot pooling at his thighs as he felt those nervous flutters from before surge out, his nervous chest clutching finding something plush pushing back. More wetness between his thighs, Resumi finding it hard to focus as bliss surged all over, her nipples scraping against her turtleneck. Why hadn't he worn a bra to school? Maybe she was right and he was just a big-

"N-No! Juhhst cause I'm a mAHHN doesn't mean I'm a perv in- Huh? I-I'm a ma- AYEEEEE~!?"

Resumi's expression was crossed between confusion and bliss, his chest surging one final time as something pressed against his cock.

"Wh-What do y-oooh~ think you're d-Hooing S-Sumi?! AH!"

She had seen a bit of doubt creep in, not wasting any time as she scooted her chair forwards and pressed her heel against the still hard dick in his pants.

"I'm just making sure you feel good, sis. After all sis, as gymnasts we don't need anything messing up our balance."

And with that she pressed down, Resumi screaming as her groin erupted in confusing, blissful changes.

Sumire just imagined she was on the board, doing one of her routines as she put force carefully behind her foot placement as her soon to be sister was deliriously screaming. It was a weird squishy sort of hardness under her toes, Sumire just imagining the wet spills as just sweat, the corduroy pants thinning underneath her foot into a matching set of black spandex. Resumi couldn't think, only squeal as Sumire peppered him with comments, all of them slipping in 'sister' or 'sis' as she shoved his dick inside. As soon as a segment unfurled inside his trembling thighs it was like it had been erased from his mind, living the same confused moment of something hard thrusting inside, the same pleasure of penetration repeating over and over.

Sumire watched as her former leader's glasses slid off his moaning features, dissolving as they bounced against the table, the crack mirroring a wet slurping sound as she slid her toes down, shoving in his balls. There was a flutter of fabric as his cock shrank inside, his pants flowering out into a skirt as he gave a lusty screech, thin fluids spilling out his tip as it flowered, his thighs clamping together as his tip sunk inside.

Sumire had reached the edge of her seat, not able to shave any more as her sister's glazed over expression of bliss slowly came to.

"Wh-What was I just doing? I feel like I was doing something shameful!"

Rasumi's memories were all jumbled together. He was the leader of a gymnastics team right? For some reason he had memories of dying, or he was a thief or-

"Sis! You were going to show me your routine right? How you do your stretches?"

Oh right, that's what he had to do. Rasumi eagerly jumped to his feet, wondering why the chair felt so slick, ignoring it as he balanced on his right foot and gradually pulled back the left.

"Well I always limber up by- NNGH?"

Sumire spotted it between his finished tights, one small nub still poking against the black spandex, an obstruction.

It was strange, Rasumi not used to his body not doing what it was trained to do, though even stranger were the bursts of arousal that struck as he tried to raise his leg back even more. Certain muscles were flexing, trembling the flesh between his legs, something dipping in and out on the edge of popping as his eyes squeezed together. Why did it feel so good to stretch like this? And why was there such resistance down there, such pleasing, squirming resi-

"Oh you missed a few from the box sis."

She shoved a chocolate into Rasumi's open mouth, her teeth clamping shut reflexively as her pelvis cracked open like the chocolate.

"Woah there sis. Here let me help."

Rasumi had almost collapsed right then, her hips spreading open as that trembling feeling below leaned more towards the dipping side as she moaned through mouthfuls of chocolate. Sumire was there just in time to help grab her sister's leg and not just keep her balance, but pull it higher, Rasumi's pleasured squeaks climbing higher with her pointed foot, the small lump pushing less and less against the forming black pinch of a gymnastics leotard underneath.

"OOH~ OH! Ahh thaahhts t-hiiight AH AHHN~!"

Much like her implanted memories, her shallow pussy was spreading deeper, her gender not even a question as clear fluids filtered through her tights, her hands fumbling awkwardly at her sister to try and slow things down, accidentally grabbing her own upthrusted calf as she pulled it back roughly. There was a final crunch, her hips fully widened, her legs gaining a full range of motion as she felt herself cumming, her core tightening as she somehow stayed upright through the sensations of her pussy splitting open.

"AHH Ahh ah.. ooh~ yes. There I did it see Sumi?"

Sumire could definitely see, the cameltoed squeeze of her sister's bottoms flipped up under her skirt, only her legs left to finish as the first swallows of chocolate began to ripple into the spread heft of her thighs.

"You sure did. Thanks sis, I understand so much more now."

Kasumi smiled nervously, hoping her sister wasn't upset. She seemed so satisfied all of a sudden and she didn't- Oh right the chocolates! She still had about a third of the box left.

"Ah I really shouldn't be eating so much, not when I have a competition coming up, but your chocolates are just too delicious Sumi!"

That got a smirk out of her.

"Ha as if you won't burn through them by dinner time. Besides we both know where any fat leftover'll go."

Sure enough, with every swallow Kasumi's thighs thickened, her ass getting tighter and fuller as she lightly blushed. While not as intense as the previous changes it was still incredibly pleasant, coos slipping between bites of the sweets, Kasumi blushing as she sat down on her thickening rear, relishing in its plushness as much as the sweet bliss in her mouth.

She was pretty much drunk off confectionaries, Sumire taking full advantage as she slid behind, a black ribbon in hand as she began styling her reborn sister's mane of hair. As she weaved and teased it into a proper ponytail, so too did she tease her mind, adjusting it to fit the new situation better.

"Yes it's so good to have such an amazing big sister here. We're barely a year apart but you're so much more experienced..."

Certain trends and weird timeline discrepancies were resolving themselves in the back of Kasumi's mind as she grinned, nearly done with the chocolates, the changes, her thighs squeezed together as they reached their full girth.

"And it's so impressive how you balance gymnastics and leading the Phantom Thieves. Helping others because you're so perfect yourself."

That eased the rest of her mental discomfort, the final chocolate sliding down her throat as Kasumi shuddered, the odd fragments of Joker's memories fully swallowed up by Kasumi, her arcana triggering as her metaverse outfit formed around her.

"Yes, speaking of I have a strange feeling we're going to have to have a meeting soon though, there's something bothering me, though after the upcoming competition. Oh god Sumi what am I wearing? Agh Arsene not here!"

Sumire wasn't quite sure how reality would settle around this change. She'd have to frame it as an accident from Joker trying to help her, or maybe they'd all have their memories rewritten. Looking at the empty box, she wondered if she should remake this recipe just in case...

"Sumi? Hello Sumi? C'mon we have to get home. I've got a lot of work to catch up on from the last few days."

Sumire shook her head, clearly thinking things too far ahead. All that mattered was that her sister was here now, and what better way to spend Valentine's Day than with the single person she loved most in the world?


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