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Soma had utterly lost, the Elite Ten Council victorious at the top stage, the three to zero loss on his part solidifying their victory as Nene stared daggers into him. He had talked a very big game going into this match, not helped by Isshiki further taunting the traditional Japanese chef. She didn't even seem happy to win, clearly wanting more after the humiliation from earlier as she called up to the judges.

"Since I won and the challenger has lost all rights, I would like him to be delivered to my own personal quarters. For reeducation."

The new headmaster smirked and with a wave of his hand, Soma found himself being escorted out by guards, his thrashing helpless as he was stuffed into the back of a van and bound up, unceremoniously dropped off onto a luxurious looking traditional mansion as he struggled on the tatami mats.

After a few minutes of pointless struggling, the sliding doors opened, Nene gracefully entering in a pink kimono, the sounds of a shamisen playing as she glided towards him.

"You mocked traditional Japanese cooking didn't you Soma? You mocked the very bedrock of this country that raised you up from the muck and even allowed your pitiful diner to exist on its sacred ground."

"Now hold on that was mostly Isshiki senpai I just was saying I wanted to beat you in a fair- Mmgh?!"

The last thing Soma expected was for her to suddenly kiss his open mouth, her tongue slipping deep within, her hands clasped around his head as their lips locked, her technique staggering. It left Soma open just enough for the pill resting on the tip of her tongue to slide it to the back of his throat, one of her knees suddenly striking his stomach at just the right pressure point to force him to swallow.

"Mm~ ah nngh wh-what did you just give m-me?"

His body was trembling, Nene smirking as she felt his bone and flesh turn pliable under her touch, slipping her fingers through his hair as she began to gently tug.

"A mix of traditional Japanese medicines and herbal remedies, based off certain judo principles mainly using your own enemy's force and turning it into your own. You became my property the moment you lost that match, and I don't accept vulgar nontraditionalists."

Her mouth worked at his again, hungrily sucking as the meat of her palms worked on his scalp and brow.

Soma couldn't put into words the sensations spilling over him, his body boiling as the erotic play made his heart rate spike, pumping the special drug further into his body. Nene had a lifetime of technique she was more than happy to show off, his lips plumping into a copy of her own as she sucked out masculinity as if it was a poisoned snake bite, her own features blushing as she heard the crack of bone like hardened soba noodles being crushed into powder.

Her touch was gentle despite the anger she held, treating his flesh like dough as she molded it, kneading it tighter and cuter as her practiced pulling gradually teased more hair from his scalp. It took only two fingers to start braiding it, the others pulling as the red receded back into his scalp, pooling into his half shut eyes as the pupils burned to a suggestive shade of pink. Soma couldn't help the moans as his body seemed eager to give into her touch, Nene's fingers rubbing and massaging his temples till they cracked, her nose nuzzling his to matching shape and size as his cheeks were artfully squeezed into slender, soft contours.

The heat was tremendous, Soma's body gradually sinking into his chef's coat, his moans gurgling as necks interlocked and weaved, Nene giving his finished cheeks a peck, then his eyes as her lips shifted them to adorable slanted beauties. Even if he wanted to say anything, all he could do was give confused, horny squeaks, his fingers twitching as the bindings slowly loosened, Nene glancing at the lump in his throat as if sizing up an ungrinded bit in her mochi.

"This is a delicate matter. Voice control is a pillar of Rakugo and Noh. The subtle intricacies are all far beyond what an uncultured swine like yourself could pull off. But swine is an ingredient and it's a chef's job to prepare. Now moan for me piggie."

One hand worked at his cock, rubbing it from atop the fabric while the other gripped the back of his throat and squeezed. Her mouth wrapped around his shrinking front as she swaddled the awkward bulge with her lips, her tongue pressing harder and harder as she listened to his horny cries rise to her own measured, elegant tone. The bindings were falling to the floor now, his fingers cracking and slimming as if desperate to feel her perfect touch forever, Nene's voice leaving Soma's lips as he coughed up the remnants of his former Adam's Apple, the world blurry as his eyes became nearsighted from years of looking at calligraphy and scrollwork.

"N-Nene whAHHH~t a-are you d-HOOing down there?!"

She smirked, grabbing his hands in her own as she tossed away the bindings, rolling them as callus and grime were exorcised into slender perfection.

"It's hardly the first staff I've worked with, though I'm used to ones with more heft when I practice Bojutsu. You'll understand soon enough once the conditioning sets in."

A rather violent strike of the shamisen made Soma stiffen up, as if the chord ran through his brain. He barely noticed the daintier mannerisms as Nene slipped matching glasses on, her tics already copying over nicely.

"D-Did you really think I'd just sit here and take this?"

Soma tried to sound threatening, unable to even yell now as the shamisen chords continued to make him twitch and tremble, all the hairs below his plucked eyebrows shivering to the floor as he gave a whimpered cry.

"No, I expect you to do your part as well. After all I'm making you a proper, traditional chef like myself Nene. Now stop wasting breath it's time for movement lessons and it's far too late to stop this."

She clapped her hands, the music changing to a different song as Soma wriggled on the floor, his hands twitching to the beat as they slowly mocked the playing of it, his wrists thinning as the muscles for handling such an instrument filled his slender arms.

It was more than just practice, Soma struggling to even move as his hands went from mock playing to gripping themselves. They were starting to knead, crawling further up his biceps, squeezing his muscles down to trained, graceful shapes, his shoulders slowly hugged into greatly reduced slopes as Nene continued her delicate teasing.

"P-Please Nene! I can't stahhp! Ahh~ ah why can't I OOH~?!"

His fingers were unbuttoning his top, running circles along his softening flesh, his lengthened nails rimming the edges of his nipples as they puffed up.

"Clearly it's because your body knows how much better mine is. You said you wanted a seat at the Elite Ten yes? Well congratulations, I'm giving you one."

At the word 'seat' her fingers slid under his waistband, giving his ass cheeks a squeeze as she relished in his confused, desperate moans. She knew exactly how to squeeze, which pressure points to jab and which to roll as the drug did its work, his flat rear like dough in her hands as she squeezed and spanked it to shape. Of course, like any good dough after a thorough kneading, Nene let it sit, listening to him squeal as his buns began to rise.

He sputtered about, feeling impolite when he yelled and awkward over his own tongue tied moaning. Of course Sona knew this was absurd and he had to get out of there, but the pleasure was making his knees weak, the traditional music striking deep into his subconscious as he tried to resist, only for his own fingers to start pinching his erect nipples.

"Hyaa~ stahhhp~ d-don't-"

"There's nothing for me to stop Nene. It's all you at this point."

Sona couldn't take any more teasing, trembling as his ass slowly bloated, filling the creases of his pants, then stuffing them, his erect cock painfully restricted by the fabric as he wriggled desperately to try and slip them off. He'd have used his hands, but the music was forcing them to continue teasing his nipples, his slowly rising pecs dimpling under his touch as he gave a long, lusty moan.

"Ohh~ oh yesss oh god..."

Sona's pants were turning soggy, a growing stain forming over his bound erection as his begging and whining grew on Nene's nerves. There was hardly any technique in his self groping, more a parody of her style than a proper copy.

"Listen Nene, pay attention to what I'm about to do. After all this is our technique and I will not accept shoddy workmanship."

Sona begged her to stop as she gripped his hands, forcing them to tweak and twist as he felt himself cumming once more.

"Feel the firmness Nene. Feel where it's bunching up and resolve that pressure like so."

Sone grunted as she puppeted his hands, forcing him to grip his rib cage and compress it all the while his cheeks steadily bloated. It was hard to think between the pain below and the euphoria above, Sone forcing himself to swallow as drool threatened to inelegantly mar his moaning face. Nene's touch was its own bliss, her fingers on his, his own hands as smooth as hers as she slid them to his sides... It felt like heaven even as he begged her to stop, Nene maneuvering his hands into perfect kneading form as his doughy waist was molded.

"Shaping Nene shaping! You must use your fingers to truly feel the dough and force it to your will. Do you understand?"

"YES! Ahh ahh yes I understaaahnd~!"

Fat and muscle all tensed and struggled under his fingers, Sone moaning as he began working it inwards, the heel of his palm roughly kneading while his fingers teased and softened the struggling bits of mass. It was bunching up above, the displaced mass siphoning bulk from his waist as his palms continued to work it curvier, slimmer, cuter. The more Nene encouraged him, the more Sone found himself pleased, almost happy as his fingers demonstrated how well they could mold his body, each knead shifting it upwards towards the tiny rise of his chest.

"Ohh~ W-WAIT NO OHHH~ Neneee~!"

The shock of bliss that greeted him briefly broke him from the trance, Sona squealing as fat bubbled up from under his nipples. He burst, bliss swirling his thoughts as he bucked to the strikes of the shamisen, his spine crunching cutely. Tears streamed down his face as his hands refused to stop kneading his rising breasts, his dark blue jacket roughly tossed aside as he felt his pants burst apart.

Nene's body wasn't the most developed up top, her muscles more functional than strong, but her supports were where she got her strength, the first step in her true power in dough handling winching apart on Sene's body as she couldn't help the overly loud screeches of pure bliss as her hips spread apart. Immediately there was a lot more power to his own horny gyrating, Sene feeling that added rotation intimately as her hands continued to knead and tease her breasts, not an ounce of flab or muscle left in her core as her breasts swelled past what a traditional chest binding could cover, her former undershirt tearing to pieces as she came. Sene hugged himself, feeling a tremble roll through his cock, Nene's fingers gripping the now bared staff as she applied pressure to his tip and began to batter the erect rod soft.

Years of tradition and technique were all being expertly handled to destroy his masculinity, Sene given no option but to cum as her fingers teased and kneaded the softening cock and balls. She cupped it between them, using the bottoms of her palms to grip his tip and push, her entire body weight pancaking it as Sene felt his shaft begin to sink. For how loudly he wanted to scream his moans came out demure and guarded, his jaw tight as the conditioning forced him to act like a proper lady even as Nene's nails began to roughly press his balls.

It was like they were being juiced, Sene whimpering as his cum ran clear, his hands continuing their own assault on his perky tits while Nene used the pads of her fingers to press against his balls, swirling them under the skin as his scrotum forcefully tightened. His dick continued to spill out anything left, his balls vacuum sealed as gusts of hot air spilled from his sinking groin, Nene's fingers so precise as they repeatedly squished his most tender of pieces inside. There was no grand exit, just a continual ease until Sene felt them flatten, a clear spurt exiting her cock as it split open to reveal throbbing labia, his half sunken cock helpless under Nene's continued flattening.

Each motion was as euphoric as it was brutal, her palms darting forwards to strike his flattened mushroom tip, her fingers sliding down his shaft as they teased the lips of his new entrance, liquids spilling messily as she fucked him with his own cock. Each upwards pull would have her fingers teasingly caress his shaft or what was left, always getting it to stiffen for just a second before another push from her palms forced it in. After a minute of this, Sene's mind was as mushy as his cock, thoughts of traditional cooking and inheritance filling the folds of his brain, A desperate need to live up to expectations filling him as thoroughly as his cock as Nene left his tip just barely outside of his leaking snatch, Sene's manhood barely even a scrap.

"Ahh~ p-please Nene. Y-You cahhn't leave it like thiiiiis~."

He needed it to go in, Sene struggling to maintain the composure that had been drilled into her subconscious, his shaft throbbing achingly inside the walls of her pussy, her tip halfway to being a clit as her releases simultaneously felt like fucking and being fucked. To say he was being edged was a massive understatement as he struggled to his feet, groaning as the fabric of his half torn pants stuck against the cum slathered tip. Nene just handed her a fan and smirked, letting the music change once more as she gripped Sene's thighs.

"Pathetic. I thought most diners had the chefs on their feet all the time? You think you have time to focus on that thing when you can barely put half your strength into our techniques?"

She squeezed the twiggy lumps for emphasis, purposefully teasing the edges of Sene's slit as she gripped the bulk below his ass and yanked downwards. Power and ecstasy flowed into his thighs, Sene's last name spilling to the floor as he bucked, feeling how his lost height swelled under her touch, his knees snapping inwards as he felt every last cell jiggle as fat slipped between muscle.

Nene let go, the music taking over as Sene was forced to dance, her fan flapping as each stomp caused her thighs to bloat further, her calves dancing themselves slimmer and curved. The more she danced the thicker her thighs grew, the movement feeling natural to her as she squealed in bliss, each growing shake wrapping them around her nub of a cock, her gender fading under the shamisen chords as her toes ground themselves into the tatami mat, forcing themselves to refine into Nene's perfect supports. From there it was all in her own technique, Sene twisting on her toes, feeling the power surge up her slender calves, jostle through her thick thighs and strike her nub straight into her core as she felt it pop, every inch of her made into a proper lady as the new Nene came.

Even as unworldly bliss surged through her, Nene refused to scream, not wanting to disgrace the traditional dance with her own lewd enjoyment as her breasts swung and jiggled, her hot body dripping with sweat as the song came to an end, and with it her strength.

"Ahhn ahh ahh."

The new girl fanned herself cool, feeling as sweat ran down the curved contours of her body, her naked form posed and composed as she noticed a kimono and tabi folded nearby. The traditional garb felt so right on her skin as she slid into it, continuing to coo as her body still felt novel, though she was grateful to her twin for improving her from the common stock she had been mere moments ago.

"Well what do we do now?"

"Now? Now we can finally have peace. No one to dare question our methodology!"

Nene looked confused by the question, the new Nene sighing and shaking her head.

"Surely you can't be that forgetful. After all I am you, though perhaps the recency of the change has me less nostalgically bound to our number one problem."

Nene perked up, blushing at the suggestion once she realized what she was getting at.

"Isshiki isn't so easy. I could never overcome him one on one-"

"But what about two on one? No matter how pedigreed his lineage, if that pill worked on me, then surely you could have some fun fucking away that carefree genius of his."

An image appeared in Nene's head, one of her fucking Isshiki's confident face as it twitched into her own, his muscled, naked chest bloating with fat as she imagined his cock giving the first telltale twitches of its end as it shrank inside her slit. She wanted that. She wanted that very badly now that the thought was in her mind, her own nipples hardening as she stared at her twin.

"Perhaps you're right. A triplet does sound better than twins..."


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