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Sinon was a calm and collected person.

"This doesn't make any sense! The target's too far!"

It took a lot to rattle her.

"Hmm are you sure this is right? I can just use my photon sword without any problems. Sniping's kind of lame you know? Oh sorry Sinon I just meant to me-"

But after a week of trying to train her two new friends she was finding that there were perks to her previous solitude.

"I explained before you need to use the scope to-"

"Look there's no point if I can't do it no scope! As a gamer-"

She was sick of hearing Kirito's opinions on what counted as a challenge and what was too hand holdy in video games. She swore if she had to hear about his Wretched run of Elden Ring 3 again with no experience she was going to jump off the damn sniper perch. And then Asuna...

"Sinon I'm not saying you're wrong. I just think you might not fully understand how the aiming works here. I mean in Alfheim I can usually-"

Some people just aren't good at some games. She knew Asuna had a wide competitive, especially with other girls given Kirito's seemingly endless knack for adding girls hopelessly in love with him. Sinon did understand why people would fall for him, she had been one of them up till the suspension bridge effect had vanished and the second she did some non game related things the novelty wore off quick. After the third day there was this mildly grating accusatory tone in her voice too, Sinon trying to ignore it but it felt like Asuna was implying she was sabotaging her. Didn't help Sinon was better at archery in Alfheim too, but it was all just hand eye coordination and practice.

Stuck between an entitled brat who kept thoughtlessly putting her down and a jealous wife who refused to accept her own deficiencies, Sinon was at the end of her rope between the two. She couldn't even say no cause they kept bothering her in dm's all the time. She just wanted to spend some more time with herself... And then she remembered.

Kirito definitely liked to talk up being a beta tester for a bunch of shit, but in Sinon's limited experience it was less cool perks and more "find all the bugs before people try this please." She didn't talk about it much, but in the early days of the game she had been a bit of a glitch hunter, paid well both by the developers and the challenge speedrunning community whenever she found something new, though she had almost had her account permanently nixxed after a weird clip out of bounds mixed with the engine trying to reload her character in led to some unique interactions with the code.

She didn't fully understand it, but they patched it immediately, giving her copies of her gear and duds, the model itself easy enough to reboot but her equipment was a whole other nightmare. Something about self replicating code gone haywire and hormonal overriding blah blah blah. If they deleted it it'd make a copy, and said copy would get more glitchy with the danger of breaking half the game's code. So they just asked her to keep said equipment nice and quarantined in her storage menus. Now lets say she were to forcibly equip said glitched, self replicating equipment onto another player...

"Hey Asuna come here for a second. I think I know how to help."

Kirito was still in the middle of talking about one of his gamer achievements not noticing no one was listening, Sinon seeing the excitement in Asuna's eyes as she leaned forwards like she was telling a great secret.

"Want to know the real reason I'm so good?"

She had to swallow some bile at the know it all look Asuna flashed at that, just knowing this bitch was thrilled to imagine she was hiding something.

"Heh I KNEW you were hiding something from me! There was no way you could be that much better than me at shooting. What is it an aimbot?"

Oh this fucking asshole. She was gonna enjoy this.

"***Kind of, see it's actually these.***"

From her inventory she took out a copy of her square hair accessories, the plug like holes glowing a bit teal, though that just made them seem even more important an upgrade than the malicious coding they really were.

At first Asuna seemed confused, but started giggling once she came to the implied conclusion.

"Ah so that's why you wear those dumb things. And here I thought they were just part of the game's aesthetic. Oh that's so sneaky! So I just put these on?"

Sinon nodded, her jaw clenched as she held back the curses, taking solace in the fact that in a moment, Asuna would love them just as much as she did.

Once she held them, the two squares flew to either side of her bangs, magnetized to the model as they began spreading their glow further. A slight blush popped on Asuna's face, more giggles leaking out as her brown hair turned teal in spreading patches. Sinon glanced over to make sure Kirito was still talking away, leading Asuna just a bit away to take shots on the opposite end.

"Here, use my gun. You'll see why it's so good soon."

Asuna's blush deepened when she grabbed it, an odd reverence for the weapon stoking itself in her mind, a few cracks of teal veining her irises while her nails were painted the same bright color. It grew more comfortable in her hands as she moved it around, her fingers molding to the grip and barrel as she aimed. Her cheek rested against it, the cold metal comfortable as her new fingers pulled the trigger.


Sinon smirked, having twisted the grip just a tad so that the kickback of the shot would have more angle to it, Asina rolling to the side as her concussed brain rattled about. It only hurt for a few seconds, her eyes watering as the teal overtook them, her broken jaw healing irregularly to a softer jut. The other half cracked as she worked it about, wondering why her gun had done that. Wait no this was Sinon's gun. But wasn't she-


Asino was deafened, her ears ringing as the gunshot reverberated inside her skull, more and more of her hair turning teal. Before she could react, fingers suddenly shoved inside her, tearing through her panties to finger her as another shot drowned out Asino's orgasmic cries. Sinon smirked as she saw the last of her long hair shrink to just a bit below shoulder length, a copy of her face moaning atop Asuna's body as she squirmed.

"Doesn't it feel good to fire Sinon?"

She whispered it lovingly into the changing girl's ears, her model warping as glitches coated her wardrobe. Being called Sinon seemed to help things along, her top phasing out for a copy of Sinon's jacket, though only the jacket, her thighs squeezing tight as the dusty ground grew soaked with her releases, Asino feeling scared as she grabbed the gun for comfort, her gun in her mind as her memories were corrupted one by one. All she could do was hug the long weapon, moaning as memories of her sniping supporting her mentally replaced the fear, the handle of it turning slowly to slot inside her leaking slit.

"Huh? Asuna you okay? You sound kind of like when we role pl- Er I mean Sinon is something wrong?"

Well she figured Kirito would notice at some point, though she already knew how she'd deal with him. Asuna was already beyond the point of no return, and Kirito was usually too busy blabbing or showing off to notice things till they were already going down. Time to do some acting.

"Ah! Kirito it's horrible! I think she's glitching out! I've got the debug accessory on my account, but I can't treat her unless we're in the same party! I need access quick!"

She saw the small menu pop up allowing her in and accepted. One of the perks of the updated party system was that you shared inventory with people. One untested byproduct was that you could equip and unequip to any party member as well, Kirito confused as his avatar's clothes were stripped bare, Sinon smiling evilly.

"Agh what the fuck do you think you're doing?! Now's not the time for-"

"Equip support bra."

It materialized instantly, covering the one part Kirito didn't care too much about covering as the ill fitting bra squeezed tight around his pecs, half strangling him from the tightness as a bunch of glowing red ERROR messages popped up on screen. At first he just screamed in pain, thrashing as his fingers tore at the top, no clasp to be found, any tears he made healing themselves as the cloth pulsed out teal effect sparkles into him.

One by one the Error messages were buzzing, resolving to green as they vanished, Kirito unaware that his already slender frame was shrinking as the tight back strap forced his back to gradually arch. The real show began a few moments after, Sinon smirking as he tried to violently tear the cups off his chest, unaware of just how small his frame had shrunk, Sinon guessing any second now she'd hear-


There it was, Kirito's face beet red as his thrashing slowed. She gave a mocking whistle as his joystick popped straight up, his fingers gingerly poking down the empty cups. Well, Sinon guessed they weren't entirely empty any more, judging from the confused squeak that left his lips, Kirito's nipples perked against the soft fabric, each exploratory poke making the pleasure swell along with his chest.

He didn't understand why it suddenly felt so good, the cupped edges of the bra grinding away at his ribcage, the horny wreck moaning as he felt his waist pucker tighter inside as the spare mass flooded upwards. It was maddening, his hands going from tearing to pushing, trying to stop the rising flesh as he only managed to make the torturous growth all the more orgasmic as resistance turned to accidental masturbation, his shrinking fingers digging in as he gave a pathetic sounding groan, his cock unleashing wads of cum as Sinon's perky breasts heaved up and down atop Kirito's slender body.

"Enjoying yourself Kirito?"

He seemed to regain some clarity, though his face was still blushing hard. Her complexion was steadily traveling up his arms, small coos showing how good it must have felt as his arms shrank, his shoulders trembling as the bones tried to round.

"U-Undo this right now Sinon! Fix this you crazy-"

"Sure I'll fix you. Equip hair clips."

They were small, but effective, Kirito feeling them clack against his forehead as he was subjected to more surges of bliss, his spent cock finding new reserves as it hardened. Sinon felt confident enough to go near him, certain the pleasure wracking his annoying little head would make him easy to play with, Sinon enjoying the game for the first time in ages as she straddled herself atop his struggling body, admittedly turned on as his hard on rubbed against her latex shorts.

She started with some pain, grabbing his shoulders and snapping them like they were dislocated, the last of his frame turning girly under her touch as he squealed. A teal tuft of hair had spread down his face, Sinon entranced as his nose wriggled and popped into hers, his eyes blinking as their lashes grew out. She was happy the overwrite got spurred on by her touch, teasing his softening back muscles as she whispered into his ears, "Well it wasn't yourself you were enjoying. But then again you've always been a playboy."

She squeezed his breasts, relishing as his cries cracked like he was pubescent, his eyes visibly spreading as her teal irises overtook his boring black ones. She didn't mind getting a bit rough with him, loving the confused moans as she pulled on his hair, tugging his bangs down till they looked like front facing pigtails, the ends conveniently right at his breasts as he went from pain to pleasure when Sinon played with his tits. She couldn't help herself, his moaning lips so open as she roughly kissed him, feeling his cock spasm against her shorts as his face crumbled to hers.

Now this was amazing, feeling his lips plump against hers, the way his nipples hardened as she rubbed her own erect nips as her hands went for more rough teasing as she pulled his hair completely teal. The only thing that caught her off guard was the sound of her own voice screaming, the distraction enough for Kirito to knee her off of him as he rolled away. He was her from the waist up, groaning as her teasing clearly had him still worked up as another load spilled from his cock. He scrambled to get his menu up, missing Sinon's wry smile as she glanced at his user page.

"I don't kno-OHHH~ nngh wh-what you think you're doing! But I'm not going down without a fight!"

It was an ironic choice of words for someone who had just signed their own identity death warrant, any 'fight' impossible as he loaded his unequipped gear.

Asino was nearly finished, blind to anything outside of her body and the rifle interwoven with it. It was a crutch, a haven, the source of her discomfort and the cure as well. She remembered how scared she had been to use it at first, but now pulling the trigger was almost as fun as touching hers-



Asinon had meant to finger herself, the half inserted wood handle in the way as she accidentally squeezed the trigger instead of her clit. Poor trigger discipline was normally bad, but here it was the final push, the gun rocketing against her body as the handle thrust into her slit like a horny lover, the heat of the freshly used barrel melting away her identity. She barely noticed the height scrunching away, four inches shrinking as she ground the muzzle between her tits, firing another round off in the distance as the handle thrust inside.

Even in this state her rounds were hitting their marks, masturbation no excuse for bad aim as the final bits of Sinon took over. It just felt better, that desperate need to compete fading for a more self confident inner self, her tits looking larger on her shrunken frame even if she knew her measurements weren't far off. The only regret she had was soiling her trusted weapon like this, the finished sniper pulling her cum soaked weapon out. That'd take some varnish to fix and she ought to disassemble and clean it out till it was perfect. Then again, given how fast she had done that to Asuna's mind, Sinon could probably go a few more rounds. But then she heard Kirito's high pitched cries and sighed. She could masturbate later. She had a show to watch right now.

Sinon was almost dying of laughter as she watched Kirito's horny struggling, his confused cries music to her ears as she watched him struggle to get out of her usual outfit, her black spandex shorts in particular seeming to cause him the most trouble as she watched his tip make a mess as it rubbed against a copy of her toned stomach.


His back painfully creaked as her white crop top squeezed anything not appropriately curved, the famed black swordsman struggling to stand as the creases of her spandex shorts clearly started to work at the muscles in his ass. Kirito's attention was split between Sinon and his ass, giving it side glances as every few seconds he gave out another resistant groan, the repeated rolling and massaging of the muscle starting to soften it, the squeeze digging into his asshole as a terrible pleasure built.

"How'd you end up in my tactical gear? Well maybe if you had stayed calm and paid attention, you might have noticed the last opened folder in our party Kirito."

It really was perfect, the ashamed look once he realized his mistake interrupted with a sudden cry, his hips creaking as the every clutching grip of spandex pulled them wider, his ass now petite, but noticeably round.

"Oh I know, this must be one of those handicaps you love to flex. Surely the great black swordsman wouldn't give into one shitty sniper riiiight?"

He was wheezing, unable to even respond as his hips suddenly bucked, their girth spreading out as he came again, though the stream of fluids was noticeably thinner as he stumbled forwards. There wasn't much he could do, giving his all to remain standing as his ass swelled to a perfect peach, the thigh straps digging in as he felt the latex thrust into his ass and balls.

"Or maybe you did it because you always wanted to be a girl. You sure liked being mistaken for one. C'mon doesn't it sound nice Sinon?"

A violent shudder ran through Kiriton at being called by her name, the struggling 'man' falling to all fours as he thrashed about, tearing at her clothes. The outer layers came off easily enough, but her shorts were relentless, the material hugging skintight as it gripped his ass roughly, Kiriton feeling truly fucked as it pounded against his prostate, feeling it thread between his balls and thrust.

Kirinon foamed at the mouth, screams turning to moans as he wiggled his ass for the viewing pleasure of the two Sinon's watching, his junk clearly outlined in the shorts as they could see every little detail of his gender being overwritten. It was hard to hold anything in, the thigh bands he couldn't tear off squeezing in time with the pounding of his ass, toning the muscle, building the fat as his already entrapped balls were now being rubbed by Sinon's toned thighs, the plushness overwhelming as he struggled to hold his masculinity inside.

He couldn't help but think of his cock as a loaded pistol, its bullets his remaining masculinity as the shorts squeaked as they probed deeper, feeling like a tactical shot aimed straight for his prostate on an assassination mission. It hit its mark, Kisinon screaming as estrogen bled out into his system, his twitching glock shooting half its remaining load as the tip of it slipped under the brim of the shorts, the latex squeezing it down to a pocket pistol. Smaller gun meant smaller ammo, his balls shrinking down to the size of 8 mm rounds as he could feel them struggling to finish firing, trying to slide into his chamber.

They were slowly succeeding, all his sword knowledge spilling out in pressure sealed sprays down his thighs. If it was painful he might have been able to resist, but the pleasure was all encompassing, The overwrite blasting out pieces of him easier than the freshly oiled chamber of her baby the PGM Ultima R-Ratio.


The other two Sinons just watched, not even trying to spur it on, enjoying the struggle as one of the indents in his matching booty shorts flattened, wetness glistening on his thick thighs as every thrust of his hips made a little more of his dick push inside. Her shorts in particular were mesmerizing to watch, making his body rock back and forth as they fucked him without mercy, the latex clearly prodding at the newly flattened skin, drool spraying from the almost finished sniper as what had once been cupping a bulge, now indented inside a small, throbbing slit.

Isinon didn't think it could get any worse, the pleasure already far beyond what he had ever experienced, his thoughts a chaotic mishmash of Sinon and that annoying gamer guy who just wouldn't shut up! No no this was wrong this was all wrong, h-he was a sniper who had overcome her trauma.


The latex had made a chamber, his remaining ball scraping roughly against the lips at first, but her former cum was still trapped inside, sloshing about as it lubricated the deepening sides of his pussy. Soon he could feel it loading inside, sliding past the other lip, catching halfway down the narrow hole as the teasing press of her shorts rubbed the outer lips. She could no longer imagine herself as male as the fresh muscles began to contract, her sex lubricating internally as a hot spike of bliss fired inside, splitting her vagina fully open as her cock gave its final spasms.

Sinon couldn't contain herself, her eyes briefly going glassy before her usual self surged forwards, the girl shocked as she felt the remains of her cock stuff and clean her insides. It was like coiling a spring to its utmost limit, the sensitive organ compressing and compressing as it was driven inside her slit, Sinon's body clenched as the tip pancaked inside, the pleasure building till her former balls blasted it with estrogen, Sinon bursting her load as she came away every last trace of Kirito.

The new girl panted for a minute, cooing as a few more orgasms tore through her system, her boots already making short work of her calves to be as springy and cute as the rest of her. Of course it wasn't like she didn't remember what she had done, but there was no annoying buzz of guilt or shame in cumming in front of a crowd. Technically she was just playing with herself, even if herself was a collective they than a singular her. Even their player profiles were linked as she gave a quick check, turning back to see her blushing copies palming their crotches, the half naked one fingering herself openly.

"Well, what do you want to do now Sinon?"

"I think you know Sinon. You definitely had the most fun here."

She blushed, not denying it. Though it was a shame they hadn't recorded any of that, the downside of a spur of the moment decision. Though wait...

"I know it's all Sinon in here, but what do you think happened in the real world? Cause the headsets automatically record you right?"

That got Sinon excited, the half naked Sinon pausing her masturbation to check her logs, the former Kirito doing the same as they brought up a split screen recording of the last fifteen minutes.

At first nothing, then the real world Asuna started to twitch. A few minutes later and Kirito was joining her, both thrashing in their beds. Kirito's was the most fun, his cock flopping out his boxers as the nerdy boy turned into a nerdy girl, all three Sinon's glancing at each other with perverted glee.

"Alright wanna-"

"-head back to base and-"

"-put that on while we-"


The three snipers were in perfect sync as they ran to have some fun, all of them ready for a thorough, intensive inspection as their frustrations from earlier were left behind in the cum covered dust of the shooting range. The only regret was not doing this sooner.


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