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"Hehe it's done! Ah don't know why I never thought about using my weapons tinkering hobby for game controllers before. This is gonna be a-maaaa-zing~!"

Ruby Rose was giggling as she put the final touches on her newest invention, four headbands that worked as game controllers that synced with your brainwaves to move a character. Two were black, the other two white so they wouldn't be too samey though she figured anyone'd be happy to wear headbands as cute as these! She had gotten some inspiration from Nier Automata, the android filled game one that had attracted her to it like a lightning rod with the idea of tech so advanced and cool, even if the philosophy stuff kinda went over her head. What mattered was that everything was so cool and fun and the characters were all hot!

For right now said headbands only worked with the game as she did some testing, wearing two sets at once for multiplayer though it gave her thoughts a buzzy feeling that, while fun, made it hard to really pay any attention. She still had multiplayer link on as she tested with the black headband, the squeeze giving her a small shock as she whimpered slightly, noting to take care of the static issue when connecting. After about a half hour of moving about and playing like normal though, she was feeling a bit curious on how far she could push it, cranking up a small dial on the side, unaware every other connected headband was shifting to match her settings in their linked mode.

It was getting to the point where she could almost feel the wind in the game on her skin, her brain buzzing nicely as the experimental controller did its best sync up to the in game model. She hadn't expected the stimulation to be so... stimulating? Her body was awkwardly wriggling about, suddenly feeling two bodies worth of sensation as she moaned. She couldn't explain it, the feeling of larger breasts atop her own, the simulated clit rubbing against her own making her horny beyond belief as she began to undress.

Of course, the headband stayed on, the brain adaptability requiring a firm connection, small microneedles buzzing as she whimpered in need, a few strands of hair bleached white from stress as she stripped completely naked. It wasn't the first time one of her inventions had had an inadvertent kinky side to them, Jaune still making fun of her when he accidentally sprung out one of her Crescent Rose's hidden features, but this was beyond just a sex toy. Her body simply felt wrong, 2B's body specs rendering directly into her brain, her body sweating a storm as the ceaseless arousal made her clit throb and lips leak. Her tights were pooled around her feet, the energetic girl scrambling towards the bathroom, not wanting to stain the carpet. Sure there was her bed, but if her teammates came in she really didn't want to explain why she was fingering herself while a video game girl was idle animating onscreen.

It took all her self control not to finger fuck herself into submission, Ruby kicking the last of her outfit off as she stomped into the shower, moaning as she ground her back against the handles and went to town. There were small metallic squeaks as she rolled against the ceramic wall, her repeated hip grinds twisting the handles of the shower bit by bit. There was a cough from the pipes before cold water sprung from the taps, Ruby shrieking as her hair was soaked. Up to this point it was all just a harmless, but lewd experiment, but the headband was like a pair of glasses or a necklace, the kind of ornament so easy to forget you're even wearing till it gets soaked all the way through. Unfortunately this wasn't just a simple trinket, but an intensely wired immersive experience connected straight to her brain, the programming going haywire as wires dug into her brain and forced her hormones to go into overdrive. It no longer wanted to replicate the feedback of 2B, but replicate 2B entirely as Ruby's body trembled under the shower nozzle.

The ends of the headband melded into her scalp, digging in a way that made the inexperienced girl cum instantly, her clit throbbing as thoughts of 2B flooded her weakened mind. Sure she had thought she was sexy before, but the feelings flooding in could best be described as an obsession, her thoughts only able to focus on just how perfect the android girl was, how amazingly performed she was. Slowly her groans shifted to match the voice inside her mind, the realization that she sounded like 2B not as horrifying as it should have been, not when hearing the way her voice echoed around the room filled her with such need.

Her hardened nipples gave the first sign of physical alteration, the perky but small chest trembling as the heat seemed to pool there, the cold shower doing little to quench the heat building inside as she squeezed them against the shower wall. Again that feeling of wrongness was making itself apparent, her breasts far too small for the feelings her brain was expecting, her body soon rocking back as her pressed nipples exploded with bliss as fat surged into her petite bosom.


It was hard to tell how much she was cumming, the water washing away the copious fluids trailing down her thighs. She could gush about 2B for days now, yet the more she changed the less hyper she felt, a certain rigidity pounding into her brain, the water washing away the black and red from her hair like it was cheap dye as it turned snow white. It didn't take much growth for the pleasure to condition away her tendency for idle chitchat, Ruby moaning as her larger breasts swung, their added heft bending her over as her spine trembled and grew. She wondered if this was what Weiss meant when she scolded her to mature, Ruby not realizing just how amazing it felt as the inches creaked into her spine, her legs trembling as they grew long and statuesque. Yes she had been so childish before, but now she was becoming better, imagining 2B as her mental image warped.

Staring at her own reflection in the glass shower door was disappointing, the youthful features not what she wanted. Thankfully she could feel it, the more she played with her breasts, the harder she fingered herself. It was making the changes hasten, her lips puckering against her own reflection as her eyes turned a steely blue, her baby fat burnt away to defined ridges as an elegant face stared back. 2uby was in heaven, feeling her curves bolstered by her model like figure, her thrusting fingers losing any stubbiness as they turned long and elegant, that elegance consuming her as her limbs lengthened.

There was a clunk as her dorm's door was slammed open, the changing girl having to muffle her mouth with the door as fat surged into her ass, the tiny tush grinding against the reverse wall as she considered her next move. Her husky voice dripped with cold calculation as she fingered her slim navel, 2by aware that if her teammates found her like this, they'd try to change her back, the possibility worrying. A particularly loud gasp exited her lips as she resolved to finger herself faster. If the changes finished then there would be less hope in a reversal, her thighs bloating as she tried her best to assimilate in peace. Little did she know that her thoughts were being transmitted, the sharing online functionality spreading the glitches to the three remaining headbands, the paired bands beginning to beep.


Weiss was rather annoyed, the 'team leader' absent from their syncro practice to work on one of her time wasters, Weiss assuming it was just an excuse to use up even more of her valuable time as she glanced at the scantily clad android girl idling on screen. It was the beeping that turned her already frustrated anger nuclear, the incessant pitch ringing as she heard the shower running.


She picked up the black headband, trying to find an off switch.

"It's not that big a deal Weiss. Besides can't you study in the library?"

The heiress took offense to that.

"I want to study in MY room so I can pass MY tests and not have to deal with any distractions! Now let me figure out how to-"

"I think you're meant to wear it?"

Blake put one of the white bands on, unaware of the added functionality as the sides of it tried to squeeze in, biting into her headband subtly as the device tried and failed to connect to her head. Still the beeping did stop, so Weiss sighed and slid the band on, wincing as it pinched the sides of her head before a calming bliss pulsed through.

It dazed her, neither Blake nor Yang paying much attention, just glad the bratty teammate was actually being quiet. If they had looked they'd have seen Weiss's face entranced by the screen, her eyes following the subtle movements of 2B's idling animation almost religiously. She didn't understand why she was so obsessed suddenly, her panties growing damp, her brain trembling. All along her scalp it felt like chills running up and down, her bound ponytail teasing itself loose as her snowy locks were drawn in. On screen the android girl was stretching, her boobs squeezed enticingly by the black dress, phantom nipples perking as Weiss felt herself on edge from 2B's movements. Though wait, how did she know the character's name? Or that she was an androi-

"HKK~! NNH nngh ohhh..."

Her thighs squeezed together, her once hip length hair barely up to her midback, her pussy trembling as her thighs squeezed together, slowly getting thicker. She could tell something wasn't right, shutting her eyes to stop looking at 2B, to stop the feeling of obsession over how sumptuous her curves were, how much better her worthless toothpick of a body would be if she gained some real meat. Yes she just had to close her eyes and let her imagination run wild, her collar detaching as it squeezed her throat to 2B's, her thick thighs rubbing faster as small releases wet her skirt.

Blake meanwhile was fussing with her own headband, trying to read, noticing a bothersome tightness to it as her usual black band was fully eaten through. With that taken care of she was free to read her novel, a rather poetic yuri story that was getting to the good part, her cat ears crinkling with glee as she imagined the protagonist finally embracing the lover she had longed for after 300 pages of build up.

She could see her now, the tanned beauty with legs for days, her white gothic dress hugging her graceful curves, the white wraps around her eyes blocking all her sight, but what she could truly see was far more... Blake mewled in confusion, unsure what person she was imagining. Sure the protagonist of her book was tanned, but none of the rest really matched the author's description. That's when something thrust into Blake's pussy, her lips screwed shut, her body quivering as the bliss spread her open. That's what it felt like at least, her pussy being remodeled by the headband, her already aroused state heightened as the folds of her pussy were caressed and shifted, her clit readjusting ever so slightly as she turned towards Yang in need.

"Hmm? How's it goin' Blake? You okay? You look a little flush-"

Yang wasn't expecting her to pounce, their lips meeting as Blake sucked at her lips, her thighs spread as she grinded against the stunned blonde. She was like an animal in heat, said heat spreading from her lips as she thrashed atop Yang, unaware the tan coloration pulsing from her pussy, wrapping around her ass as the already perky tush swelled till the seams popped on her shorts, a caramel colored ass gleaming as she humped her struggling lover.

Honestly Yang was kind of into it, though less so when she remembered Weiss being barely ten feet away, wondering why she wasn't throwing a fuss since they were definitely not being quiet. Something must have gotten into Blake to get her this horny, a thought that was amusing till one of her cat ears shrunk.

Blake squealed, yowling like an alley cat as the tender lump of flesh was swallowed into her skull, slamming into her brain as she was lightly concussed. Her own ear stirred her brains, her hair flattening as it sliced to a feminine bob cut. All that was allowed to remain in her head was the hunger to satiate the fire between her thighs, this novel humanity so bothersome in its requirements. No wait she wasn't a human she was a fau-


Her remaining ear pulled in, fucking her brain to pieces as the tan skin spread down her scalp, browning the rest of her face as Yang watched the former faunus's face twitch and mold as she kissed her, her nose snapping as her lips twitched, Yang feeling the buzz of something spreading as her own bloated in response. She tried to push Blake away, feeling weird as Blake's cum dripped through her clothes, dyeing her skin a matching brown wherever it touched. A slight pinch hit the left side of Yang's mouth as she finally pushed her away, a matching black beauty mark forming at the lower corner of her lips.

2by was nearly done, her pleasure feeling even greater somehow as her fingers thrust inside, her slit buzzing as if two people's worth of pleasure was suddenly linked, her obsession a narcissistic show of appreciation for her new body. This body was just too good, the lost humanity she had always believed in granted to her, her breasts and ass squishing beautifully as she adored the feeling of fat over silicon, her thighs finishing their bloat as she gave a muffled screech, 2b fully satisfied as she stepped out of the shower.

"Hmm? How strange."

There were a few irregularities, 2b feeling simultaneously satisfied and horny, her body switching between the two at regular intervals in confusing pulses. Then there was the towel she was using to dry herself off, the material plastering itself against her crotch once it got damp, the aquamarine and white striped pattern splitting as it hugged tightly to her new curves. Interesting, apparently her releases carried the same orders to adjust and perfect, the arousal she felt as she stared at her own reflection putting sinful thoughts into her mind, a knowing smirk spreading as she heard the hungry moans echoing outside the bathroom door.

She wasn't sure how it was happening, but she could make a guess, the aroused phases a result of her pairing to the other black hairband, a sneaking suspicion of who was wearing it confirmed as she thrust her fingers back inside, 2b moaning as Weiss's screams turned tinny before deepening to a perfect match.

Weiss's was confused, feeling phantom fingers rimming her slit, her hips spreading thicker and wider. Her personality was already well suited for 2b, so regimented and ordered, the pleasure filling her mind as more fabric scraps separated, her slowly rising breasts forcing her dress to tear as her closed eyes were graced with a black blindfold.

There was no awareness, only disorientation, her hair shrinking to chin length, her lips bloated like she was having an allergy attack as she rubbed the tender spot dotting to a beauty mark. She thrashed about, her slender frame being filled, her physique already perfect for the curves she was about to be graced with, her dancer thighs gaining some proper meat as more fingers joined the initial two fucking her to submission. 2eiss had to hold on and resist the obsession and pleasure, her mind only subservient to the legacy of the YoRHa family. N-No the YoRHa council.

A childhood of obedience made quick work of the rest, her fingers joining the phantom ones inside her slit, tearing through the scraps that were struggling to hold her wider hips and thighs, the perfection in her ruddier complexion smooth and missing nary a flaw. Yes even that scar on her... she couldn't remember where the imperfection was, both eyes hugged by the blindfold, both altering as their lashes lengthened, the bliss of perfection overcoming such silly ideas as family pride as 2ei felt her memories spilling down her bared thighs. Something bumped into her. No not something, someone. Suddenly she had a side view, watching as a changing 2ang struggled with her shifting clothing, the tanned variant's struggles bothering her greatly. She wanted to enjoy this, 2e grabbing the remaining headband as she shoved it onto the struggling girl's head.

There that shut her up, though how could she see? She was enamored with the side view, getting to watch as her body gave in, her body maturing, breasts finishing their final burst as they bared themselves, the last of her clothes tightening to black arm length gloves and pantyhose as the band gave a final squeeze of her brain. 2e felt something jettison out, moaning as her black panties grew damp, her body trembling as she was replace utterly by 2b. Of course she knew who was watching, her twin fingering herself as she opened her eyes, able to vaguely see her through the black cloth, still not satisfied.

"Come to me 2b. I need some maintenance desperately."

2blak was no longer just horny, but existentially horny, wondering if there was any way out of this ceaseless bliss that filled her every waking thought. 2ang had not been the answer, the slight betrayal of being thrown away stinging, but her needy slit demanded more, her tanning skin crying out for release. More and more her thoughts returned to that protagonist in her mind, her longstanding mental hobby of fanfiction writing on the side helping her realize quickly why the girl in her mind was so familiar even if she hadn't read of her. It was a self insert, 2bla sighing as she realized it, the thought of this perfect goddess as her feeling more and more right as the caramel coloring poured over her breasts.

It wasn't like she was small there, but there was room for improvement, said improvement making itself known with aplomb, as her top split apart from the eruption of her new, massive breasts. It almost felt wrong to play with them, such bliss not meant for a mortal like her. Yet even that self effacing worry eventually drained as she came it out, 2bl loving the squeeze as her hum soaked boots laced around her tight thighs, the hug of gloves on her fingering hands giving a textural boost to the urgency of her masturbation. It didn't matter the sudden hierarchy her subconscious was being drawn to, her memories deleted one by one as each jab to her clit spread the glory of her new self to fruition.

With one final jab the spread of tan merged at her navel, her booted legs trembling as 2b came out everything superfluous inside, gasping as the programming of her white headband made sure every last fold of her brain was pressed in 2B's shape. Unlike the other two her colors had been inverted, black hair, white blindfolds, likely due to the inverted headband cover. But such things hardly mattered to 2b. What mattered was the struggling former lover resisting conversion, and resisting the changes was resisting her perfection, which could not be allowed.

The other two 2b's were already fucking, their synchronized moaning almost robotic in how they mirrored one another when their mouths weren't busy exploring their mirror image. 2ang was struggling against her corrupted clothing, the headband pumping corruptive thoughts into her mind as a black latex piece flossed between her cheeks and slit so hard it looked more like a thong than the bottom half to a leotard. Still, compared to the others she was resisting the most, the spread of new skin stuck to the strips under the shifting clothes and her lips which were perked to an eternal pucker.

Maybe she had the strongest personality, or her free spirit could not be contained. Perhaps it was just the band trying to make her hate puns and drop such a silly, childish practice and 2ang would not stand for that. She'd honestly be quipping back against the changes more, but it took her all just to clench her teeth and resist. Of course, 2b could see how defenseless she was, smirking as she crawled over her soon to be twin, roughly shoving three fingers into her snatch as 2ang's eyes shot open, the sclera losing their sign of her semblance as they faded to a steely blue.

"D-Don't do this Bl-HAAAAKE~!"

2b didn't know who this Blake was, but grinned at the progress her fingering made, watching as the mocha color spread with every thrust, 2ang's squirming thighs swelling as her ass turned truly enormous.

"Give in 2b."

It was a direct command, 2b's mouth latching onto one of 2an's nipples, her teeth teasing the erect nub as she sucked.

2an felt like her brain was being sucked out her rising tit, her thoughts trembling as 2b expertly pulled at her large breasts were forced to bloat even larger. It was licked through the latex top, the nipple now chocolate colored, the color spreading to the other as she squealed. 2b knew exactly where to tease her, where to make her weak. After all, no one knew herself better than herself.

The blonde in 2an's hair was fading, the gold muted to a copper, then a dullish grey before turning black. The fire inside her, the ability to resist was fading with every passing moment, the hairband tightening as her features altered under the wave of her new skin tone, her identity dissolving into 2b.

There was always this need to be a role model, the cool older sister, this pressure that seemed increasingly alien amongst her equals. Thinking back on her past brashness made her cringe, then cum said cringe away as her resistance became more muted. Giving in would be bliss she could feel, her nervous system beginning to sync with 2b's, feeling her own tit in her mouth as if she was the one sucking it as her eyes tried to find something to latch onto. They landed on the television, 2b's idling animations still playing, her perfection only magnified as 2a could see every minute detail, the rustling of fabric and hair, the perfection of her model, how much better it felt to imagine to be her, to be 2b.

For such a strong resistance, it ended rather easily, 2b feeling her twin's body spasm, the begging devolving to wordless blissful squeals and eventual affirmation as her body came the last of its identity away, 2b kissing 2b as the two rolled around, her blindfold splitting in half as it caressed her inverted colored twin's face.

Their orgy repeated for most of the day, like a cycle of their character's animation, but eventually they were satisfied. Not completely though, the headbands full of such potential, and the pleasure of having an exact twin was magnified with the shared nervous system transmitting between the humanized androids. It was just a matter of who would be next as they heard a knocking from their dorm's door, team JNPR asking if they were alright, not knowing that once they opened the door their identities would be forfeit to the 2b collective. The entire school would soon be full of 2b's and further spreading could be looked into later, but it was only a matter of time. 2b, or not 2b. To them it was not a question.


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