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Briefs crept into the room like he was a perverted interloper, despite having Panty's full permission to be there, though she had been on something from how she slurred it out. But he needed to get some angelically boosted power for a particularly bothersome ghost he was trying to deal with. He just had to take a few deep breaths to clear his mind of impure thoughts, not wanting to be a creep even knowing Panty would tease him whether he did anything perverted or not.

He wanted to be pure when he entered, but nothing could have prepared him for the actual room, any imagined curated garden of eden instead a chaotic mess of discarded clothes, stripper poles and, uh... Briefs blushed and tried to ignore the dildo, only to spot a vibrator, and another dildo, his eyes darting around as he stumbled about, the room littered with her toys. He stumbled about till he tripped and landed back first on her bed, his hands scrabbling for purchase as they gripped what he thought was the silky top sheet till it separated, bunched in his hands as a tight silk package. And it was still wet.

Briefs stuttered out something incomprehensible once he realized he was clutching a pair of Panty's panties, feeling as soft as paradise and as enticing, and that dark stain of lust... He couldn't help his body's natural reaction, already blushing as he felt a twitch in his briefs. And with that twitch of his dick there was a twitch in his hands, the wet panties suddenly glowing, almost as if they were reacting to the lust. He didn't realize how right he was, his stiffy like a magnet to the pure angel essence as it tugged from his grip, ripping free as it slipped inside the lip of his green shorts. His sputters turned to confused shrieks as the panties rubbed and bunched around his cock, chaotically pinging around to try and caress it, increasing his sinful thoughts as he undid his belt to try and tear them away, unaware he had just given the angelic undergarment exactly what it wanted.

It seemed to happen in barely a second, his jeans loosened as the panties rammed against the middle, shooting them down, his legs reflexively kicking as the pure speed knocked his shoes off. Before he could stop them, the black silk had rolled past his socked feet, sliding up as if friction didn't exist, slamming into his erection as he squealed. The black thong glowed like burnished gold, rubbing and teasing his cock as it struggled against the perverted assault, his own underwear dissolving under the angelic glow, burning through as it gripped his dick. Despite not being prepared for any of what had happened, the last shock to his system came once the silk gripped his bared cock, not just rubbing, not just stroking, but beading at the tip as it condensed its angelic 'purity,' said purity pervertedly penetrating his masculinity as his body spasmed, his hair bursting out into sheets of purified gold.


His usually covered eyes were exposed, his irises glowing, creasing down the top as they surged to hearts, the thorough fucking of his cock making his brain spark chaotically as arousal, horror and lust merging and crashing as he rolled about the bed. The panties gave another thrust, the heat surging as the angelic purity built inside, magnetized to his sinful urges and wanting to couple with them. His lashes prickled out, bushy and well kept, his irises turning blue as the lust spread across his entire being. Well that's what it felt like, Briefs unaware how the glow was subtly feminizing his skin, centered on his cock as each surge of lust exorcised his skin of hair and imperfections, skin as smooth as the silk teasing his cock spreading in hot surges as his own skin rubbing against itself became a turn on, his green hoodie feeling maddening against his supple skin, the textured inside scraping against his pinkened nipples like sandpaper as he gave a loud, lusty shriek.

Underneath his pleasured cries was the subtle shifting of bone, his brow creased and flattened in a few cycles as small bits of himself were discarded, the pure angel essence fingering his brain as his eyebrows shaved to golden accents over larger eyes. Despite the purity of the energy, the look his face gave was indecently needy, a part of his naive mind beginning to appreciate the skill Panty's panties had as it twisted the bead inserted in his tip back and forth, the sides lightly stroking without chafing as the middle strip of fabric slid back and forth between his balls.

Mmm~ I want in on some of that fun.

His lips twitched to a smile, thickening as he smirked, dripping with gloss as they puckered seductively, his nose and chin melting to his own wet dream as the image of cocks and servicing them made his pink nipples harden, poking against his hoodie as the novelty of it shocked him out of his horny haze. Why was he fantasizing about cocks? H-He wasn't into buff burly men fucking him raw till the morning sun-


The perverted thoughts wouldn't stop, each stroke and twist embedding them deeper into his subconscious, Briefy groaning as he tried to wrest control from the horniness. He d-didn't want to stroke a bunch of cocks with his hands, he only wanted Panty's perfect fingers wrapped around his throbbing, *needy member, stroking that little geek till-*


Brief stared as his fingers twitched, the angelic essence reacting to his thoughts as nails were stretched and glossed, his fingers tapering down to his image. Each imagined stroking made them slowly clench around imagined cocks, his grip forced to widen as his palms shrank, a wave of erotically charged fantasy eating away at his thin arm shape, turning the lanky to plush, feminine appeal dripping from every curve as the sight of them was too much. He couldn't stop as they began to stroke with the panties, Briefy shifting as a plastic lump bumped against his ass.

"Agh! Wh-What the he-ENNNGH!"

Briefy only had time to notice there was a lump before a finger jabbed into his balls. It was out of his hands at that point, his hips thrusting up, the sheets unfolding as a bright pink egg shaped lump stood upright, perfectly positioned for his dovetailing asshole as the half lubed vibrator slid inside. Briety wasn't prepared for the sudden insertion, gasping and wiggling his ass trying to shake the uncomfortably slick lump out, feeling a small switch scrape against his prostate as he couldn't help but clench. The egg slid further, now poking his prostate, his desperate wiggling sliding the rough square as it toggled more and more, a slight click sounding as he bolted upright.



The curse forced itself out his mouth as the vibrator turned on, rattling his prostate like a jackhammer to concrete. It was pure bliss, the buzz seeming to grow as it made the muscle in his ass vibrate faster and faster. He felt like he was melting, his g spot throbbing against the egg, the numbing, blissful buzz gradually forcing his muscle to bloat to fat, his ass jiggling rounder and perkier as his hands took a break from teasing his cock to untangle his legs from the sheets. It wasn't like his cock could take much more anyways, his cries cracking to a familiar soprano as he came harder than he could ever remember, groaning as he sunk back down into the soiled sheets.

He couldn't think, only vaguely aware of how hard his cock still was, panting like a bitch in heat as the growing buzz of the vibrator spilled into his thighs. Even if he had been spent he knew just what to do to make a weak little geek like him would go wild for, plush flat swelling around his cock as his legs spasmed. They were squeezing tight, making his cock buzz as they thickened, Briety feeling him lose control as the sinful flesh forced him to stand, his body gliding to the nearest stripper pole for more purification.

The first few steps were awkward, the thong having to really up the purity as the bead thickened to a small rod of fabric, forcing his cock to spread as every step found his toes scrunched tighter, soles softer, his feet curving into petite perfection. He had already just cummed what felt like a year's worth of *hot, salty-* b-but he was already on the edge of bursting again, the continued thrusting and stroking aided by the squeeze of his silky smooth thighs, his calves curving athletically as they locked around the pole. With a sudden, erotic gyration of his hips, Brienty squeaked as the crack of his ass rammed against the stripper pole, his already tortured prostate stabbed by the vibrator, Branty screaming as he felt it warp before merging with the buzzing sex tool as the world turned pink.


It was penetrated fully, Branty's g spot turning M shaped for Mature, the vibrating cock tease melting into it as his hips splintered apart. He could feel it snaking inside, the curses coming so much easier now that she was being fucked harder than a weekend orgy at a biker bar. Panty's thong made sure to rim his asshole roughly, drool pouring from his lips as his arms began to do a dance around the pole, his ass grinding as the purification snaked and dug itself through to his aching cock, two jabs the only warning he had before he was forced to spew out every last drop of semen left.


It didn't matter how much he called out to her boss, the pleasure wouldn't cease, his balls slowly sucked by the newly attached tubes, his sleazy pole dancing grinding more and more as they smashed his scrotum against the pole as his legs spread into a split. Thin spurts of cum dotted the stained carpet of the room, the purification finding respite in his balls as they shifted and tensed, his legs making a 180 on the floor as they both shunted inside, his first penetration soooo addictive. Which is why she looooved getting fucked.

Branty was more a passenger in his own head, giggling at all the thoughts of fucking and teasing replaced his supernatural knowledge, his body hoisting itself on the poll as it hooked him on and spun. The cold metal dug into his sides, curving them easily, each revolution adding perfect contrast to his thick ass, his cock trembling as his balls were bathed in angelic glory and converted into ovaries that were filled to the brim with 'purity'.

It was pure. Pure lust. His cock leaked glowing streaks of the stuff as it saturated his body, Branty giggling as the next part of his pole routine found his chest stripped bare, resting his nipples on the cool metal till the cold made them hard and pink. For a second he was confused when he looked down, wondering how she'd even give a proper titjob without any fucking tits? Sure Stocking was the bustier one, but it wasn't like she-


Branty could barely remember any of his own lame, geek existence, tears of bliss eroding anything that wasn't *hot as shit* in his mind. He could feel his nipples throbbing, sucking hungrily at his remaining sanity. He didn't even know who he was praying to, praying for it to stop, to undo the changes, t-to fuck all her brains out and give her back her rack you stupid-



His body just reacted, sliding up and down the pole, Banty moaning as she treated it like a cock as her chest bloated more with every swipe up and down. Fuuuuck she needed this, her hands pulling at her nipples as the flesh eagerly rose with every pinch. That annoying nerdy voice in her head faded as she came, the almost complete angel grunting as her breasts flopped out against the pole, leaning her forwards as she squeezed them against it. She couldn't remember the last time she had been this horny, confused till she saw the cock between her thighs. She gave it a flick, moaning as she urged the thong to squeeze.

"Well someone's been naughty in here haven't they?"

"Ohhh~ YESSSSS!"

She collapsed to her knees, the fallen angel a mess as her cock was struck with wave after wave of purification. Whether it was a curse to make her male or some horny pervert getting a surprise in her room, she just didn't give a fuck, relishing the unmatched bliss of being on both ends of the fucking as her cock was swallowed by her own hungry snatch. It truly was filling every inch of her, each length of it that melted inside merging with her pussy, like a three dimensional fucking that spread deeper, her womb still buzzing with need as her releases began to thicken.

White liquids burst out the shrinking rod, angled up as they splashed against her chest, fondling and teasing her breasts as it solidified to a frilly white bra, her next few releases forming a skirt. Her fingers teased the leaking shaft as another inch popped inside, her hands dowsed in it as the color turned from white to a glowing gold, fingerless gloves and gold bangles forming as she slid a finger into her tip with a forceful jab.


The gold spilled down her legs as she came, whiting out as her index finger dug deep, her thumb squeezing as her shaft tore at the bottom. Rather than pain it was pure ecstasy, her pussy leaking ambrosia as the gold release wrapped around her calves, turning to greek open toes calf high sandals as she thumbed her tip into a clit. With nothing left to hold it together, Panty felt truly fucked as the last of her shaft plunged roughly inside with a wet gurgling pop, her cries of orgasmic bliss ringing like a bell as she came, feeling it in her nipples, her body, especially her back as two angel wings burst out her back and flapped madly as the freshly minted angel cooed from the floor.

"Mmm~ after such a rough fucking like that I could use something sweet and innocent. I wonder where Briefs is, I bet that Geek Boy would love to be my thousandth. Then again I'm so horny anyone would do..."


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